Do you have to pay a monthly fee for world of warcraft?


Sep 24, 2003
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Do you have to pay a monthly fee for world of warcraft? also for the people who bought it , is it good?
Yea, its 15 dollars a month i think. I haven't played it, but i heard it's the best mmorpg.
In the UK the month-to-month subscription plan will cost £8.99 per month, the three-month plan will cost £8.39 per month, and the six-month plan will cost £7.69 per month.

and yes, the game freaking owns. i played on all the US betas and had a total of 6 characters :) the game is smooth and sublime, there are no bugs or glitches and the enviroments all look hand crafted andamazing. unlike other, bland MMOs like EQ2 and PS, the enviroments are varied and rather than having boring landscapes like SWG depressingly deserted planets, every area is completely unique and breathes character. BUY IT NOW!

*EDIT* and no, it does not suck in any way. do you have any idea how much it costs to make a game, then maintain over 60 servers with on hand staff, a huge computer database and thousands upon thousands of laggy players??? it costs A LOT!! blizzard would go bankrupt if they didnt have a monthly fee.
Any MMO you pay for, no questions asked..if they was pretty much abandoned on release day like just about every game out it would be a rip-off but as they constantly have a team patching it, adding new stuff and servers capable of holding some 2500 people at the same time it's well worth the $15 a month. Also don't forget, the game does'nt have an ending engraved into ends when you want it to end like a game should. A good MMO (like WoW) should last the average gamer about 1 - 2 years. A hardcore gamer 4+ years.

Suicide, theres now 88 servers in US :O I bet each server costs alot of money just to buy..nevermind the bandwidth usage they will use day in day out.
Ritz said:
Go ask your Mommy to use her credit card.


i have to ask my mommy if i can use her credit card :bounce:
I will probably get it for Christmas, and pay the monthly fees myself.

Or well, use my dad's credit card (besides, might as well get the airmiles with it!) and pay him each month.
Suicide42 said:
In the UK the month-to-month subscription plan will cost £8.99 per month, the three-month plan will cost £8.39 per month, and the six-month plan will cost £7.69 per month.

and yes, the game freaking owns. i played on all the US betas and had a total of 6 characters :) the game is smooth and sublime, there are no bugs or glitches and the enviroments all look hand crafted andamazing. unlike other, bland MMOs like EQ2 and PS, the enviroments are varied and rather than having boring landscapes like SWG depressingly deserted planets, every area is completely unique and breathes character. BUY IT NOW!

*EDIT* and no, it does not suck in any way. do you have any idea how much it costs to make a game, then maintain over 60 servers with on hand staff, a huge computer database and thousands upon thousands of laggy players??? it costs A LOT!! blizzard would go bankrupt if they didnt have a monthly fee.

Hey, when the European release comes, and if I get it, I'll make sure I hook up with ya :)
Does anybody know if an Australasian server is planned? I know it's possible to 'play' on US servers, but most of the people who advocate this seem to be happy to put up with drawbacks I probably couldn't be bothered with, particularly when you take the monthly fee into account.

I figured if EA of all companies run an Australasian server for Ultima Online, then there must be hope for whoever owns WoW.
$15 dollars is incredibly steep. Maybe if the actual game costed nothing, I'd consider it, but that's just insane. Not everyone here devotes their entire budget to gaming.
Narcolepsy said:
$15 dollars is incredibly steep. Maybe if the actual game costed nothing, I'd consider it, but that's just insane. Not everyone here devotes their entire budget to gaming.

$15 is three hours of work at minimum wage here in the states.......
The Thing said:
$15 is three hours of work at minimum wage here in the states.......
If you want to play the comparison game, it's also around the fee that many pay for the internet itself. And this is just one game.
Narcolepsy said:
If you want to play the comparison game, it's also around the fee that many pay for the internet itself. And this is just one game.

actually the net is cheaper 10 or 9.95 a month for dialup services, not bad ones either.
Narcolepsy said:
If you want to play the comparison game, it's also around the fee that many pay for the internet itself. And this is just one game.

Lol $15 alot of money per month? haha, shit that's funny man. Thats £ could have a paper round and still come out with £32 spare every month, and your saying £8($15) is to much. If $15 is the difference between someone being rich and poor with an adult job then i'm father christmas.
Alig said:
Lol $15 alot of money per month? haha, shit that's funny man. Thats £ could have a paper round and still come out with £32 spare every month, and your saying £8($15) is to much. If $15 is the difference between someone being rich and poor with an adult job then i'm father christmas.
I have the money. Plenty of others do as well. $15 dollars is not a lot of money.

HOWEVER, when you put things into perspective, I can buy Xbox Live for around $7 dollars a month and enjoy the ENTIRE LIBRARY of online games. And this is just one game. Can you at least acknowledge that you see where I'm going here?
pay to play ?

well that suks.

I pay £35 for the game itself then pay £7-8 no way,
the only MMO you don't have to pay for is Guild Wars... which isn't out yet
Wrong, only RETAIL MMO.
There is infact a ton if you look hard enough.
never ever forgot Even if it sux ass, it still is one.
if i'm right yes.
you can buy timecards
for 1 month for example wich cost 12,95
so you can play 1 month
btw first month is for free.

