CS weird video lag

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Eversince like 2days ago, whenever I play any source game, i still get good fps as I did before, but evrytime I move forward about 4 steps or so a weird like 1second video lag occurs, fps drops like 10, then back to normal, its strange. there is no choke, loss, and map/player count/ video detail/resolution has no effect whatsoever on this. This is occuring non stop and it is really hurting my eyes. Any1 with help?
i think i have the same prob. i have a pretty decent pc too. for me though, its not every 4 steps. 90% of the time, the freeze happens right as i see an enemy and like 10% just wherever it feels like i guess. no matter what settings i have, it still does it. some servers worse than others. its really annoying when you jump out from a corner and end up behind like 3 enemies and start shooting thinking your going to own them, then all of a sudden, they are gone and you are dead. and sometimes after i freeze, it shows all the dead bodies in my area falling as if something picked them up, and it also shows the ammunition / weapon icons on the right side of my screen as if i just bought them. wtf? i go to check my ping to see whats up and it stays normal. doesnt jump or nothin.
i figured.. i didnt wanna really make a new thread, just wanted to hijack yours.
Shove these in your autoexec file.

cl_interp 0.04
cl_interpolate 1
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1
cl_cmdrate 100
cl_updaterate 90
cl_rate 20000
cl_smooth 0
rate 25000

They *may* fix your problem,
Flamin-h said:
Shove these in your autoexec file.

cl_interp 0.04
cl_interpolate 1
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1
cl_cmdrate 100
cl_updaterate 90
cl_rate 20000
cl_smooth 0
rate 25000

They *may* fix your problem,

Thx, but still the same, even after this and the new update.