Doom 3 turned me into a horror fan... then i found out it wasnt scary.


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
O.K. get to the old communications tower and find a scientist. easy as pie! there wont be any zombies for a while.

Ah, here i am, after a short trip over the dusty surface of mars... and this place really is old. what was that sound....? :|

Ah, here he is, the scientist. Hi, there!!!
Errr... WTF... devils cage... errr... shit what was that.... AAAAAAAAARRRGGHHH demon skul thing!! run!!! Hey, mr scientist guy, lets get out of--- AAAAAARRRGHHH!!! stop hitting me!! oh my god youre bleeding!!! *bang*
Shit im sorry... didnt mean to shoot you... *URG* OH MY GAD IM BEING SHOT AT *bang bang* he's dead... SHIT


Basically im not one for the horror series. i shyed away from the silent hill demo, and deliberately avoided the resident evil remake on the gamecube. Ive only ever seen a few horror films and i didnt really like them. I was talking to my freind over microphone (he was playing doom3 and i was playing warcraft3) and he kept screaming about things and then wouldnt speak for a minute...

But i decided to buy doom3. not because it is scary, not because it made my freind speechless, but because it is supposed to be an amazing shooter... the best shooter out until HL2. as a FPS fan, how could i miss it?

and i love the weapon physics. they're perfectly satisfying... i could shoot zombies with my pistol all day, the recoil just feels so satisfying!
But anyway, the first hour was shit scary. the noises... the voices... the lights suddenly going off.. and the strange, exhillerating feeling of being exited by all the blood and suspense...

Doom3 was scary, and i liked it. i loved it. i'm even turning an eye to that resident evil remake that i was so scared of a couple of months ago..

OK. just get to team B or whatever. all ive got to do is open the doors to alpha labs. Ah, heres the control panel. just check behind me to see if theyres a spawning imp... no. any zombies? no.
strange... its quiet.. almost too-
WTF?? thats a big mother f*cker. shit, its bashing down the doors.. oh, wait, its coming through the windows. meh.
oh, its dead. that was easy.

So, doom3 got me all worked up and exited, and then i found out its not even very scary. Sure, its one of the best games ive played (much better than far cry :hmph: ) but its not what it promised to be- scary. The only moments that make me scared are when i lunge my bak into a dark cupboard type place to avoid being seen by an imp.. only to find that theres a zombie behind me and hes slapping me up in the dark. the first time that happened i blew his head off and all of the remaining wall, as well...

IMO Doom3 doesnt use enough scare tactics.. it just throws in a bunch of zombies and imps and bigger monsters, but i have yet to witness a room where the doors lock and the lights go out (pitch black), and then i hear whispering..

I mean its not how scary the monsters are, its how they are used. If i was to meet a death noght in a well lit room, i wouldnt be scared at all. But in the pitch black, so i have to keep switching between flashlight and shotgun, plus if there were loads of coridoors...

Thats another thing, the levels in doom 3 all have linear coridoors. in other words, you know that mosters are either going to be in front of you or behind you. But what if there were 4 angles that they could attack you from?

oso far i'm only on level 4, and im on medium difficulty, but it doesnt seem scary to me. trust a game to convert me to a horror fan, only for me to find out its as mild as a deamonic kitten :hmph:
It's more frustrating than scary for me so far. For instance I was playing today and I'm attacked by a couple of zombies and an imp, but the map's so dark I can't even see where my enemies are!! So I'm firing blindly into the dark, switch on flashlight, take a couple more hits, find out I'm stuck on a door frame or something! I ended up just re-loading because I had like 20 HP left.
what would you prefer? the lights go on and you have an easy time killing them? if the game was predictable with no suprises, it would be piss boring, as well as pathetically easy. I would prefer if it did that more often, would make it more of a challenge. TBH i should have started on veteran- i havent died yet.
I've said in numerous other posts about DooM 3 I would have preferred it more like the original. They should have made the enemies harder and just filled the screen with them and then taken a hit on the graphics. I would've preferred a DooM 1 style game on HL-2 quality graphics as oppose to this really dark brooding engine that id used.