Gorgon said:
pay to play ?

well that suks.

I pay £35 for the game itself then pay £7-8 no way,

wanna pay there there data and network trafic thats cost money to you known ;)
Considering I already have over a day of play-time since Tuesday... yes... it's worth it... :p
I got WoW last Tuesday and have been playing non-stop ever since. I never have played any of the other MMORPG's, but I call WoW a great game period, regardless of genre. The server I am on is silky smooth since the 3rd day of release.

I don't think I have been this addicted to a game since Diablo 2.
blahblahblah said:
I got WoW last Tuesday and have been playing non-stop ever since. I never have played any of the other MMORPG's, but I call WoW a great game period, regardless of genre. The server I am on is silky smooth since the 3rd day of release.

I don't think I have been this addicted to a game since Diablo 2.

/me since quake 3 lol.
btw not to mention this.
i dont hope we get this in europe lol
I get £5 each week (yes, its not a lot ;) ) and i could just get my mum to deduct £2 every week. see, even i can pay it and im poor ;)
Gunner said:
blahblahblah what server are you on? :)

Hyjal. I would also like to add that I have never experienced a queue on this server. Granted I made a mistake and selected a PvE server. Still much fun. Once I max out my Dwarven Palidan, I will start another character on a PvP server.
Narcolepsy said:
I have the money. Plenty of others do as well. $15 dollars is not a lot of money.

HOWEVER, when you put things into perspective, I can buy Xbox Live for around $7 dollars a month and enjoy the ENTIRE LIBRARY of online games. And this is just one game. Can you at least acknowledge that you see where I'm going here?

Put this into perspective. WoW will last as long as the entire library of the worth-playing-online xbox games about 15 times over.

Have you even played WoW to consider its monthly fee? It sounds like you're just another MMO hater simply because they cost money to play...or are you willing to buy the 2500player limit servers and pay for there bandwidth?

blahblahblah is a prime example of someone that's never played an MMO and look what he said...he can't stop playing the game. Really though, in my eyes WoW should be GOTY..i'd argue its got less bugs than HL2, its got gameplay that puts any SP/free MP to shame. Its a god sent blessing for us gamers, something $15/month would'nt put me off.
While you are true that an mmo of this caliber could hold you interested for 2 years, by that time you would have allready paid 360 dolars for the mothly fee +50 bucks for the game, total of 420 buck, that is a lot of money, maybe not compared to your wage but compared to other games, a game like hl2 costs 50/60 bucks but with all the mods, it can outlast WoW easly, so that alone make WoW relativly more expensive, but I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Gunner said:
Consider Archimonde or Illidan ;)
HELL NO! Don't go to either of those! Both of those have lines to play in and suffer from lag (not to mention Archimonde being completely down for a couple days)... I was on Illidan for a couple of days before I gave up... plus, there were a lot of assholes. ;)

I'm on Laughing Skull (PvP) now... it's quite nice...
what i really want to know is, when you cancel your subscription, is your character deleted or can you start subscribing again 6 months later and pcik up from where you left off? i mean the worst thing ever would be to spend 2 years on a character, spend all that money, then (obviously) stop subscribing because you dont play it anymore, and find that a few months later youre character has been wiped.
$15 is rather ridiculous for a single game. It's not that I can't afford it, I could easily afford it. It's just that you have to manage money responsibly and decide if it's truly worth it. If the actual software was free then I would have no problem paying the monthly fee, that actually seems like an excellent way to go about it. However, assuming I play the game past the initial free month - I am guaranteed to pay at least $75 on a single game. If it's decent I will probably play it for a few months, this could approach or exceed $200 for one game.

Now look at Half-Life 2. I payed $50 for that game. I can play it for as much or as long as I want, I own it and nothing can take that away from me. The game will be continually updated by Valve as well as substantial community support, likely even surpassing the original Half-Life. If HL2 lives up to HL1 and its mods, I will play it longer than I ever would an RPG.

Am I saying that the monthly fee should be done away with? Not at all, I know they have to maintain servers. I'm saying that it should either be greatly reduced or the base game should be freeware. When you get down to it, the game you go and buy is worth absolutely nothing by itself, you have to keep feeding it money for it to even work.
IMO world of warcraft is worth the money. if you are dedicated to it (i dont mean spend 5 hours a day on it, i just mean if you actually play it quite a lot in a month) then you will get hundreds of hours play from it. HL2 single player lasts 15 hours, and while its true that multiplayer can last for ever, i never play those kind of multiplayer games regularly. WOW, however, is addictive :D
Letters said:
HELL NO! Don't go to either of those! Both of those have lines to play in and suffer from lag (not to mention Archimonde being completely down for a couple days)... I was on Illidan for a couple of days before I gave up... plus, there were a lot of assholes. ;)

I'm on Laughing Skull (PvP) now... it's quite nice...

