EGX 2015 Event Added To HTC Vive World Tour


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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As we anticipated several months ago, the EGX 2015 event in Birmingham from September 24th through 27th has been added to the official list of locations for the HTC Vive World Tour, which was previously rather restricted to North America and a small number of other locations. The four-day event will feature as the first time the HTC Vive has been publicly shown off within the United Kingdom, excluding industry-only showings at events such as the Playhubs London Game Jam and EGX Rezzed 2015.

Like EGX Rezzed 2015 earlier this year, Valve's Chet Faliszek will be in attendance to help organise and monitor proceedings after giving a live presentation at 3pm on Thursday 24th, known as "The Year Ahead in VR". Those not able to attend the event on Thursday should be able to watch the event live on the EGX YouTube channel, barring technical issues which plagued the EGX Rezzed livestream.

As with the past two years, our very own Nick and Glenn will be attending the event and keeping their eyes peeled for anything Valve-related, so stay tuned for more information if and when it is available.​
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