
Really liked this episode. Victor is just plain awesome. Anyone hyped for that amazing looking episode in two weeks?
Sad to say that I'm starting to lose interest in this. Not only does the entire show seem to be devolving into a gigantic resume piece for Whedon's favourites, (Yet Another BSG Star on this week's episode, and Summer Glau joining the cast in 3 weeks) but just the story is starting to bore me. 90% of the goddamn assignments romantic in nature, (a problem which will be exacerbated by Glau joining) and it just gets old after a while. I want to see them do negotiations and super spy stuff like in the first season.

But also, it just feels like it isn't going anywhere. You've got Echo, who has been retaining personalities and memories for going on two years, and is essentially a bomb waiting to go off. Then the lone good guy, Ballard, is now working for the Dollhouse, because he can't seem to beat them so why not hang around and help them. Alpha's gone, because his entire plan fell apart, which seems like such a cop-out.

And the whole show just focuses on Echo. Like, I love the side characters. Victor was amazing in tonight's, but all you see is Eliza Dushku shaking her ass at yet another guy. Now we finally get some information about Sierra, but it sounds like a lot of it is already what we know. I'm all for strong female roles, but goddamnit Joss, take the approach you did with Firefly and ****ing balance it. No one likes Eliza THAT much.
She's my least favorite character in the entire series, and it's the same for a lot of people. Hopefully they don't find a way to make the next episode about her in some way.
She's my least favorite character in the entire series, and it's the same for a lot of people. Hopefully they don't find a way to make the next episode about her in some way.

Of course they will. They even changed the Opening Credits this season to reflect that the show is 100% Eliza. I don't dislike her, in fact, I'm quite fond of her as an actress, but the show needs to be about more than watching her seduce guys.
I'm quite fond of her as an actress

Well, you shouldn't be. She sucks. None of her characters are believable and I only ever see Eliza Dushku on screen, and never Echo or any of her other personalities. The only things shes decent at acting out is being a bimbo.

Easily my favorite part of the episode.

Easily my favorite part of the episode.

I felt sorry for the actor having to do that shit, although it was pretty hilarious. Overall I thought it was a good episode and I'm pleased to hear that the ratings have risen a bit.
Haha, yeah! It beat out Americas Next Top Model! Its saved!

Hey, it's not saved yet! 1.1 or 1.2 would be ideal! But **** yeah, better ratings!

I hope they advertise it's return though, in 2 weeks. Or is it 1 week? No idea.
Hey, it's not saved yet! 1.1 or 1.2 would be ideal! But **** yeah, better ratings!

I hope they advertise it's return though, in 2 weeks. Or is it 1 week? No idea.

I believe its 2 as it's the baseball for the next couple of weeks?

Anyhows I think that its picked up a bit will encourage a return.
So I just watched the last episode on hulu, and I stand firmly by my previous statements about Eliza. It sucks because she is so unbelievable in any role she has, and yet here is Enver Gjokaj (Victor) playing his really weird, difficult roles incredibly well. Eliza's scene where shes fighting whats his name inside her head and telling the women they needed to kill him was pretty pathetic. That scene should have been intense and exciting, but instead she just makes her stupid face twitches that she does all the god damned time and calmly says her lines like nothing was going on. I was so glad that she got hit in the head with that club, because I was about ready to close the tab.

Pretty sure I am starting to hate her because of this show. Hopefully Summer Glau will come in and somehow become the new Echo and Eliza will be fired so then the show will become good.
Summer Glau in The Public Eye (ep5):


Summer Glau in The Public Eye (ep5):



Ooh she has gimped arm it seems

Also great news about the 13 episode confirmation. Hopefully that will shut the haters up. Clearly Fox have an eye on seeing how it pans out overall. I'm not hopeful on a renewal, but clearly the show doesn't cost so much that its operating at a loss for them.
I'll watch this unless my bestbuy card comes in the mail. If that happens, I'm playing PS3 all night.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this show ****ing sucks.
Boring characters and boring "stories".

I won't miss it when it gets canned.
You sure do speak for everyone!

Come on lucid, that was the most pathetic troll post I've ever seen. Could you be any more obvious? How can you sleep at night knowing how bad of a troll you are?
Liked the episode. Makes it feel worse that it's being canceled. :(
Interesting tidbit: This episode was directed by Johnathan Frakes - William Riker on Star Trek The Next Generation.

Great to see Keith Carradine in this episode. With him being high up in Rossum, maybe he'll be around more. Unless the show is canceled, of course.

Victor's acting continues to impress me. I also have grown to absolutely love Topher. This episode was so much better than I'd have expected. By far the darkest, most intense one to date.

Probably my favourite so far, or at least high up on the list.
Good to see it back and good episode. Also that dude was just plain creepy from the off, reminded me of the dude who played Dexter Brother in Season 1. Also good to see Keith in action again, as he's always been solid. Likewise hoping that he reappears.

So no more episodes until December then?

That was actually a really good episode. I wish they would include Hulu in their ratings, I bet it does pretty well on there. Thats usually how I watch it, since Friday is a stupid night for a tv show, I just watch it the next day on hulu.
It's fairly well syndicated on UK cable too, and they at least advertise. I'd be interested in seeing those ratings.
I remember Babylon 5 used to get a higher ratings share syndicated in the UK than in the US - though it was on terrestrial channels here rather than only cable/sky.

Anyway great episode, if only Fox would cancel and allow SciFi pick it up - replacing Eliza. A guy can dream, right?
Yep, no more Dollhouse until December 4th I think, plus we get bad news again:

Annoying really as that was by far one of the better episodes.

Anyway great episode, if only Fox would cancel and allow SciFi pick it up - replacing Eliza. A guy can dream, right?

The next question would be who would you recast as Echo if you had the choice? Naturally Amy Acker seems like an obvious one, but I kind of think I liked her as Saunders.
Oh I wouldn't recast the character, I'd ship her off to South America or whatever and have her return for a guest appearance or two. Victor or Sierra should be lead.
Yeah I think this latest episode showed enough with Sierra and Victor as romantically interested in each other that Echo herself isn't a necessary character. What happened to her can happen to any of them, really.
Dollhouse has just been officially canceled.


Joss Whedon said:
Hmm. Apparently my news is not news.

I don't have a lot to say. I'm extremely proud of the people I've worked with: my star, my staff, my cast, my crew. I feel the show is getting better pretty much every week, and I think you'll agree in the coming months. I'm grateful that we got to put it on, and then come back and put it on again.

I'm off to pursue internet ventures/binge drinking. Possibly that relaxation thing I've read so much about. By the time the last episode airs, you'll know what my next project is. But for now there's a lot of work still to be done, and disappointment to bear.

Thank you all for your support, your patience, your excellent adverts. See you again. -j.


The rest of the episodes will be aired, though.