Cure for occasional Half-Life 2 and CS:S lag?

Dr. Dopper

Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Alright, I've had Half-Life 2 and CS:S for about two months now. Recently, I've gotten some occasional lag that happens while I play both Half-Life 2 and CS:S. This didn't happen when I first uploaded the games on my laptop, but now it seems to be happening all the time.

I've looked up ways to increase my FPS but nothing seems to work. I would appreciate any help if anyone would provide any. I will also provide any information that may help find the answer to my problem.
What's your vidcard?
More info, more. We can not help you out, without details ))
I believe it's the Mobile (R) 4 series express chipset family graphics card.
I do not know is this card powerful or not. Better to use GeForce)
Works good enough. Worked pretty well at the start, but now I don't know what went wrong. I have a theory it's some background programs causing the problem, but I don't know.
May be. Listen, I can write special .cfg file for you. Include it to your Source game, and it will (i hope) work faster. OK?
About background programs: what programs do you use?
Are you sure the lag is the FPS dropping too low? and not connected to your internet connection?

What kind of FPS are you getting cl_showfps 1 in the console, or net_graph 3 will do the job. (Change back to 0 to turn off)

Also, full system specs? CPU / RAM / Graphics. Have you fully updated your directx / graphics drivers?
sv_cheats 1
r_lod 0
mp_decals 0
cl_smooth 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_pushaway_force 0
fog_enable 0
cl_show_bloodsprays 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_c4dynamiclight 0
mat_picmip 1
r_modellodscale 0.1
r_WaterDrawReflection 0
r_mmx 1
r_sse 1
r_sse2 1
r_3dnow 1
r_3dsky 0
r_shadows 0
cl_allowupload 0
cl_allowdownload 0

This code optimized for CSS.
Try use it, but I think the problem is background prgms. :)
^^ won't that not make the game look like shit. All it seems to do is set the game below the lowest setting which would look awful
Dr. Dropper - when you're playing HL2(or CSS), press Ctrl+Alt+Del and set small priority to programs with big priority. It may help.
I'll try some of the suggestions you all prescribed and see what will help. I also did some more research and found that it may be this stuttering issue that many HL2 users have been getting.

I also defraged my files. May have helped a small bit, but not much.