Doom 3 eat your heart out!

blinking halo

Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Comparing Half Life 2 with Doom 3, HL2 wins hands down!
I cant believe people dared think that d3 looked better than hl2, its simply not true. D3 looks like everything has been coated in two inch thick layers of plasti-wrap. HL2 on the other hand has an amazingly gritty, hard boiled, down to reality feel to it, i love it. Opening the doors in the trainstation was just breathtaking, and remember, im playing with the graphics options set to lowest and 1024x768 res! Incredible! I swear im never putting that shitty d3 cd in my drive again.
Quick - someone close this thread :)

A Doom 3 vs HL2 thread, just what everyone wants :thumbs:

Graphics engine wise, I'd say Doom 3 has Hl2 beat, "hands down."

That doesn't necessarily mean beat in the art content department, but I merely mean the technical aspects of the game engines.

But we really don't need another one of these threads. There's alerady been hundreds of them.
i agree totally i love the gritty feel to the game it is just awesome

DigitalAssassin said:
Quoted for truth. :)
quoted for teh truth..
but both [ID] and [Valve]should get better designers..
yes should go tell them what to do, coz ur such a great designer. I don’t know where these “better” designers have been the past 5 years, coz they haven’t been doing much for gaming, which is going downhill.

for years since n64 games died, u had crappy games with over used technology, games that just didn't feel real. Then u have farcry, doom3 following the same formula. The technology is there, so lets just use it all. Screw that… to me, how you use it is the real challenge, overcoming limitations, there’s a fine balance in everything and I think valve did an amazing job balancing everything into a perfect little package. Finally you have a game that feels real.

problem with today's game developers, you have more businessmen than creative artists. For example, bungie...they really got lazy with halo, there was absolutely no creativity behind that game. Nintendo and Valve are the only ones taking a different route, companies should learn from them.
Doom 3 sucked. Amazing graphics, but a boring repetetive gameplay.

Half-Life 2 has great graphics, amazing story and gameplay. You just end up wanting more and more and more..
HL2 has a better art style imo. It also has a gritty look to it in many places. The draw distance is great blah blah blah HL2 characters look better, act better, etc....

But D3 has a semi-unified lighting/shadow model. There are really no prerendered shadows and the lights are dynamic. This is much more advanced than HL2. We wont get fully deformable environments until all the lighting and shadowing are dynamic.

The way I would put it is thus: D3 has a better RENDERING engine, while HL2 has a better game/animation ENGINE. The HL2 engine provides a more realistic world, especially with physics and character animation. And when it comes to art, I prefer the realistic HL2 world vs. the metal and plastic corridore Mars stuff. Easier for me to relate in HL2. HL2 is one of the few games that buildings are LIKE real buildings. They have fairly real layouts and feel... like how a real house would feel.

All my opinion... but the D3 rendered is more advanced.... the HL2 engine is more flexible and better used. Both are great and both will be used in a LOT of games!
Spartan said:
Well, Doom 3 seems to have a much better story, so far...

I agree.

DigitalAssassin said:
Quoted for truth. :)

Realize that I'm not talking art content here. I'm only speaking of the game engine.
As far as gameplay is concerned, Doom 3 is a one-trick pony. *It's Really Really Really Dark* : *Imp hiding in closet* : *Jumps at you! AAAHHHH*

Give me a break.
DarkHelmet said:
As far as gameplay is concerned, Doom 3 is a one-trick pony. *It's Really Really Really Dark* : *Imp hiding in closet* : *Jumps at you! AAAHHHH*

Give me a break.

As opposed to "Drive up to gate, Combine jumps out at you!"?
Neutrino said:
As opposed to "Drive up to gate, Combine jumps out at you!"?

Wait a second... are you actually defending Doom3's gameplay against Half Life 2's?


I mean, Doom3 sure is purty and all... but c'mon man!
DarkHelmet said:
Wait a second... are you actually defending Doom3's gameplay against Half Life 2's?


I mean, Doom3 sure is purty and all... but c'mon man!

