Engine Error - Failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer



So i've been having this problem lately and its really killing me now since I have a scrim in a couple hours on nuke... and this is the only map it happens on. So i'm playing away and after about 10-20 mins cs crashes and this message pops up. Followed by the error report thing and the xfire crashing stuff etc etc. When I set my dxlevel to 70 all is good, unfortunately for scrimming zblock doesn't allow any dxlevel under 80... any suggestions? I can get back on the game fine but as soon as i join i can play for about 5-10 mins and it happens again...

Engine Error - Failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer

Thanks in advance.
its happening with me also do i need any more downloads