Does hl2 use directx 9



If they where demoing it on a ati 9800 you might think it uses directx 9 and the shader tech they where talking about. as far as i know gf4ti use only directx8.1 and i have no idea about the shader support they have. though people keep writing that gf4ti can do the job.
Of course it uses DX9. They just mean anything less then a GeForce4 will suck, basically. Kind of like running HL1 on software. :)
HL2 is designed to be capable of running on DX6, but it will probably take advantage of DX9 if you have the capable hardware.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
HL2 is designed to be capable of running on DX6, but it will probably take advantage of DX9 if you have the capable hardware.
PROBABLY, WTF DO U THINK ITS GONNA USE ??? god damn n00bs if you don't know don't talk.
haha... it's called asking a question, it's how you learn. maybe you should try it some time.

And yeah, Gf4 cards work under DX9, but so do like, all cards. Only Radeon 9700 and a small few other cards support the extra features like you said.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Only Radeon 9700 and a small few other cards support the extra features like you said.

And the radeon 9500, 9600, 9800, Fx5200, Fx5600, FX5800, Fx5900..... jsut a few ;)
There's been nothing to suggest they won't do what they did with HL, and use OpenGL or DX.

They better do it that way. I want a linux port.