I've already said, id attempted to re-create the original DooM game play right, but the engine they used and the environments that they placed in the game were too restrictive to this game play. I mean not even being able to see what's attacking you isn't particularly fun and after the 3rd of 4th time it isn't suprising at all. You already know that when you walk into this room somethings going to attack you from behind. It just end's up as a cheap trick in order to create the illusion that the game's scary.
your only on lvl ****ing 4 and u are bitching? play it all then bitch :)
arrrgghhh!!! i take it back!

i just went into a room and fought an imp, then i heard the DEVIL LAUGHING and a man said "follow me"... then the lights went out and i weas switching between flashlight and machine gun like mad... then i thought F*CK IT and i ran out madly only to get surrounded by 5 zombies, and i practically screamed, blew 2 of their heads off and ran all the way back to the start of the level, and hid in a corner, squatting, waiting for them to come and find me...

and LOL at that video... its not that scary...
God how many of you people are lowly cowards.

I don't know if it's becuase I've watched many horror movies and played all the Silent Hill series, or just my theory that better looking games are less scary.

The closest thing I came to being scared in D3 was when, I was walking along a corridor and one of those traps opened. I immediatley yelled "Oh Shit" ducked behind a pillar pulled out my shotgun and blasted the two marines and one Imp thats stood in my way.

The whole Devil laughing in D3 just gets on my nerves, I just want to to tell that bastard right in his face to "Stop Toying with me Asshole"

BTW I'm on the difficulty below Nightmare, becuase Nightmare is locked and I couldn't be bother unlocking it with the config or console.

/edit and I'm on the level just after the comm tower and sat dish
Even hell isnt scary. but a damn fine game though. I found re2 to be much scarier
atm I'm more irritated when a zombie comes at me, whats the point of pixel pixel hit detection when it doesn't seem to matter were you hit them? :p
Raxxman said:
atm I'm more irritated when a zombie comes at me, whats the point of pixel pixel hit detection when it doesn't seem to matter were you hit them? :p
If you hit 'em in the head they go down a lot faster. Obviously.
Rooms are predictable, Zombie in the dark areas and imps infront of you, often a skull floating above you.
Raxxman said:
atm I'm more irritated when a zombie comes at me, whats the point of pixel pixel hit detection when it doesn't seem to matter were you hit them? :p

Per Poly not Pixel

Pixels are what your screen displays.
Kyo said:
God how many of you people are lowly cowards.

you think im a lowly coward because im scared by a horror game...?


sorry i just find that rather weird...
thats gotta be the most retarded video ive seen in my life.
I wish i knew those kids and i'd go break their faces or something.
Medium? Baha. You're supposed play it on veteran then play it again on nightmare.
Those kids screaming made me think they were watching a porn film for the first time...
lans said:
Those kids screaming made me think they were watching a porn film for the first time...

You screamed the first time you saw porn? :|
I guess he was shocked by where it went?
just shouldnt go in the bum :/


[edited to remove the word arse]
[and to fix my spelling of the word edited (one t not two)]
OMFG That doesn't look like normal wrestling!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, thats sex? Yeah, I knew that.
im not sure if those little kids were for real or jsut acting for the camera.
you gotta be pretty retarded to scream like that for doom3.... it soundedl ike they screamed at every zombie...
they were probally screaming at the apauling FPS they were getting on theyre low end machine :)
First few hours of the game were scary, then after that it got boring, then i went to hell and it got awesome, and then reverted back to boring.
Yea I was in the one hallway with the screaming and the lights that followed the screaming down the hallway... I was scared still... so I whipped out my chainsaw and ran through the level hehehehe... it was quite exciting :)
Shuzer said:
You screamed the first time you saw porn? :|
Perhaps it was a bukkake movie, screaming in that case would be understandable if it was your first time...ahahah...poor kids.
finished it in both Veteran (what I played on first to unlock nightmare) and then on nightmare.

as you said, it sucks because its not what it advertized to be.. a horror fps.. its just not

its simply a dark action game.