Yes, I liked it better.
I think Doom 3 is just as good as HL2, albeit for different reasons. I'm loving HL2 don't get me wrong, I don't have a bad word to say about it. But I'm enjoying Doom 3 too. *GASP* I know it's not trendy to actually like a game in addition to HL2 around here, but I'm doing it. This HL2 or bust mentality is sick.
Fishlore said:
I think Doom 3 is just as good as HL2, albeit for different reasons. I'm loving HL2 don't get me wrong, I don't have a bad word to say about it. But I'm enjoying Doom 3 too. *GASP* I know it's not trendy to actually like a game in addition to HL2 around here, but I'm doing it. This HL2 or bust mentality is sick.

Sorry bud, it's just my opinion. I was really disappointed by Doom3. And I enjoy many games other than Half Life 2. But, these happen to be HALF LIFE 2 forums, and I'm here to discuss the advantages/disadvantages of HALF LIFE 2 compared to other games. Don't accuse people of possessing a certain 'mentality' without first thinking yourself.
DarkHelmet said:
Sorry bud, it's just my opinion. I was really disappointed by Doom3. And I enjoy many games other than Half Life 2. But, these happen to be HALF LIFE 2 forums, and I'm here to discuss the advantages/disadvantages of HALF LIFE 2 compared to other games. Don't accuse people of possessing a certain 'mentality' without first thinking yourself.

Your posts are your opinion as my post was my opinion. You do understand what the definition of opinion is right bud? There isn't one syllable in my post that had anything to do with you. Maybe it's hard for your adolescent mind to grasp, but not everything that goes on in a public forum is about you.

To be honest your opinions of Doom 3, which you make known in every post you write, means absolutely nothing to me. Similarly I'd expect that my opinions mean nothing to you. If you can't stand the fact that someone would enjoy both games and then write about it in just about every post I suggest you seek a child psychologist. Apparently your parents don't give you enough attention.
Fishlore said:
Apparently your parents don't give you enough attention.

Oh hell, someone close this thread before this guy starts making momma jokes :flame: :rolleyes:
yes should go tell them what to do, coz ur such a great designer. I don’t know where these “better” designers have been the past 5 years, coz they haven’t been doing much for gaming, which is going downhill.

:| .. hahahah! why are you angry at me for??
i dont like the overall design.. so what?
"Opening the doors in the trainstation was just breathtaking"

Hardly - for me it was a - "nice enough city scene a bit square and basic looking" - I wonder where some people have been this last year for this level of gfx to blow them away. Doom did what it meant to do extremely well and regardless of opinions and how good hl2 looks Doom3 has the most intense and detailed "real feeling" indoor environments yet - FarCry takes the outside crown. HL2 is in the middle somwhere trying to do both at an above average level. HL2 does a lot of things BETTER than those other two games but no one game is (or perhaps should) be the perfect one - variety is the spice of life after all. Why we have to choose between games I don't know.. I'll take D3, FC AND HL2 thankyou - they ALL do something better than each other in some area.

Getting back to that opening the doors at the trainstation, why did it seem so mind blowing for you and thousands of others? could it be that I am just overly jaded or seen far too many nice pieces like that (leaving vortex rikers ship in the original unreal was one - the train journey to Black Mesa in HL1 is another) gradually the wow factor wears off. The main problem for me with the exteriors in HL2 is they look so damn square and old fashioned but have decent lighting and good textures to make up for it - however I find it hard to look at the city without seeing a load of low poly boxy meshes with nice textures on them, rather than a "living environment" such as Doom3 - or Far Cry.

From what I saw of the Unreal Engine 3 - that could be the next big "WOW" thing for me (whichever game it gets used in) but HL2 sadly was not it - too little of the WOW factor with such competition already released this year (and last).

Obviously apart from the "wow" stuff it has to survive as a game in it's own right (which is more important than gfx anyway) and maybe HL2 will blow everything out of the water on that, I gave up playing after 5 hours to await a patch for the infamous problem (which I admit didnt exactly enhance my opinion of the game I had waited years for). I will leave judgement on that until I have finished it fully, but so far it does seem rather standard fare with a restrictive path, and an awfully obvious A.I - the camera (the player) feels like I'm using some Dev Mode look around rather than supposedly playing as a human (no bob - if anyone knows how to turn this on let me know)

It is certainly a top game - as good as those others I mentioned in different ways - but credit where it is due (to id) not every GOOD game has to be a BASH at another good game. Doom 3 is a great experience.
Sharpfish said:
"Opening the doors in the trainstation was just breathtaking"

Hardly - for me it was a - "nice enough city scene a bit square and basic looking" - I wonder where some people have been this last year for this level of gfx to blow them away. Doom did what it meant to do extremely well and regardless of opinions and how good hl2 looks Doom3 has the most intense and detailed "real feeling" indoor environments yet - FarCry takes the outside crown. HL2 is in the middle somwhere trying to do both at an above average level. HL2 does a lot of things BETTER than those other two games but no one game is (or perhaps should) be the perfect one - variety is the spice of life after all. Why we have to choose between games I don't know.. I'll take D3, FC AND HL2 thankyou - they ALL do something better than each other in some area.

