"Do Not Be a Goddamned Liar", from Shit My Dad Says: The Book


Feb 3, 2005
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Killer read: Do Not Be a Goddamned Liar.

(An excerpt from Shit My Dad Says: The Book)


"Look, we're basically on earth to shit and ****. So unless your job's to help people shit or ****, it's not that important, so relax."

"No. Humans will die out. We're weak. Dinosaurs survived on rotten flesh. You got diarrhea last week from a Wendy's."

"They're offended? ****, shit, asshole, shit****; they're just words...Fine. Shit**** isn't a word, but you get my point."

I'm 29. I live with my 74-year-old dad.
He is awesome.
I just write down shit that he says.

Justin Halpern tosses lightning bolts of laughter out of his pocket like he is shooting dice in a back alley. In one sweep of a paragraph, he ranges from hysterical to disgusting to touching—and does it all seamlessly. Sh*t My Dad Says is a really, really funny and addicting book.
Justin Halpern’s dad is up there with Aristotle and Winston F*cking Churchill. He's brilliant, and his son's book is absolutely hilarious.
This stuff is gold. And the book is less than $10 at Amazon right now.
"Universe is 14 billion years old. Seems silly to celebrate one year. Be like having a ****ing parade every time i take a piss."

hahahha, great stuff.
"Stop trying so hard. He doesn't like you. Jesus, don't kiss an ass if it's in the process of shitting on you."


I'm definitely buying this book.
"Don't start a story with This is SO funny. Be like saying My dick's huge before you screw. Even if you're right you sound like an asshole."

“Yes I got him a gift. He had a kidney stone. You piss a rock through your pecker, you deserve more than just a pat on the ****ing back."

Amazing. Anyone who says pecker is alright by me.
I seen this at the book store a few days ago and was going to buy it but had no money...
Could you not afford it because of how lame you are?
"“You seen my cell phone?...What’s it look like? Like two horses ****ing. It’s a phone, son. It looks like a phone.""
Gonna buy this soon.
The zombies will get you, nonbeliever.

But yeah, this looks good enough to get. Or at least to keep up with this thread so you can all keep quoting.
If I see this in a bookstore, I will buy it
Purchased on Kindle last night and I've read over half of it. That is an indication of quality, not length.