DOD pic (NEW)

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
omfg. that pic is so old. i saw it like 2 months ago.
Guys that picture is fake... I confirmed it with Tim "Waldo" Holt - original DOD-Team mapper and Admin over at forums.

DOD: Source is still at a quite early development stage. Nowhere near having in game shots as far as I know.
Chris_D said:
Guys that picture is fake... I confirmed it with Tim "Waldo" Holt - original DOD-Team mapper and Admin over at forums.

DOD: Source is still at a quite early development stage. Nowhere near having in game shots as far as I know.


Then I must ask why it is posted on the Collective along with a Hammer shot...and confirmed to be real when it was posted in the DoD forums?

*poke* ;)
it doesnt look that great at all really, i mean the dustmites and the light... but thats it, and dustmites can be added anywhere you want in a map
The image gives no indication to a newer engine, as even a game based off the quake3 engine can have that good of graphics. But I never played DoD so I don't even know what it looks like.
It's not fake, it's just not representative of DoD:S either.
It's something from some presentation Waldo did to some Valve people showing progress. That's all.
Chris_D said:
Guys that picture is fake... I confirmed it with Tim "Waldo" Holt - original DOD-Team mapper and Admin over at forums.

DOD: Source is still at a quite early development stage. Nowhere near having in game shots as far as I know.

uhhh... when this pic was originally posted on the steam forums, waldo responded confirming it was legit and said he was using it as his wallpaper.
That pic does not impress me at all... the lighting isn't really that great, minus the dustmites. look at the right. With that much light, the areas in the dark should appear much darker. Eh, this picture doesn't make me excited.
Wow... I <3 people that come and say "NEW DOD PIC OMG ROXXORZ" ... They are the envy of this forum. :|
Then I <3 you and all the forum-goers of envy you. :|
But really, what makes that pic source and not HL engine?
I was expecting really good graphics...At least up to par with CS:S if not better. :|
Relax people. This is an old pic, showing somewhat a direct port. I'm guessing the game will look NOTHING like that at all when it get's released.