CS:Source is HL² multiplayer?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well, as we all know now, Half-Life²'s only multiplayer mode is Counter-Strike Source.

I understand that CS is certainly the most popular multiplayer FPS ever, but VALVe has to realize at some point that CS has nothing at all to do with Half-Life², except that the 2 games run on the same engine and that both are VALVe's property.

I mean who made CS in the first place? Wasn't it just some independent and free mod? What if Couter-Strike was a real time strategy game? Would they have still included it with Half-Life² and made no other multiplayer mode?

This is ridiculous, and VALVe probably knows it.
Let's just hope that the future free expansion packs will bring us a real Half-Life² deathmatch mode.

your about 2 months behind the rest of us but congrats anyway.
This topic has been discussed to death. Yes, CS:S is HL2's mulltiplayer. No, there is no HL2 themed DM. Whether there will be one is uncertain.
yes and this sucks.
We probably should mailbomb valve :p
Personally, I think CS sucks! It's not enough action, the weapons don't hit where you aim and everybody is just whining! Give me TFC, or better yet, TF2 and I'll be a happy man!
Yeah, pretty old news. We might still get a HL2 deathmatch later on. Who knows? I bet Valve would like to surprise us once.
CS:S is HL2's multiplayer. Get over it. We all know we'll be playing some excellent mods for HL2 in a few months time anyways. And I guarantee that someone will make a HL2:DM mod for all the deathmatch fans out there.
Dougy said:

your about 2 months behind the rest of us but congrats anyway.

Actually about 4 months behind for some of us. :)
Look at it this way:

Half-Life 2 has no multiplayer. But it comes with CS:Source as a bonus.
I only want HL2 for the single player anyway.
Long live q3 :)
KagePrototype said:
Look at it this way:

Half-Life 2 has no multiplayer. But it comes with CS:Source as a bonus.

That was my point. I just can't stand when Valve claims CSS is HL2 mp. :frown:
wilka91 said:
That was my point. I just can't stand when Valve claims CSS is HL2 mp. :frown:

Agreed. But I guess we don't have to wait long until HL2DM is here, either by a modteam or by Valve.

Long live the modding community!
Making this post goes against all I believe in but I think I have to do it. If there is a topic that has been done before and all you going to post is "OMG OLD NEWS" then don't post. I hope this post is the final bullet in the thread.
Look at it this way,I give it A week before someone creates a physics based Multiplayer.2 weeks before a fully fledged DM one.