Getting back to that opening the doors at the trainstation, why did it seem so mind blowing for you and thousands of others? could it be that I am just overly jaded or seen far too many nice pieces like that (leaving vortex rikers ship in the original unreal was one - the train journey to Black Mesa in HL1 is another) gradually the wow factor wears off. The main problem for me with the exteriors in HL2 is they look so damn square and old fashioned but have decent lighting and good textures to make up for it - however I find it hard to look at the city without seeing a load of low poly boxy meshes with nice textures on them, rather than a "living environment" such as Doom3 - or Far Cry.

From what I saw of the Unreal Engine 3 - that could be the next big "WOW" thing for me (whichever game it gets used in) but HL2 sadly was not it - too little of the WOW factor with such competition already released this year (and last).

Obviously apart from the "wow" stuff it has to survive as a game in it's own right (which is more important than gfx anyway) and maybe HL2 will blow everything out of the water on that, I gave up playing after 5 hours to await a patch for the infamous problem (which I admit didnt exactly enhance my opinion of the game I had waited years for). I will leave judgement on that until I have finished it fully, but so far it does seem rather standard fare with a restrictive path, and an awfully obvious A.I - the camera (the player) feels like I'm using some Dev Mode look around rather than supposedly playing as a human (no bob - if anyone knows how to turn this on let me know)

It is certainly a top game - as good as those others I mentioned in different ways - but credit where it is due (to id) not every GOOD game has to be a BASH at another good game. Doom 3 is a great experience.
LOL! Doom3 did not look great. It looked flashy and unrealistic. Low res textures and low polygons with excess bump mapping is what Doom3 was. Doom3 characters all had blocky heads - If you call that immersion then you are on drugs. LOL!

I can tell you now that Unreal 3 engine looks good but from talking to people directly involved in the industry and working with similar upcoming technology, the Unreal3 Engine will be just one of many Engines that have at the very least the same capability. You complain about Half-Life2's boxy buildings but then don't have the sense to realize that if they made the environment too detailed and then try to achieve the level of interaction which no game has achieved before, that people with only high-end computers would be able to play the game :p .

You best stick with the sub standard Unreal Series :D
who said "unrealistic" doesn't "look good"? I didn't say it was a realism competition, why race to be the most real looking if being more abstract (ie taking into acount the medium) can be more fun. I don't care about head shapes, or low res textures - the point in Doom is the whole environment felt credible (well as much or more than most good games) because it had tonnes of geometric detail (machinery) and immersive lighting.. what you state is more a personal preference towards the HL style. I admit the doom style is not to everyones taste but it felt Cohesive and I'll be dammed if I'm going to go against my own instinct and say I did not have FUN playing it as an intense and exciting experience.. sure it tailed off as you got "used to it" (as all games do) - my point is I never even got that with HL2 (yet) but am willing to see what is ahead and if it will change my opinion as I play more.

And btw I used to WORK at Codemasters, and I also program in my own time now, so please understand, I am well aware of technical limitations of todays software and could easily see some ways to improve that first "amazing city scene" that could have blown the minds of even the oldest, most jaded players like myself (I'm 30 for my sins).

And yes I do call Doom3 immersion, as in the same immersion I can get from watching Aliens, or Event Horizon or some other suspensful escapist activity. Half life is very over lit - maybe grittyly realistic (compared to Doom 3) in the graphics and textures (especially as still screenshots) but in motion it feels FAR from it (the camera and the lighting being two things that spoil it). Sure if I was a 15 year old just coming to the PC then HL2 would blow my mind, and If I knew less about
coding and modeling then MAYBE I wouldn't so easily see behind the "magic" to what is one in a long line of fps with slight upgrades to the latest graphical effects.

