Did any one think some the achievements are a little silly?

Um, I would like there to be an option to turn off notification, but I really think there's no point complaining about any of the individual achievements. There is no tangible benefit to doing them other than bragging rights anyway, so if you don't do the gnome achievement then...you don't get to brag about dragging the gnome through the game. So what?

I imagine Valve chucked in this achievement after seeing how some people behaved with Dog's ball in HL2, dragging it as far as possible. It is solely for people like those.
I find the Portal achievements welcome. I like having written acknowledgment that i've solved certain challenges, and that my brain and reflexes are too shit for the hardest ones!

Plus you can compare E-Penii with people. Behold!
Maybe when you finish them all there's an Ep3 trailer. :eek:
Unless it downloads remotely or something bizarre, someone would have found it by now. Though by the time I get the 'Aperture Science' achievement, Episode 3 will probably be out :p
Um...what notifications are you guys talking about? I got lots of the achievements and never once was notified of anything...it was perfect that way, really...hmmm...
Um...what notifications are you guys talking about? I got lots of the achievements and never once was notified of anything...it was perfect that way, really...hmmm...

Lower right corner of screen, pop-up every now and then telling how far you are from achieving some achievement.
Lower right corner of screen, pop-up every now and then telling how far you are from achieving some achievement.

Huh...I was never notified. Newest graphics drivers etc etc and nothing. Oh well, better for me I guess...
Slightly off-topic, but is there a way to just spawn the little gnome via the developers console? And if so, would that gnome register for the acheivement? Even if you only turned cheats on for those few seconds, would you not get the achievement? Until I read this thread, I wasn't even aware cheats affected achievements. I had 5/6 of the advanced portal maps done, and was stuck on the last one; so I used cheats and it still gave me the 6/6 Advanced map achievement.

I can see both sides of the issue in this thread. The super easy ones do ruin the immersion; but I think they were implemented to kind of provoke players to try for the harder ones. Like others have said, you can just as easily ignore them. It's highly likely that PC players dont get anything special for 100%ing the game. The appeal of achievements are for the XBOX360 owners who can get gamer points. Unfortunately there's no system like that for the PC, but it was easy enough for Valve to port them over just as some fun (some greatly unfun) side quests to up the replayability of the game a bit.

However, for completionists like myself, who need to do and see absolutely everything in a game, yes they can be grinding and torturous. Game makers don't cater to our kind when designing a game, so it's just a cross we have to bear. You can't really blame the developers for your own personality quirks that drive you to complete insane tasks like the Little Space Man achievement.

Hey, it could be worse. Anyone found all of the gaps in some of the latest Tony Hawk games?;)
Yesh, the pop-ups actually break up the immersion quite badly.

True, it breaks immersion, but not enough so that it really ruins anything. It also adds replay value to the game.
Didnt bother me at all...though they only appeared half the time, it was actually fun tracking my progress in how may NPCs I had run down or how many cameras I had dismounted from the walls...
If you thought the gnome one was insane, wait until you see the "don't pickup any health in ep1" and "shoot only ONE bullet in the entire game" acheivements.