Do Not Listen To Mainstream Media

Do you believe we have been taking by Corporate Fascists?

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Aug 21, 2004
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0 (notice the title says "google news.." a dead giveaway that google now pre approves it's front page articles according to a certain media corporation.)

How could Wall Street Journal completely avoid Ron Paul? His numbers have obviously been manipulated at this point. Who owns Wall Street Journal??

Rupert Murdoch owns it.

Murdoch HATES Paul and is actively helping Hillary's campaign.

It was bought last year by Rupert Murdoch.....also owns FOX news

I was hoping to get such responses... Rupert! It seems as though the corporations that own the media outlets are freely exercising their false news that led us into the Iraq War through *GASP* CORPORATE FASCISM!!!..

A movie about Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism. A must watch for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

The true enemies are well exposed...

Someone who hates freedom.


The only candidate that ENDORSES FREEDOM?

None other than Ron Paul.

I had hoped we would have outgrown the obsession with the MSM by now. What good is writing about Paul, if all they are going to do is report his low poll #s?

The only thing that matters right now is a top 3 finish in Iowa and a top 2 finish in NH. This campaign will either get started in 2 weeks, or it will meekly be crawling into Super Tuesday having verified that Dr. Paul is no better than a 3rd or 4th candidate, in a race with only one winner.

Time to get serious about the things that matter. Has everyone here registered to vote? Registered Republican? Registered their family members? Know what day their caucus/primary is? Have you arranged time off of school/work, and transportation?

It's hero time. Time to shine.


Very much agreed, and I was just attempting to expose the blatant attack to our civil liberties to those that call us "Truthers".

The MSM created the term TRUTHERS people.


Please, seek the truth.

Ron Paul (a freedom loving american) is brave enough to tell people to watch the online movie...

"Freedom To Facism"

...In a time of deceit...telling the truth, is a revolutionary act.


Keep this thread up, it has some important videos...

Thomas Payne had his pamphlet during the American ahem Revolution.. They were named common sense. I would love these videos to bring our fellow Americans that have yet to see the truth the common sense that Thomas Paine's writings gave our true brave revolutionaries.

Link to Common Sense:
Big words and revelations make me scared. All I've gathered from the upcoming poll is that Hilary Clinton is a bitch.

So how bout them rabbits?
This belongs in politics. And crazy Ron Paul supporters scare me. I mean I like Ron Paul, but most of the people who support him are crazy.
This belongs in politics. And crazy Ron Paul supporters scare me. I mean I like Ron Paul, but most of the people who support him are crazy.

I'm sorry if I come off as crazy. Passionate I understand, but I don't know how I'm crazy. Be more constructive with your criticism, please.
It's because his supporters believe in some conspiracy that the mass media is out to get Ron Paul. I just don't buy the conception that the media is conspiring against him.
The entire post sounds like a paranoid schizo conspiracy theorist afraid THE MAN is out to get him.
Ron Paul is a delusional idiot, so I'm pretty sure what Murdoch does is for the better.

EDIT: With kind words to sublidieminal:

It's because his supporters believe in some conspiracy that the mass media is out to get Ron Paul. I just don't buy the conception that the media is conspiring against him.

I provided many links that you obviously did not view. Until you know my views (view the movies at LEAST) could you spare the pretense that I am remotely crazy?

Since when is someone that cares about where our country is headed, considered crazy?
Since when is someone trying to promote freedom (go figure), considered crazy?
Since when does someone that is trying to open the public to a truth that may not be seen by enough to make a difference, considered crazy?


Please, watch my links. As an american, you deserve to know... you live but one life. It's not theirs.

If you are a fan of sermons, here is an exposee on the bankers that oppress our american's economic freedom:
Can I get a witness!! haha Seriously can you please, at least vow... for our futures sake, that you will pay some attention to these "conspiracies"? Realizing the truth, can be very liberating.. And I'm all for liberty, peace, and freedom for all. Including those who voice their dissent.. we're all in this together, please reconsider your assesment.
The entire post sounds like a paranoid schizo conspiracy theorist afraid THE MAN is out to get him.

Oh come on now it's not as bad kathuksung.

And I have watched your videos sublidieminal, still crazy.
Just for clarification:
World of Warcraft is the best game ever, I reccomend it to anyone.

I would sell my body to continously pay for it... that is if I didn't have the cash :D

Not exactly the words of a completely sane person in my humble opinion.

