Does advisors sucked your knowledge to??(SPOILERS)

Dec 19, 2006
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For ex.

Maybe is not coincidence that advisors killed Eli.
Does advisors only kill you or they actually suck out of you something...maybe they also suck out your knowledge!
So Eli know a lot abaut Borealis (probablly even coordinates acording to Kleiner)and as Kleined says it would be even worse if Combine gets him insted od Mossman becouse he know everything abaut resitance.

If that is possible than Combine probablly alredy know A LOT...and even where Borealis is hehe...

Maybe they do.

But it's:

Do Advisors suck you knowledge, too??
They could. You can see green someting coming from you to Advisor.
Sigh. This is actually canon. I know. It's lame.
They communicate with Breen using telepathy, so I suppose it isn't a stretch to say they could read his mind, as opposed to sucking stuff out.
For ex.

Maybe is not coincidence that advisors killed Eli.
Does advisors only killed you or they actually sucked out of you something...maybe they also sucked out your knowledge!
So Eli know a lot abaut Borealis (probablly even coordinates acording to Kleiner)and as Kleined says it would be even worse if Combine gets him insted od Mossman becouse he know everything abaut resitance.

If that is possible than Combine probablly alredy know A LOT...and even where Borealis is hehe...


I were thoughting your needs to learned English languages.
It wouldn't have been so bad if they used the power of SCIENCE via magic technobabble fields emanating from their giant slug-brains.

But noooooo, they have to suck brains out via straws.
It wouldn't have been so bad if they used the power of SCIENCE via magic technobabble fields emanating from their giant slug-brains.

But noooooo, they have to suck brains out via straws.
It was an unwelcome story element, but I think Valve implemented the idea as best as they could.
I don't know...the first thing I thought during the "braing sucking" scene was that they interfaced with you via your spinal column. The probe looks like it goes into your neck, not your head. Either way it would kill you.

In any event...that would make more sense. Something like the Matrix only instead of it being a mechanical device it's biological.
I recall the Advisors not being able to use telekinesis to grab Eli. Maybe there were other things they couldn't pull off with him.
Yes they do suck out your thoughts, but we're not exactly sure if Dog interrupted that process.
They aren't stopping gravity with they telek. I think they can held only some targets. So if in EP3 they pin Kleiner, Mossmand, Vort, and G-Man you will be able yo kill Advisor with your trusty hardware :D[crowbar]
As I've said in the past, I think advisors drain the electrical energy the brain gives off, which somehow provides them with knowledge from their victim.

This is teh most scientififical explanation yet :D
It was an unwelcome story element, but I think Valve implemented the idea as best as they could.
I think the best way of implementing the idea would be to, y'know, not implement it at all.

As an idea, it sucks! *Buddum-tsssh!*

*el Chi gets coat
Yeah, I always thought it was a bloody stupid idea. I mean, I suppose it's possible given the other unlikely things that have happened in the HL universe, but people are just going to laugh whenever they hear this (people who don't play HL2, that is). Makes me wonder who's idea it was... it's not like Laidlaw to do anything cliche, but then I don't exactly know him so, I can't really say. When was this confirmed, anyway? I thought it was just speculation.
I recall the Advisors not being able to use telekinesis to grab Eli. Maybe there were other things they couldn't pull off with him.
TBH the first advisor seemed to completly ignore him until he smashed it over the head with a pipe.
Agreed. That one moment cheesed up the story. Hard enough to convert people to the Greatness.
Why do people hate this so much? It was quite obvious already that they were psychic and could read people's minds. This is just an extention of that.
Well, we don't really se mind reading previously but one quite obviously projects thoughts into Breen's head. Mind reading isn't much of a stretch from that.
Many threads on this.
Anyway, I think it did. I mean, if they can MIND RAPE us, I don't see why they can't directly interface with our brain to find information. :p
It's not the mind-reading that bothers me.

It's the sticking of a straw in braaaaaaaains and sucking out the sweet, succulent, thoughts.
It's not the mind-reading that bothers me.

It's the sticking of a straw in braaaaaaaains and sucking out the sweet, succulent, thoughts.

I had the impression that the advisor somehow connected to the body's CNS in order to extract information, rather than suck the brain out, since he sticks his "tongue" into the base of the skull rather than through the skull. Anyhow this explanation is more credible than the advisor sucking out mushy brains to gain information.

Thanks for the email! Gabe's read all of them, but as you can see he's a little behind on answering so he asked the rest of us to help out. Okay, just kidding, Gabe was messing around with our prototype teleporter and now we have no idea where he's gotten to so it's up to us to answer these.

1) Eating implies an unordered dissolution of bio-matter. Think of it more as a destructive dissection of a neural network by both electrical, mechanical, and bio-mechanical means that results in a partial and fairly crude copy of both memories and emotional response characteristics of the unfortunate recipient of the procedure. The Advisors proboscis is specially designed for this process.

2) You people have way too much free time.
Oh ***********************************************************.

All right, I propose we make this a moanage thread, and proceed to moan about how shit this is.

This is shit.
Many threads on this.
Anyway, I think it did. I mean, if they can MIND RAPE us, I don't see why they can't directly interface with our brain to find information. :p
I'm so proud of inventing that term.
Well, this explains why Gordon can't talk. He had a run-in with an Advisor shortly after being born, and that encounter left him mute and destined to cause the resonance cascade.

... J.K. Rowling just called, she wants her storyline back.
Oh ***********************************************************.

All right, I propose we make this a moanage thread, and proceed to moan about how shit this is.

This is shit.

Still not sure why this upsets people so much. Somebody could cut up my head and shove some electrodes in it and then proceede to make parts of my body move however they want. Pretty sure if Humans understood the brian more they could probably do something similar but would instead be able to a crude impression of thoughts and emotions.

An infinitely more advanced civilization directly interfacing with our brains and thus recieving a crude copy of our thoughts though seems strange? The combine have shown that ther technology makes use of more organic material rather than mechanical devices such as ours. So I ask you again, why is it lame that the combine was able to get a crude copy of somebody's thoughts? They can mind-blast you, move objects, and can fly around. Would it have been better if they had instead sliced open your head, shoved a weird helmet on your brain and then flicked a switch initiating the brain dump? :O
I told you already. Straws. Drinking. Succulent. Thoughts. I don't care how justified or scientifically plausible it is, it's lame. It's like how Star Trek pajamas are lame.

And I do not want a bitching thread. We had one a few months back. No more.
Yeah, it's more that it just sounds so dumb and cliched than actually being completely unfeasible. Given that telepathy already exists in the HL universe, it's not too far a stretch to imagine them reading information from the brain. But it just sounds completely un-HL.

But OK, no more bitching. I'll just stay away from this thread now.
Does advisors sucked your knowledge to??(SPOILERS)

Do Advisor's suck your knowledge via the most invasive and painful fatal method of sticking a needle like oral appendage into your skull and liberating your head cavity of your brain tissues, usually considered vital for continued life?.

I'm gonna say yes. Or maybe no. I dunno, I'm not... Wonderwoman!