CVG releases new high-resolution e3 footage


May 29, 2003
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0 have obtained high-resolution video of the drivable buggy scene from the e3 shakycam footage, as well as a section of the Strider scene. There is other footage that has already been released in bink, too; the G-Man and Kleiner's Lab parts. The video comes in .wmv format, as opposed to the bink format that the other direct feed videos have recieved, but the sound and visual quality should still be relatively high.

The site does require you to register in order to download the video, but it's free, and doesn't take long to complete.

At time of writing, the download servers are extremely congested, so expect a wait, or alternatively find another download link if possible.

seen it all before apart from the G-man shot at the end with the flashing light... wheres that from?

I like the way you can hear the striders footsteps... thats gonna be well scary :)
bah, theres a 200 ppl limit on that server....
any1 with a mirror?
yeah, a mirror would be great. seems like everyone's going for that vid at once.
When it tries to download, it boots up WMP, but then it gives me this message : "Windows cannot find the specified file. Be sure the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist at the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored is offline."
Anyone know what to do?
Do you have Bittorrent? otherwise you wont be able to download .torrent files.. you can find the bittorrent on

aww god, it is really awesome - im actually dl the movie at full speed smoother than ever!!! :bounce:
tnx zombie 4 share!
ye im downloading the torrent now, great!

cant wait to see the buggy vid in highres!
unfortunately i'm going to remove that torrent from filerush as CVG put their logo on it which might become a copyright issue even though the video is not of their stuff... sorry guys. maybe someone will post it on *cough*
Can anyone post a torrent link please? It would certainly help.
zombie, i can't see the point - they have stick their watermark on the movie so if i setup a mirror to their file they have only to say "thank you!"
by the way this is my contribute: CLICK THIS to download - not a fast server but is anyway a mirror
Awesome! Thanks half-man. I was downloading at a pathetic 1K before you sent that link. All done now. :D
I was sent a cease and desist letter because of this type of thing.. the video footage is publicly available elsewhere, but because they slap their logo on it, it's considered copyrighted and they'll go after you over it.. sucks, but true. It all depends on how much that particular site in question cares about following up on such things.
I dont know... I just watched this back to back against the earlier e3 hi res 600MB mov file...this one has no antialiasing, where the earlier one has it, and I can make out more detail on the submarine in the earlier movie as well.

So...same sh!t different day....
omg, teh vido is t3h suxx0rz, lol, its just the same old footage put into wmv format.
yeah, but the sound is excellent on this one. the sounds for the rocket launcher kick much butt.
Happy I am not, I have spent the best part of three days downloading this using getright from CVG at less than 1K (half-man's link didnt work for me) .

Same footage, although slightly better quality. The only problem is I could have downloaded the entire 600MB E3 video in 3 hours.

I would like to see somthing new, maybe the game!!! Only 7 days!!!!!!

I'll believe it when I see it on the shelves.
Yeah, that main place to download the video, i get like 1kb/sec, and Half-Man's download wont work anymore, either A. he took the file off or B. it's down at the moment, does anyone else have another mirror, i cant find it on kazaa or shareaza.
it worx fine pal...
try to right-click and do a "save as" - keep in mind that is a wmf file - i think u got probs with that codec