I have no doubt that there are things that happen that are manipulated behind the scenes by governments and the media to give biased viewpoints (In your country moreso than my own), that will always happen, as unfortunate as it may be. What concerns me is the fact that a minority (or majority in some cases) of people will believe everything that say Fox News will tell them and not get a variety of news sources of a more reputable nature and evaluate their own opinions, because they aren't exactly putting an informed vote on the ballot paper.
Ron Paul is just as nuts as his supporters. Anyone who thinks a pseudo-anarchist state in modern times is viable is just delusional.
Just for clarification:

Not exactly the words of a completely sane person in my humble opinion.

I have no doubt that there are things that happen that are manipulated behind the scenes by governments and the media to give biased viewpoints (In your country moreso than my own), that will always happen, as unfortunate as it may be. What concerns me is the fact that a minority (or majority in some cases) of people will believe everything that say Fox News will tell them and not get a variety of news sources of a more reputable nature and evaluate their own opinions, because they aren't exactly putting an informed vote on the ballot paper.

Most Ron Paul supporters view fox news just as bad.
Oh come on now it's not as bad kathuksung.

And I have watched your videos sublidieminal, still crazy.

Okay, first you watched the videos, now for the second part... disprove what the movies bring to the forefront of ALL OF OUR ECONOMIC issues. What in the movies are crazy? People that dismiss these films have proven time and time again to have no real stance against them, other than they are crazy.. or kooky.

For the person that quotes me on a post that mustve been over a year old, I will admit.. I was insane for ever paying a dime for world of warcrack. I can assure you, people do leave the grips of that game.
Actually that post was from 2004, and it was on your first page of searching for your posts. What have you been doing in exile? (rhetorical question of sorts - don't bother answering)

Also, isn't the so-called "propaganda machine" usually working for the republican party? What changed?
Actually that post was from 2004, and it was on your first page of searching for your posts. What have you been doing in exile? (rhetorical question of sorts - don't bother answering)

Also, isn't the so-called "propaganda machine" usually working for the republican party? What changed?

The Republican candidate Ron Paul represents the views of a true republican conservative, while the rest are labeled neo-conservatives. The republican party has lost it's way in the US, and it's not on accident.
I voted yes.

Really I just think the phrase "corporate fascism" sounds really cool.
Since when is someone that cares about where our country is headed, considered crazy?
patriotism is the same as religious fanaticism. both require you to blindly believe that your way is best, not question it, parade/preach to others about it, and die to defend it.

Since when is someone trying to promote freedom (go figure), considered crazy?
bush, iraq, invasion to "free" the country from saddam... any of this seeping in to your head?

Since when does someone that is trying to open the public to a truth that may not be seen by enough to make a difference, considered crazy?
are you serious? suicide bombers are trying to "open the public to a truth that may not be seen by enough to make a difference" etc. so is every nut-job that wears tin foil hats.

also, keep your politics in the politic section. i avoid it like the plague, because i cant help but reply to stupid threads like this and tell the op what a moron they are.
patriotism is the same as religious fanaticism. both require you to blindly believe that your way is best, not question it, parade/preach to others about it, and die to defend it.


Patriotism is love for your own country, made apparent by learning it's history, preserving traditions (not necessarily adhering to them) and generally making it a better place.

Nationalism is what you are mentioning.
Doesn't Ron Paul want to dissolve the border between the United States and Canada/Mexico? Create a North American Union? I don't claim to know anything about politics but I think I saw an anti-Ron Paul commercial about that. If true, he would be the crazy one.

However to discuss the original topic, I don't believe anyone here (or should I say any intelligent person) believes anything they hear/see on the television or "The Mainstream Media". I always laugh when others are watching the news.

By the way, your post reminds me one of those stupid forwarded e-mails that are sent by right-wing soccer moms. Just thought I'd let you know.
Scary Title. Rhetorical question. Statistic. Opinion. Argument.
Ru Paul is my hero! Work it!

one nation
under God
has turned into
one nation under the influence
of one drug

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

T.V., it
satellite links
our United States of Unconsciousness
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive
The methadone metronome pumping out
150 channels 24 hours a day
you can flip through all of them
and still there's nothing worth watching
T.V. is the reason why less than 10 per cent of our
Nation reads books daily
Why most people think Central Amerika
means Kansas
Socialism means unamerican
and Apartheid is a new headache remedy
absorbed in it's world it's so hard to find us
It shapes our mind the most
maybe the mother of our Nation
should remind us
that we're sitting too close to...

