Diablo III launch thread. Post your battletags.

Caved and got it, people kept hassling me to play oh no I'm so mega popular. I'm BadHat#1551. Already added everyone in the thread.
I believed you to be a man of taste. I hope your friends don't start playing Russian Roulette.
Anyone have an extra guest pass they could give away? I've got the digital version and a buddy of mine really wants to check it out. No clue why they didn't include the passes for the digital version...

Edit: I'll gift you a copy of Anomaly: Warzone on steam if someone is kind enough to send me one.
People's accounts being hacked just from playing in a public game. Wasn't the whole forcing you to play on Blizzard's servers thing supposed to be to protect from hacking exploits?

I dont think so. It's in place to monitor hackers in-game, such as bots. No exploits have been noted yet.

And it has so far been successful at anti-piracy, but it's mainly in place for co-op and the 'you dont want it but we're shoving it down your throat to blind you from the real reason' auction house.

But anyway, much as I am loving the game, part of me knew that some things would go wrong on release, but you cant help but wonder what the frack Blizzard have been doing.

Login server basically crashing on release night? No logins until 2 hours after due-release. Emergency server maintenance the next evening. Emergency server maintenance on sunday afternoon. Now this account hacking.

I mean, part of me understands the problems happening. You cant completely predict these situations with the servers. But, surely the beta gave them an incling into what to expect. It's like they saw the pre-order figures and instead of having more servers, just went 'yeah, that'll do'.

At the same time, I would expect this from some small company or one that is trying an online feature for the first time, but Blizzard have 10 million people on WoW, and more money than god.

SURELY, they could have spent more money on servers and used ALL their launches since WoW, all the expansions etc, that have all had problems on launch to go ''you know what guys, we're always having login issues, we should fix this''. Rather overcompensate and lose a bit of money, potentially, over time, than deal with a reputation-destroying issue such as servers crashing, just fueling the fire of hatred for the DRM requiring a connection to a so-called singleplayer game (which, Diablo isnt, so that argument is completely retarded).

The forums are hilarious reading though. ''Just add more servers, **ck you Blizzard, I want my money back!''. Yeah, like adding servers takes 2 seconds. Christ.

My views on Blizzard though as a result of the launch, while sales may be great, I mean it's the fastest selling PC game on Amazon, most pre-ordered Blizzard game etc etc, the launch problems doesnt help PC gaming in general, and THIS is the only reason I am mad at Blizzard for Diablo 3.

Yes, consoles are shit, and are destroying the industry, but when shit like this happens from a company as big as Blizzard, the incentive for people to move BACK to PCs is just withering away. Scrap all this DRM bull, accept that people will pirate regardless, and ***king move on.

And this connection issue is a big problem, it's even making news on TV, and this hacking is just making it worse. Couple that with Inferno being 'too easy' and people claiming they have already finished and wanting to know what to do now, and you have a pretty bad launch.

This isnt just a blow to Blizzard, but to PC gaming.
Why would they want to have more servers to fix the launch issues? Servers cost money and obviously the issues haven't deterred gamers from buying because the game has sold a metric ****ton of copies. The issues go away by themselves after a little pit as the player numbers settle down and Bizzard saves a lot of money on server costs. And people will do it again. Gamers continue to preorder games even though game launches continue to be disastrous. There is no incentive for developers and publisher to have smoother launches because shitloads of people buy the games anyway.
Servers cost money .
I hate this excuse so much.



Yeah guys servers totally cost 1.5 million a month to maintain, that's why monthly fees are justified!
Acepilotf14 did you even read the rest of my post? I was not justifying it and saying it was ok. I was saying Blizzard are doing the intelligent (and underhanded and awful) business practice because there is no economical reason for them not to. Gamers buy that shit anyway and all the hate calms down after a week, so why the **** shouldn't they? For profit companies are not going to fix bad practices as long as it makes them more money and right now it's making them more money to do shitty launches than good ones because gamers are a stupid impatient lot that NEED TO PLAY DIABLO III RIGHT NOW OMG I'LL PAY ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY WITHOUT WAITING FOR REVIEWS TO SEE IF IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD OR HAS TERRIBLE ISSUES I SHOULD BE AWARE OF.

Guess what everyone who's getting a shitty laggy singleplayer game: It's been known for months that you'd be running the game as a pseudo-MMO and if you'd have waited a few days before buying it you would have know about the sorts of issues people were having. You can blame Blizzard (and of course it is their fault) but these bad practices are being rewarded by gamers who are buying the shit out of the game, so why the hell should they stop?
I hate this excuse so much.



Yeah guys servers totally cost 1.5 million a month to maintain, that's why monthly fees are justified!

I'm not saying I don't hate monthly fees as much as the next guy, but I don't think you understand how businesses / capitalism works.
I'm not saying I don't hate monthly fees as much as the next guy, but I don't think you understand how businesses / capitalism works.

I'd rather people say 'they are hungry jews looking for more money' than some bad justification like 'they need the money to upkeep servers/pay their five coders!'

