Donald Trump hires detectives to get to the bottom of Obama's citizenship


May 5, 2004
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Officials in Hawaii have certified that Obama was born in that state. But "birthers" have demanded additional proof, asserting he could have been born in Kenya. "I'm not convinced that he has one," Trump said of the birth certificate issue.

"Today" show host Meredith Vieira asked Trump, "You've been privy to all of this to know this?" His response: "Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're talking."

The remarks from the potential presidential candidate prompted Vieira to ask Trump if he had people on the ground in Hawaii searching for proof of the president's citizenship. He signaled he did, saying, "And they cannot believe what they're finding. And I'm serious."

for a self-made rich guy he sure is dumb ..or it could be he knows his audience of like minded dumb people:

Real estate baron Donald Trump, who has yet to officially announce his candidacy for US president
Yes because cutting away at the confidence of the man you hope to run against for president is dumb. Stern he's not trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya, he's trying to get the "Obama isn't American" idea drilled into people's heads and raise suspicions against him that have no basis. It's a very clever thing to do.
Yes because cutting away at the confidence of the man you hope to run against for president is dumb. Stern he's not trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya, he's trying to get the "Obama isn't American" idea drilled into people's heads and raise suspicions against him that have no basis. It's a very clever thing to do.

he's not trying to prove Obama's citizenship which is why he hired investigators and sent them to hawaii to investigate Obama's citizenship records. I know whenever I dont want to do something I do it so I wont have to do it
Its all a sharade, he has skeletons in his closet due to adultery and gambling and needs to look right wing, in order to get support from the fly-over state republicans.

Not sure if it will work, but I wouldn't say it's a dumb idea.

Though he's obviously a very cynical man, to be so brazen about doing it.
Trump is planning on running for the presidency? The man can't even be honest about his hair. I mean seriously it looks likes he's got half a shitzu on there.
Trump is planning on running for the presidency? The man can't even be honest about his hair. I mean seriously it looks likes he's got half a shitzu on there.

Palin / Trump 2012. Calling it now.
You know what pisses me off the most about all of this? I have seen interview after interview with Trump on various "news" shows about this birther issue. Not a single one of those interviews properly challanged him using basic facts and in most if not all of those interviews Trump actually came out looking like he might have a point.

I hate our media.

Also, $100 says he is not running for president. This is all to get publicity for his NBC show. And NBC should have fired him by now, even Fox news had the good sense to do that.
He doesn't really strike me as being very "presidential."
He has some good ideas about protecting US manufacturing from China. It will take someone akin to Ross Perot to challenge the insane neo-liberal wallstreet orientated orthodoxy. I don't think Trump is a Ross Perot.