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

T.V. is
the stomping ground for political candidates
Where bears in the woods
are chased by Grecian Formula'd
bald eagles
T.V. is mechanized politic's
remote control over the masses
co-sponsored by environmentally safe gases
watch for the PBS special
It's the perpetuation of the two party system
where image takes precedence over wisdom
Where sound bite politics are served to
the fastfood culture
Where straight teeth in your mouth
are more important than the words
that come out of it
Race baiting is the way to get selected
Willie Horton or
Will he not get elected on...

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

T.V., is it the reflector or the director?
Does it imitate us
or do we imitate it
because a child watches 1500 murders before he's
twelve years old and we wonder why we've created
a Jason generation that learns to laugh
rather than to abhor the horror
T.V. is the place where
armchair generals and quarterbacks can
experience first hand
the excitement of warfare
as the theme song is sung in the background
Sugar sweet sitcoms
that leave us with a bad actor taste while
pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars
You saw the video
You heard the soundtrack
Well now go buy the soft drink
Well, the onla cola that I support
would be a union C.O.L.A.(Cost Of Living Allowance)
On television

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

Back again, "New and improved"
We return to our irregularly programmed schedule
hidden cleverly between heavy breasted
beer and car commercials
CNN ESPN ABC TNT but mostly B.S.
Where oxymoronic language like
"virtually spotless", "fresh frozen"
"light yet filling" and "military intelligence"
have become standard
T.V. is the place where phrases are redefined
like "recession" to "necessary downturn"
"Crude oil" on a beach to "mousse"
"Civilian death" to "collateral damages"
and being killed by your own Army
is now called "friendly fire"
T.V. is the place where the pursuit
of happiness has become the pursuit of
Where toothpaste and cars have become
sex objects
Where imagination is sucked out of children
by a cathode ray nipple
T.V. is the only wet nurse
that would create a cripple

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
patriotism is the same as religious fanaticism. both require you to blindly believe that your way is best, not question it, parade/preach to others about it, and die to defend it.

bush, iraq, invasion to "free" the country from saddam... any of this seeping in to your head?

are you serious? suicide bombers are trying to "open the public to a truth that may not be seen by enough to make a difference" etc. so is every nut-job that wears tin foil hats.

also, keep your politics in the politic section. i avoid it like the plague, because i cant help but reply to stupid threads like this and tell the op what a moron they are.

You obviously haven't recognized Ron Paul's brand of freedom my friend. He promotes freedom through non-intervention, reducing the size of government, and fixing our tax system (which you would have learned is absurd by now, by watching Freedom to Fascism).

Why reduce the size of government? They take good care of a lot of people no? Tell that to the hundreds of war veterans that arent getting benefits. Tell that to the war veteran that had to BUY his own purple heart. The truth is, power corrupts... and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

Ron Paul recognizes that our country was built on a constitution that promotes this freedom I'm talking about, and I'm just asking you all to reconsider government taking care of us from cradle to grave... because I only trust ME with MY LIFE. I KNOW WHAT I WANT. Do they? Do they even care?

You decide.
Ron Paul has clearly mastered the art of mind control and is now practicing his powers on millions of hapless citizens who go to post things like this.

In all seriousness, the fanatic Ron Paul propaganda is getting a little weird. Have fun being a libertarian, by all means, but he's not the be-all end-all of anything, and he's not the only libertarian in the world either.

Most of the Ron Paul supporters I've seen don't understand one or more of the following:
-The system of checks and balances, and the Supreme Court's role in this
-The idea that the Constitution must be flexible and adaptable to fit new problems that couldn't have been anticipated when it was written, and therefore the Supreme Court needs to make broad interpretations of the document. If they didn't, we'd have to write a new Constitution every five years.
-What the Constitution actually says. I've had a Ron Paul supporter tell me that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional because of the tenth amendment. The tenth amendment simply states that any power not delegated to the federal government is left to the states. The ruling of Roe v. Wade was based off the fourth amendment, and thus it's a power given to the federal government. When I explained this to him, and pointed out other instances where the Supreme Court made a ruling based on a broad interpretation of the Constitution (i.e. minimum wage laws), he decided that they shouldn't be able to do that. O HAY PREVIOUS 2 POINTZ, WUT U DOIN HERE?
-That his policies wouldn't actually help them. Jesus. Seriously. Unless you're a multi-million dollar company owner, his policies are going to screw you over. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE, BRO

Basically, he has one good idea (getting out of Iraq), and the rest is bullshit. :D
I tentatively agree, here.
Ron Paul has clearly mastered the art of mind control and is now practicing his powers on millions of hapless citizens who go to post things like this.