Just bare in mind people have opinions, they are as valid as anyone elses, there is no right or wrong, but the fact remains that HL2 was overhyped for me and the reality (or virtual reality) fell short of my expectations.. that may be just as much my fault for having high expectations, however Doom3 and Far Cry still managed to suprise me even with their well documented down sides.

And no - I don't play unreal series anymore either because belive it or not, i'm too old to be a fanboy to one engine or game series - I just say it how I see it or feel it.. all of the games I mentioned are flawed but D3 and FC had something in them that kept me excited and hooked, HL2 does this not better and is not revolutionary.

As to the boxy building things - any muppet can tell a box with a highly detailed texture is still a box - row upon row of windows and doors than have no real interactivity - interiors that are boxy and washed out - cluttered with "novelty" interactive meshes. I understand limitations but feel HL2 has done nothing innovative (and in someways has taken retrograde steps such as long loading pauses etc) to achieve it's goal - other games have acheived this better. A game is a sum of every aspect that should be balanced like a piece of art - even the boring stuff like load times, cameras, sound glitches... when they work as expected you can then start to BELIEVE in the game, at this moment HL2 doesn't completely achieve this for me. I will stress FOR *ME*. If you are happy with it then cool, don't knock me for having my own thoughts on it. I could easily go onto a Doom3 or FC forum and list the downsides of those products too - as I said, I am not a fan boy - but this thread is about HL2 firstly and intentionally involves D3 - hence my post.

Again, if the hype hadn't banged on about how "real" everything felt I wouldn't have been
Maybe I just need a break from the whole FPS genre.
Sharpfish said:
who said "unrealistic" doesn't "look good"? I didn't say it was a realism competition, why race to be the most real looking if being more abstract (ie taking into acount the medium) can be more fun. I don't care about head shapes, or low res textures - the point in Doom is the whole environment felt credible (well as much or more than most good games) because it had tonnes of geometric detail (machinery) and immersive lighting.. what you state is more a personal preference towards the HL style. I admit the doom style is not to everyones taste but it felt Cohesive and I'll be dammed if I'm going to go against my own instinct and say I did not have FUN playing it as an intense and exciting experience.. sure it tailed off as you got "used to it" (as all games do) - my point is I never even got that with HL2 (yet) but am willing to see what is ahead and if it will change my opinion as I play more.

And btw I used to WORK at Codemasters, and I also program in my own time now, so please understand, I am well aware of technical limitations of todays software and could easily see some ways to improve that first "amazing city scene" that could have blown the minds of even the oldest, most jaded players like myself (I'm 30 for my sins).

And yes I do call Doom3 immersion, as in the same immersion I can get from watching Aliens, or Event Horizon or some other suspensful escapist activity. Half life is very over lit - maybe grittyly realistic (compared to Doom 3) in the graphics and textures (especially as still screenshots) but in motion it feels FAR from it (the camera and the lighting being two things that spoil it). Sure if I was a 15 year old just coming to the PC then HL2 would blow my mind, and If I knew less about
coding and modeling then MAYBE I wouldn't so easily see behind the "magic" to what is one in a long line of fps with slight upgrades to the latest graphical effects.

Just bare in mind people have opinions, they are as valid as anyone elses, there is no right or wrong, but the fact remains that HL2 was overhyped for me and the reality (or virtual reality) fell short of my expectations.. that may be just as much my fault for having high expectations, however Doom3 and Far Cry still managed to suprise me even with their well documented down sides.

And no - I don't play unreal series anymore either because belive it or not, i'm too old to be a fanboy to one engine or game series - I just say it how I see it or feel it.. all of the games I mentioned are flawed but D3 and FC had something in them that kept me excited and hooked, HL2 does this not better and is not revolutionary.

As to the boxy building things - any muppet can tell a box with a highly detailed texture is still a box - row upon row of windows and doors than have no real interactivity - interiors that are boxy and washed out - cluttered with "novelty" interactive meshes. I understand limitations but feel HL2 has done nothing innovative (and in someways has taken retrograde steps such as long loading pauses etc) to achieve it's goal - other games have acheived this better. A game is a sum of every aspect that should be balanced like a piece of art - even the boring stuff like load times, cameras, sound glitches... when they work as expected you can then start to BELIEVE in the game, at this moment HL2 doesn't completely achieve this for me. I will stress FOR *ME*. If you are happy with it then cool, don't knock me for having my own thoughts on it. I could easily go onto a Doom3 or FC forum and list the downsides of those products too - as I said, I am not a fan boy - but this thread is about HL2 firstly and intentionally involves D3 - hence my post.

