Drinking stories anyone?



Yes.. thought i put up with a thread with peoples own Drinking stories..

heres mine.. I was 15 years old and it was my first real party with the friends.. The guys mom and daf were out of the country by the time we had the party... Mmm, beautiful summer weather and a warm climate.. anyway, i thought it would be a good deal to steal a "little" bottle of dry gin from my father.. so i was so smart and took the whole 1,5L bottle with me... After 3½ hour with stuff like running into the neighbours garden and pissing on the guys scooter... me and the other guys were pretty drunk... when we all sat down later in the party tent.. it was like a chain reaction.. It begann with me ouking out like 3L of alcohol, the 5 of my friends puked right after me because they saw me.. then when people came and saw us.. well, you could just say that they joined the chain reaction...

so.. thats my life's most discusting night :E
Oh, I have a drinking story

There was this one time, when I drank a whole entire bottle of Coca Cola. Man, I was hyper that day. :)
Originally posted by Uplink
Oh, I have a drinking story

There was this one time, when I drank a whole entire bottle of Coca Cola. Man, I was hyper that day. :)

lol wow, thats insane. The last drinking pole that was up had my story in it. Anyways, u can find it in more detail there, but to sum it up, i fell asleep and puked all over myself and didn't wake up till the next morning with puke soaked thru my pants and boxers and all over my shirt. I also had a big plate of nachos earlier which had then been puked up and solidifed into a giant biscuit haha. MMMMmmm.
Thank you sooo much for sharing that Jon. I'm going to be sick now... Hey, we don't have a vomit smiley... BLERK... Guess I dont need one.
This one time I was at a party and I got drunk and went to a friends and puked in his yard and went to sleep under his stairs and went home at 6 in the moring where my mom was waiting for me. I was ~15.
I have only puked once from drinking. I threw up in my friends chair, flipped the cushion over, he never knew. Heh.

I have toned down my drinking now though.
It's only a good drinking story if you drank enough that you can't remember it.
Originally posted by iamironsam
It's only a good drinking story if you drank enough that you can't remember it.

That woud be the first time I ever got drunk or drank. I slammed down 7 beers passed out, did some crazy shit I didn't remember.
I havnt really drank alacholic beverages very much. In the last year I may hav drank 5 oz. Pepsi and mountain dew is my kind of drinking, milk is good too. water is the best though :)
Originally posted by iamironsam
It's only a good drinking story if you drank enough that you can't remember it.

Yep. You gotta have your friends reminding you at odd times what happened :dozey:
I don't really drink (often), and never so much as to pass out, but My girlfriend's parents we're out of town, and (she didn't drink either) had a few of our friends (who did drink) over. The friends who were drinking (all chicks) got drunk pretty quickly (shots of vodka). Then, two of the hotter ones started making out. That last for about half an hour. That was, ahem, "interesting".

Holy shit man, PICTURES!! WHERE ARE THEY?? I woulda creamed my pants right there.
Originally posted by The Terminator
Holy shit man, PICTURES!! WHERE ARE THEY?? I woulda creamed my pants right there.

Wow..... I was definatly chaperoning with my gf right there.....

She saw that i was getting interested, and made it worth my while to ignore them for a bit :D

And no, you perverts, not THAT worht my while.
Here's mine:

It was my friends and I at a kid's house. His parents didn't care really what we did as long as there wasn't a mess or we didn't get busted. It was the day before I had to move up to college. There were 8 or 9 of us I think. We had 4-5 bottles of booze...can't remember much beyond vodka, bacardi o, and southern comfort or something... We all got plastered. I was prolly the worst. I don't know how much I had. I checked out like 5 hours into the party...and I missed the last 6 hours or so. I didn't pass out..I just can't remember any of it.

Lots of funny stuff happened that night... but this is the funniest part to me -

Apparently I was upstairs making ramen noodles for myself (which i totally failed at) and I was gonna give up after my friend made fun of me for sucking at it..so I started to leave to go back downstairs. I bump a doorway and part of the frame breaks off (I think it was almost broken anyways). So I try to fix it.. of course I fail at that too and make some noise. My friend comes out of the kitchen and says, "Oh shit dude... you broke the door...you'd better run" Taking his words literally...I start running for the stairs. There's about 30 stairs or so to his basement. I step on the first 3...then I loose footing..and tumble down the rest hitting the partially open door to the party area and rolling through it. Everyone was startled by the noise and they all looked over to see me get up and run to the opposite corner of the room in which the weight set was placed. They see me in a dead sprint going towards the weight set past the divider (from where they were they couldn't actually see it) and the next thing they hear is a crack and a really loud *PING*. They come over to see what's up and I hit an already broken picture frame with my feet and fell headfirst into the weight set.
I was totally fine.

After a huge puking rally that I apparently started..my clothes had puke on them. So I stripped to my boxers and went to sleep. My family's cell phone was in my shorts pocket. My friend's mom came down in the morning and washed my clothes for me while I was sleeping. After she had finished..she found out she f*cked up the cell phone since it had gone thru the wash. She woke me up saying, "I'm sooo sorry. I broke your phone" Now this is the first thing I remember since hanging out and drinking. The last thing I remembered was hanging out and talking... and all of a sudden I'm in my boxers laying on a bean bag with my friend's mom standing over apologizing for my phone. It took my friends like 20 minutes to explain to me what the hell happened that night.

Packing my shit for college the next day was not fun. I was sick for 3 days after that party.. but it was fun as hell...the part I remember anyways.
haha thats a rad story man. Its so funny the next day when you and yur friends were all tanked and everybody has troubles remembering, so u slowly piece it together from everyones little fragments of remembrance lol. Its like a puzzle haha. I've never had a hang-over tho ever, and i've drank quite heavily a few time, but i usually watch it now.
I had one buddy who passed out in a snow bank, and another friend you passed out once in an outhouse, and another time on a tractor.

Good times good times.
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
Here's mine:

and all of a sudden I'm in my boxers laying on a bean bag with my friend's mom standing over apologizing for my phone. It took my friends like 20 minutes to explain to me what the hell happened that night.

Packing my shit for college the next day was not fun. I was sick for 3 days after that party.. but it was fun as hell...the part I remember anyways.

hahahaha....oh my god that would be confusing.....
Ok....this one time.........me and some friends were at a friends house. My friend Drew was drinking vodka. He had like 5 beers and 4 glasses of Vodka and grape juice. So a wile later he goes into the bath room. Then we all fall asleep in the living room. Like 4 hours later I wake up and realize Drews' still in the bathroom. Most of us wake up and want to leave, but we have to get drew out. So we keep knocking on the door trying to get him up....we hear the toilet flush and stumbling.

Then when Drew comes out boy does he have a story for us!!! Wile he was in there he managed to barf in his boxers..................................................................................................................................................you dont need to much imagination to think of how he did it. Just sittn on the can tryn' to crap with your head between your knees.

Luckly he was concious enough to wash out his boxers and put them in his pocket.

oh and another thing..........you guys might want to start doing this because its funny.....
my friend who drinks alot has stoped calling himself "drunk"......now he just calls it "beer"................[adam] Dude.......I am so ****in' beer[/adam]

Its hilarious.

I might have more stories...just gotta remember them.