Acepilotf14 did you even read the rest of my post?
I know it's just those specific words bug the shit out of me.
Anyone else think that the fact that gold is shared throughout your account is bullshit? Me and my girlfriend both play on my account and I spent all the money on auction house stuff.. So she has no money now since I didn't know... Like really? Do I have to buy another copy of the game just to have separate golds? **** you blizzard.
I think it's awesome. Maybe it doesn't work in your case, but I never liked starting from absolute scratch in Diablo 2 when I had to make a new character.
Would've been better if they just implemented character sharing, like I could transfer stuff between characters. In Diablo 2 you had to go in a room, drop some shit, hope no one finds it, and come in with another character. Would just be easier if you could give gold and items to another of your characters, or maybe a shared stash or something. It'd be nice to have a choice in the matter..
Would've been better if they just implemented character sharing, like I could transfer stuff between characters. In Diablo 2 you had to go in a room, drop some shit, hope no one finds it, and come in with another character. Would just be easier if you could give gold and items to another of your characters, or maybe a shared stash or something. It'd be nice to have a choice in the matter..

I haven't played since the beta, so it may have been changed, but from what I remember, the stash is shared.
Hmm, it might be. I've only made 1 character thus far and my girlfriend is like level 15 and probably hasnt used the stash yet.. But still: now that you can share between characters like that, if you start a new one, you can just put all the gold and items they need in your stash. Why make the gold sharing universal? Even if no one else was using my account. So I buy something awesome for one of my characters, and all have to suffer having no gold?
Suddenly, Blizzard passwords aren't case sensitive. Not in D3, not SC2, not WoW.
Stash is shared.

I like the shared gold. I can see why it would annoy some people, but do you really think any company would cater to multiple people playing on a single account for any reason? That's actually the opposite of good business sense.
Stash is shared.

I like the shared gold. I can see why it would annoy some people, but do you really think any company would cater to multiple people playing on a single account for any reason? That's actually the opposite of good business sense.
Even if no one else was using my account. So I buy something awesome for one of my characters, and all have to suffer having no gold?
But... you know it's shared now, so just leave some gold there for your other characters?
Both posts by that Blizzard guy literally made my jaw drop. The **** are they thinking?

I always thought they WERE case sensitive, and I've been capitalizing certain letters this whole time...
His attitude just makes me mad. It's just 'we don't care'.

And I'm sure WoW passwords used to be case sensitive. When the hell did they change it? The Battle.net merge?
I've been using this word a lot lately - that is colossally stupid of Blizzard. Especially in light of accounts being hacked and stolen.
Great. Servers down again without warning except "Servers will be shutting down in 5 minutes" in game chat and a very vague Twitter post after-the-fact.
I haven't been able to play since they released the patch today.. ****ing bullshit. I'd rather have waited another month for release and have a game I can actually play then deal with this. It's not even the servers (well now it is), the patch ****ed my game up and I'm not sure if they can fix it or not, I might have to reinstall.

This sucks, we can't even play single player for ****s sake. I feel like this was such a waste of my money to buy.

This post sounds more angry then it is, but there still is anger.

I'm going to go play Stalker :yorick:
So it's been a little while since it got released, how is everyone finding this game?

Personally I beat it Normal and Nightmare with my Monk, made a Wizard, got to level 5 and haven't played it for about a week.
So it's been a little while since it got released, how is everyone finding this game?

Personally I beat it Normal and Nightmare with my Monk, made a Wizard, got to level 5 and haven't played it for about a week.
Got to lvl 22 with my monk, then started a new demon hunter so I could play along with a friend who doesn't have a full-time job and is wayyy ahead of me with his first character (we both got the game at launch).

But then the weekend ended. I simply don't have time for this game.
I'm getting these ****ing hitches that make it annoying as hell to play the game... so I'm waiting for a patch or calling it quits I guess.

@hypocrisy LolOlol
I thought you'd already called it quits?
I log in, kill a few creeps, get bored, log out.

I think it'd be fun as an hour of stress relief a couple times a week if the stutter bug wasn't a problem for me.
Finished it on my DH. Worst, most cliched ****ing fantasy dialog I ever done heard, grats Blizz you really raised the bar. On the other hand it's a pretty fun way to kill time so I've been playing while burning through podcasts and stuff. Wish I could find a skill/rune setup that I like half as well as the one I've been using for like 10 levels now.
Playing this game just makes me fantasize about Diablo 2 and how I wish I was playing it.
I was just playing a realized they did do something pretty cool.

When your in nightmare or hell and you come upon either a group of champion enemies or a boss enemy it is really difficult sometimes. And when you exhaust all your skills and use tons of potions and finally kill that enemy: It is satisfying as all hell.

I'm noticing this just starting hell specifically. When I see a boss or champion I just think '****. here we go' and a 5-10 minute battle for my life ensues. Usually ending with me dying, but when I get that kill it's great.

I just hate this 'cooldown' shit. Ever since WoW made it popular. I thought D2's system worked well. Get a good belt with like 4 rows and just press 1-4 for your potions. Whats wrong with that?
Spamming potions was dull, the only gameplay dynamic to it was predicting and healing damage spikes, which were often random. Having to play smartly and prevent incoming damage is much more compelling to me. The health globes become a pretty interesting way to supplement the unreliability of potions because they require you to move around the field, often putting yourself at more potential risk in order to avoid death. That is, when you get past normal mode and actually have to face the prospect of a challenge.

Anyone been to the "cow" level? It's pretty hilarious.
I'm mid way through act 3 and thoroughly bored of this game.