Do Gunnars work?


Space Core
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
Hello friend, i've recently got back into some "hardcore" gaming after a few months break. Been working hard on WoW arenas and grinding my face off in Diablo 3 & Path of Exile, as well as the occasional round of TF2. My eyes have been getting really dry and itchy after a few hours of starring at the screen. I have never had this happen to me before so i began searching the interwebz for solutions and i stumbled across I have never heard of these and I've read mostly mixed reviews.

So, do these Gunnars really work? Or should i not waste my money and find a cheaper solution?
Thanks in advance.
Been working hard on WoW arenas and grinding my face off in Diablo 3
I think I know how to fix your eye problem.
Shouldn't you be out flying the Union flag and protesting?

Nope. I'm the other kind. Sitting at home facepalming.

And in this context the correct spelling is "fleg".
Hello friend, i've recently got back into some "hardcore" gaming after a few months break. Been working hard on WoW arenas and grinding my face off in Diablo 3 & Path of Exile, as well as the occasional round of TF2. My eyes have been getting really dry and itchy after a few hours of starring at the screen. I have never had this happen to me before so i began searching the interwebz for solutions and i stumbled across I have never heard of these and I've read mostly mixed reviews.

So, do these Gunnars really work? Or should i not waste my money and find a cheaper solution?
Thanks in advance.
Blink more.
I don't know. I tried to talk Soup into buying me a pair, but he kept yelling at me. I believe they could work, but I mean I think it's just the fact that you have some kind of shielding betwix your eyes.

I use F.lux for night time. It changes the screen's temperature meaning it makes it look warmer in the night because that's easier on the eyes. The problem is, it only sometimes works with games. Some games will completely override the program and other's will allow it to run. So.... there's that.

You shouldn't use your computer with the lights off.
:) I remember you showing me that program before. If i remember correctly it did work in WoW.

Much cheaper than this eyewear so i'm gonna give it a shot and see if it helps.
Thanks Shammy!


Get an eye examination. Usually prescriptions apply to eye strain not just quality of vision.
Also gamer glasses don't work. You're better off doing the most healthy thing by taking breaks and not using the computer in low light conditions.
Well, I downloaded F.lux and used it last night while I pulled a marathon 6pm-4am gaming session. I can't say I really felt it worked. I didn't get a single headache but my eyes hurt just as bad this morning. So, I'm not sure what to do next.

Get an eye examination.

I use to wear glasses back in the dizzay to correct Strabismus in my left eye. After it was fixed i never put them on again. I've always had 20/20.

Take more semi-regular breaks, you silly bear.
You're better off doing the most healthy thing by taking breaks .

Not enough time for that!!
Yeah, it's really up to common sense in those situations.
You're human, face it.
Yes, clearly my question was an attack.. Look how mean and agressive i was.
Ok, chill out everyone.

I echo what ríomhaire said, plus Bad^Hat you're dumb for calling other people dumb.

Shit posts deleted.
Everyone needs to calm down in here.

Also, I'm hungry. Does food work? :( get back to the OP

I own Gunnars from my Best Buy days when we got a decent discount. In short: yes, they work -- but if you're making use of them, you're probably playing games way too often.

They do dull the colors and that is why you won't actually see any MLG or SC2/MOBA players wearing them. They reduce eye strain decently but are not worth the price unless you are a seriously dedicated gaming addict.
Woot usually has them on there for a severely reduced price. I debated picking up a pair for $30 but decided against it.
Well, I decided to go ahead and snag a pair. They should be in sometime this week. I don't really plan on wearing them just to casually play, but when the GF isn't here and I get the day to myself to marathon a game, I'll throw them on.