

Jul 14, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know if anyone's posted this, or read this before, but this website article kind of angers me.

They're making bad reviews about CS:S and haven't played the game yet.

They think that boosting is what CS revolves around, and they are absolutely P.O.ed that you can't boost anymore. I mean, I'm disappointed that we can't "boost" anymore.

CSNation poster Nadomala got to play it, and said he couldn't get on a barrel. Heres my guess:
Either clipping was around the barrell, or he wasn't trying hard enough. (Note: He says he only tried for 1 or 1.5 seconds)

Then they think the APC at the aztec spawns are going to make the map un-even.

First of all, how is a driveable APC going to make things "MORE UNEVEN" unless its "COMPLETELY STATIONARY..."? I mean, they act like its un-even as it is. I think its one of the best maps around, and one of the most even maps in CS. (Especially compared with assault) I posted a comment at the bottom of their page (#81 Comment)

I'm just really dissappointed in this bad preview..But we're all entitled to our own opinions...
If anything, wouldnt a vehicle make it perfectly balanced in two situations.

1. It isnt very difficult to spot an APC traveling 40mph down a valley, and any terrorist hiding can easily take the APC out. I'd rather be out on foot then an APC. It may offer some protection, but the CTs will be stuck inside unless they want to exit to a wave of bullets being crashed into there faces.

2. The APC is fast and can quickly transport people place to place. Also it can be used as a barrier in the open, like the police cop movies, where they hide behind the vehicle.

And as a response to Nadomala, this is a game of realism. How many people have the skills to balance on a barrel, unless the CTs/Ts had specialist training in a circus.
Screw these Esport cyberathlete punks. Boosting is important to them because that's how they secure wins in matches, on dust you plant on top of the boxes, same for cbble, etc...

The beta hasn't even been released and he's already whining. It's gonna be a whole lot worse when the game is out me thinks : [
Bah, if there's no more boosting then I can't make towers with my friends
Ayura said:
If anything, wouldnt a vehicle make it perfectly balanced in two situations.

1. It isnt very difficult to spot an APC traveling 40mph down a valley, and any terrorist hiding can easily take the APC out. I'd rather be out on foot then an APC. It may offer some protection, but the CTs will be stuck inside unless they want to exit to a wave of bullets being crashed into there faces.

2. The APC is fast and can quickly transport people place to place. Also it can be used as a barrier in the open, like the police cop movies, where they hide behind the vehicle.

Or you could use it to block off a bombsite, so the enemies have to take the long route to get to the same bombsite, or plant at the ones the CT's are waiting at...