In all seriousness, the fanatic Ron Paul propaganda is getting a little weird. Have fun being a libertarian, by all means, but he's not the be-all end-all of anything, and he's not the only libertarian in the world either.

I tentatively agree, here.

Ron Paul hasn't inspired my thoughts, he's just the first politician that recognizes my thoughts. A huge percentage of Ron Paul supporters would agree, Ron Paul has cured their political apathy. Ever wonder why such a large population of America doesn't even vote? Amongst those people, are people that know their vote doesnt matter, because in the end... We will be stuck with someone that wants to extend governments hand into my house (cough patriot act cough), and destroy what this country was built on.

George Bush has been quoted in saying "The constitution, its just a piece of paper"

"I wish I could just be dictator"

Friends, you can have freedom, if you want it. Where were you when the revolution happened? Did you just watch it die? Once things get much worse, you're going to want to turn back the hands... So act today, research Ron Paul starting here

How, exactly, will reducing the power of the government fix this? You need a strong government capable of pulling in revenue from taxes to get people the benefits they need. By downsizing the power, you're going to end up making it harder for those people to get benefits. I agree that it's a shitty system, but it's not like by getting rid of taxes everything will magically fix itself.

And most politicians aren't any more corrupt than anyone else. There are some people who take their power too far, but they're in the minority. It's easier to blame the people in power for the things that go wrong in the country, but it's essentially our fault for being so apathetic. Politicians will listen to you if you tell them what you want to see happen. Their biggest priority is getting reelected, and if you tell them what will win them your vote, they'll do it. But people don't do that--they just sit around and bitch instead of going out and doing something.

Your missing the point, really. The whole point of freedom is to be independent, and free from govt's cradle. You're being ushered into the illusion that govt can do it better, but I'm trying to tell you that the constitution recognizes that We the people not only make the rules, but live our only life free of govt dictation.

Now I'm not saying Ron Paul will go into office and change everything in his first day (like toaster-chan assumed of me), but I'm trying to get someone in office that recognizes that these freedoms in the first place. Ever wonder why it was called land of the free? Home of the brave? Because the people that fought for freedom, were truly free... And those people were fighting a very similar enemy, one of the best examples of this parallel is the phrase "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION". That tax today is the income tax.

Please, just invest some time into the links that I have provided. There is tons more out there waiting to be discovered about our fascist regime. Once you have formulated an opinion based off of what you've seen.. come back... send me a PM telling me you will join this revolution that is happening.. I would like to get through to at least one of you.
Quit calling our country a "fascist regime" and maybe some of us will take you seriously.
Quit calling our country a "fascist regime" and maybe some of us will take you seriously.

There's no room for nationalism at this point friend. The enemies of our country have twisted what our country stands for, it can't possibly be let go.

I don't need you all to take me seriously. I just want you to take the message seriously, at least. I may not be at the sharpest of wits, but I am doing what I can to spread the word to you all that frequent the Half Life 2 forums..

I just beat episode two by the way, it rocked my world.. It ran surprisingly well on the 360, too :)

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

What a wonderful quote, friend :) (notice the title says "google news.." a dead giveaway that google now pre approves it's front page articles according to a certain media corporation.)

How could Wall Street Journal completely avoid Ron Paul? His numbers have obviously been manipulated at this point. Who owns Wall Street Journal??

I was hoping to get such responses... Rupert! It seems as though the corporations that own the media outlets are freely exercising their false news that led us into the Iraq War through *GASP* CORPORATE FASCISM!!!..

A movie about Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism. A must watch for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

The true enemies are well exposed...


The only candidate that ENDORSES FREEDOM?

None other than Ron Paul.

Very much agreed, and I was just attempting to expose the blatant attack to our civil liberties to those that call us "Truthers".

The MSM created the term TRUTHERS people.


Please, seek the truth.

Ron Paul (a freedom loving american) is brave enough to tell people to watch the online movie...

"Freedom To Facism"

...In a time of deceit...telling the truth, is a revolutionary act.


Keep this thread up, it has some important videos...

Thomas Payne had his pamphlet during the American ahem Revolution.. They were named common sense. I would love these videos to bring our fellow Americans that have yet to see the truth the common sense that Thomas Paine's writings gave our true brave revolutionaries.

Link to Common Sense:

Yeah, you can stop speaking now. *turns around*