Didn't Valve say that we will get 2 new models in december?

@licomb said:
like what?

VAC2, DOD:S, TFC:S (possibly), Team Fortress 2, possible expansion packs, hl3.. etc.
Dipso said:
VAC= Valve Anti Cheat ;)

he was trying to make a point... that apparently went right over your head.. ;)

(vac2 doesnt need moddelers and mapers and so the excuse that theyre busy with vac2 isnt valid)

but they have a bunch of other stuff to do besides vac2. look in my above post
VALVe made a vague statment about the models.

Let's look back.

VALVe made a vague statment about Half-Life 2, didn't they? Were they off? Yea. By a lot? Yea.

So, c'mon, why start going and believing them now?
Yeah they did say that, but they gave us some good fixes and a good new map. Lets be patient now :)
hmm if they said it would be released then expect it next christmas and further more be happy ya got them then.