Well I'm going to Archimonde anyway, all the SWG drama queens from Bria are there (I was on Bria too hehe) and they always liven up things with trash talk, PvP, etc... :)
smwScott said:
$15 is rather ridiculous for a single game. It's not that I can't afford it, I could easily afford it. It's just that you have to manage money responsibly and decide if it's truly worth it. If the actual software was free then I would have no problem paying the monthly fee, that actually seems like an excellent way to go about it. However, assuming I play the game past the initial free month - I am guaranteed to pay at least $75 on a single game. If it's decent I will probably play it for a few months, this could approach or exceed $200 for one game.

Now look at Half-Life 2. I payed $50 for that game. I can play it for as much or as long as I want, I own it and nothing can take that away from me. The game will be continually updated by Valve as well as substantial community support, likely even surpassing the original Half-Life. If HL2 lives up to HL1 and its mods, I will play it longer than I ever would an RPG.

Am I saying that the monthly fee should be done away with? Not at all, I know they have to maintain servers. I'm saying that it should either be greatly reduced or the base game should be freeware. When you get down to it, the game you go and buy is worth absolutely nothing by itself, you have to keep feeding it money for it to even work.

I've played WoW far more (as of right now) than I will ever play HL2. As for mods, they are atleast a year away from anything promising to come out and even then the chances of a good mod coming out isn't exactly likely. Frankly, as good as people say HL2 is, WoW is better.

You obviously never played a good RPG. A good RPG can last you a long time. Much longer than playing CS:S or any random mod that comes around.

As for the price, look at it this way (WoW is $150 a year). I can buy three single player games for $50 which will cost me $150. The average length of those games are 20 hours, which means 60 hours in total. Lets double that number to assume you have some multiplayer, that equals 120 hours. So you only have to play WoW for 120 hours in a year to eequal those three games. However, with WoW you are more likely to spend far more time playing WoW than those other games. If you only assume 5 hours a week of playtime, that means you will play 260 hours in a year. You have to buy seven games (total cost $350) to equal the value of WoW. Which is the better value now?
I don't see HL2 as a good source to play MP on for excessive ammounts of time. It never changes...its all the same and nothing ever evolves like in WoW..basically what i'm saying is the HL2 mods will never change, it will always have that colt and that ak and all the other guns (if you're playing CS) where as WoW continually changes...they don't expect you to pay £10 a month for just the use of the servers. The only HL2 mod that seems to be of some relative interest to me after playing MMORPG's is Sourceworld by our very own staff and community, apart from that i see nothing but same old same old.

I've worked out how much money Blizzard would recieve from a month's worth of subscriptions being payed. £3m~($5.7m) if 300'000 people that i expect have subscribed by now as it was 250'000 copies sold and 200'000 subscribed a week ago. Now you really think that they use 1m on servers a month and split the other 2m between the reletively small Blizzard team? They probably are as well off as other devs, which isn't very "well off" when you compare them to film makers and the games business is the bigger market of the two. WoW will cost an absolute ****ing fortune to keep running, something they can't do without the monthly fee's, that imo and every other person i know that has played it is more than reasonable.

You think HL2 should of been free? Didn't think so. Why should a dedicated team of devs spend the 4 years or whatever it took to make WoW give it away for free?

You go buy a Ferrari 360 modena for £110'000 and ask for free petrol...does'nt make sense does it?

Edit/ Blahblahblah - I know what you mean man, 3 games for $150 and 120hours of gaming....Heh ...Heh...i played WoW for around 80 hours during the US OB. I went nuts man, the game is sending me bonkers not being out. An MMORPG will always have first spot in my books when i consider playing a MP game, its been engraved into my body since i started playing them 2+ years ago.

Edit2/ Also another thing that makes MMO's so much better than a standard MP game is you have something to show at the end of it've achieved something in a fantasy world. You start at nothing and over months and months you become a person that the new comers will look upto and go "wow i wish i was like him!" That feeling will never happen on many free MP games. Unlike standard MP games where you start as nothing, become amazing at it over months just to be called a "haxoring f0xing n00b" and get banned by kiddie admins who can't control their own genetils let alone a server.

You misunderstood my point about the pricing plan. I said that it's ridiculous to pay $50 for a game that won't even work as a stand alone product. $50 buys you a box and a disc, not a game. You need to continually pump money into it in order to keep it running, and if you stop then the physical property which you purchased is now utterly useless.

Comparing releasing HL2 for free to my idea doesn't make sense. With HL2, you buy a game and you get to keep it, no matter what happens. With a MMO, you're essentially buying yourself the chance to buy a subscription service.

What you're really paying for with MMO games is timeshares, not the actual game, unlike say HL2. No other business which operates like this forces you into buying a separate product for it. You should be able to simply pay the straight monthly fee, or pay an up front fee - one or the other. I might actually consider getting WoW if this were the case, but as of now it's simply not worth the money.

I realize that it is worth the money for you guys, and that's fine. But I need variety. I don't play games enough to warrant that kind of investment and I usually like to play different types of games, rather than the same one constantly.
The first year WoW will cost you 11x15= 165+50=215, that is 4 games +one in the bargin bin, i'd rather have SW KOTOR, Jade EMPIRE, Tempel of elemental evil, Vampire bloodlines, than WoW.