

Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Not sure if i posted this here or not, but i've been working SLOWLY on a mod for half-life 2 over the past few months, it's coming a long well but no where near a demo release yet.

Story Line:
Staring at the tiled ceiling, wondering why you had to pull the trigger that night. Rolling out of bed and looking around the room at the small artifacts you have left from once called home.
Standing up and walking out of the cell to the door revealing a huge prison full of guards overwatching the prisoners. Walking out of the cell and heading down the cat walk, you hear someone whispering something to you..

"I hear they are taking us away from the prison for some sort of experiment, we have a plan on getting out of here but you have to pitch in or we are all ****ed"

Development is a half-life 2 modification purely made out of dev textures of which the player takes place in a combine prison where you live the life as an ordinary prisoner, until you are told of human DNA experimentation going on behind the locked doors of which the prisoners are used as text subjects.
Do not take a step into the laboratory unless you wish to be eaten by something more than just a zombie.


For more info, go to

Also if anyone would like to give the team a hand with things such as models, music, skinning, concept art or voice acting, let me know and I'm sure we can sort something out :)