Again, if the hype hadn't banged on about how "real" everything felt I wouldn't have been
Maybe I just need a break from the whole FPS genre.
Expressive emotions and unprecedented use of physics, and believable character models puts Half-Life2 easily above Doom3 and Far Cry. General opinion around the globe seems to be (outside of Half-Life2 forums) that Half-Life2 is far more immersive than Doom3 and even Far Cry, so you are in the minority. The only thing Doom3 brought to the table was its lighting. Unfortunately Doom3's environments were so Dark and mundane - it was a huge dissapointment.

By the way what Graphics card are you using, since some high level Geforce Cards are forced to use DirectX8 in Half-Life2 instead of DirectX9 (or at least that was the case before it was released)
Technology wise, I'd have to go with Doom 3. The use of light and shadow is bar none the best we've seen in the industry. It's an exceptionally powerful engine with capabilities well beyond what was demonstrated in Doom III.

That said, I think the art direction of Half-Life 2 was head and shoulders above Doom III. I think that's where this argument really stems from. Both games have incredible graphics, anyone who says otherwise is biased one direction or the other. But the art direction is what sets the two apart. The designers had different agendas and methods of producing the visual stimulation for the game. Personally the texture work and color use in Half-Life 2 exceeds Doom III on every level. But Doom III accomplished exactly what they needed; a dark, errie, clastrophobic environment.

Both games excel in visual quality, and trying to argue that one game is better than another is ridiculous. It's not always the engine capabilities, but the art direction that sets games apart. Even without dynamic lighting, Half-Life 2's art direction brings it up to modern standards. Instead of pissing about how much one game sucks compared to the other, be grateful that we have so many great games that have pushed the standards of visual quality in video gaming.
well that was basically what I was trying to say - obviously posting in a HL2 forum it would come across as HL2 bashing but it was not - it easily does many things BETTER than doom3 - but as I have said - Doom 3 achieves other things better in other areas, which may ultimatley come down to the tastes of the player as to whicch kind of "environment" they prefer.. HL2s cityscape is a little too similar to a few games I have seen recentley - and while D3s interiors are straight out of Warehouse 101 rule book they did them whole heartedly..

at the end of the day I dont want to "bash" either game, I will play HL2 with all the hopes that it will be as good an experience as D3 was (for me) once the patch is released.

To the other poster - I have an AMD64 3400+ and a mr9700 (9600xt equiv) oc to 550/250 - it is DX9 and I can see all the nice effects, it was just the use of textures over actual geometric "trim" that peeved me when I first tried the game out (which is something they did more in the past as the machines couldn't handle the polys) - on the other side of the coin , pat on the back to Valve for going that way if it meant lower spec machines could play it fluidly (sans sound/texture caching bug). God bless valve, Id, Epic and Crytek for they are all apreciated by me :)
Doom 3 isn't even in the same league.. it isn't even worth mentioning in the same line as HL2..

That goes for any other game too btw..
I think the Far Cry engine holds it's own against the giants of Doom III and Half-Life 2. Can't wait to see what Stalker and DNF offer when they finally get released.
She said:
:| .. hahahah! why are you angry at me for??
i dont like the overall design.. so what?
not angry...I just hate it when all people do is criticize, when they themselves have no clue what to do. You claim valve needs better designers, what’s better? I have no clue what better is, but you know what, I'm not a designer, you are so I bow down to you. All I can do is appreciate their work, it’s their imagination.
yawn... stfu all of u. your acting like chimps throwing feces at each other. :LOL:
one thing I forgot to post before - and i think it is quite important and a wake up call to those that think this game is the best thing graphically since.. well , the last thing. notice the first city scene when you leave the station? the frickin sky box doesn't even move (rather the clouds) as static as the rest of the areas.. lifeless.. jebus H, can no-one else see how basic these things are? every doorway or tunnel is a complete squared off piece of BSP 98 style... there is virtually no trim (as in geoemtry) in any of the buildings - they are completely basic but with good textures, that is what I object to and Doom3 may have had low res textures but it tried to push the other areas where it counts .

The physics are a novelty for the most part - apart from when need for in game puzzles - and they are not without their downsides - try this - the first block with the guy sat at the table - let go of the frying pan on his (place it on his head) it basically jumps up and down on his head, unaided, infinately... wow .. real ..

sorry but I have gone back and restarted this game, with less stutter and tried to see what all the OVERHYPE is about - it is an 8/10 game for the gfx and in time others will see this too.. The trees don't move, the grass doesn't move, again - geometry is behind last year tech - the only area is excells in is using shaders, specular reflection, refraction etc (basically all the tricks) on virtually every texture it can - that is not "real" in the same way some of you say "doom is not real" ...

I am begining to regret buying this game, It has been a nightmare since day one and I thought it would all be worth it - I have heard (or found out for myself) so far:

The story is shit

The ending is shit

The loading times are shit

The geo detailing is above average but not revolutionary

The Interaction (sans physics) is shit (dead ends/doors)

The path is linear with a couple of "cooL" set pieces per problem that show of the physics - all the time being forced from loaded section to next loaded section without a real feeling of freedom to even explore a little

The so called voice transformers fitted to the ever present facist rod weilders are not there to be cool - wake up - they are there because each entity is the same - Valve didn't want to have to make 100 different voice wavs for each phrases so they just did one for all that is NOT a feature it is a limitation (understandable but why the hype?)

The Camera is completely wrong - feels more like a flight sim the way it cleanely glides as you walk (no bob)

The "story" parts (such as the bit where you get your suit) are painfully dull and have no sense of the magic in the original

The propoganda on all the screens is extremely irritating (maybe the point) but audio clashing is not good - when you get a headache from characters talking over that stuff.

The HUD is as dull and workmanlike as dishwater.

The textures range from gritty realism to almost cartoon quality (the first town scene - the orange houses look like a completely different style to the white houses - yet the designers get praised to high heaven about it???)

Then there are the Audio/Caching problems which are extremely widespread

I just people would get their minds in order and be realistic about this overhype product - without the stuttering problem I would give it maybe an 8/10 inline with similar products released.

Yes I know my post sounds angry, and it is just a game, and I will get flamed and accused of being a troll.. I dont give a ****, wake up people the hype has got to you and you refuse to back down on your opinions, be critical and see what is in front of you. I have *TRIED* and tried again to love this game the way I thought I would do after waiting for so long, but it has no soul.. it is playable but passable.

If this post serves no other purpose, let it be a warning to the as yet to purchase - buy it but lower your expectations - it is not "better" than Doom3 for everyone, just for those that prefer this style of game/gfx. I prefer FC and DOOM3 to this (heck even painkiller with its monotonous waves of enemies felt slick, smooth, cohesive and fun in small doses).. this game just makes me feel sick and though I will go on to play it all the way through my experience has been tainted forever by the pre-hype and the fanboys who still insist it is "mindblowing" compared to other good fps from the last 12 months.

It's amazing what a name can do.. if this had been called "Chaser 2" I'm betting people would being realising a whole lot quicker that this game is not the second coming.

Feels shit to be mostly alone on this opinion as I wonder what the world is made up of - maybe everyone already exists in a similar world to half life and has to conform with popular opinion to fit in..

I did before the release - I was 100% convinced this would be the best game ever, or at least up there with the best .. it is far from it.

*IMO* ;)
Wow, you really need to get laid a little more. It is sad that one person can actually sit at their computer for who knows how long to think of every damn thing wrong with a video game. Get a life please.
"Wow, you really need to get laid a little more. It is sad that one person can actually sit at their computer for who knows how long to think of every damn thing wrong with a video game. Get a life please."

Standard fanboy response number 3. *yawn*.. like I give a ****, I posted this for those watchers who agree but feel too intimidated by you immature idiots to post. Whereas I do not care about internet insults.

Get laid more? How old are you? That is something I would expect from a 14 year old.. I'm married and get "laid" as often as I like, it really has nothing to do with why I'm posting AGAINST popular opinion about things you guys just gloss over...

as of now.. no replies from me to fanboys or idiots with insults, if we can not discuss different points of view, and counter points (raise some intelligent points to back up why you disagree) then just don't bother.. simple.

I won't be posting again anyway so I'll leave you to your blinkered views.