Episode 3 speculation

well, i should expect episode 3 to come out within a year, i mean, a lot of development for EP2 went towards the Source engine, now with that out of the way, they can focus more closely on the content of the game, either way, i cant wait!
So I just got done listening to the episode 2 developer commentary, and thought I would collect all the hints and infos we know about episode 3.

1. We know it will involve the Borealis
2. There will be snow
3. Mossman will likely make a return
4. Dureing the dog strider battle it is hinted that 3 will involve new monsters/enemies.
5. More infomation about the Vorts, possibly specificly about Uriah.
6. Links to AS Labs and Portal have been made, possible Portal gun?
7. There will be helicopters! (heh)
8. Looks as though we WILL see advisor combat in some form.


2. What if its summer? Huh? No snow then 'tard!
4. I didn't notice that. liar.
5. Well DUH! How 'bout this "5. There will be more information on everything. A little more on some parts, and a little less on other parts."
6. Duh.
7. No, it's a transformer. If you weren't retarded you'd have gone and no-clipped into the chopper to see the transformer logo on the streering wheel. Nice way to look stupid.
8. Already did. An advisor pwnd Eli.

Questionable...after all, they already had a good idea of where the Borealis was (how is beyond me) but they knew exactly where to go, they are in a bunker, it is indeed in a cold and white place...I dont see reason in taking a helicopter to land on top of a mountain in viewing distance...let alone room for a bunker and 2 helicopters...

Well, depending on where the Borealis is, weather and terrain conditions COULD make it technically impossible to land a helicopter nearby, or even fly near it. And this is a post-apocalyptic, Combine-dominated world we're talking about, so the helicopters wouldn't exactly be in mint condition either. A lot of things could go wrong, so the safest bet would be to touch down somewhere safe and secure, so they could at least have one way of getting home afterwards rather than crashing the helicopter while trying to board the ship.
Nice way to look stupid.

You're the only one I see as being stupid for insulting another member of this forum repeatedly.
You don't realize this but some people, even though they know the answer and are confident of that, they like to ask and seem curious anyway just to have the assurance from others and to know that most of us (who can actually put two and two together) are on the same page.
We're supposed to be a community here, not a bunch of "retards" when compared the Almighty Kome.
How old are you, anyway... (not an actual question I expect you to answer, just making a general comment directed towards the maturity level you have portrayed thus far).
Those markings on the helicopter aren't Russian. They look Chinese or North Vietnamese.
Depending on what Valve has in mind, it's not going to make for a good game if we land on the boat or remotely close. Something is gonna happen... you just know it. Can't ride the tram home without something happening, come on now. :)

True...we've learned nothing goes as planned when Gordon is around...
I've heard reports that these three episodes are Half-Life 3. Does this mean that Valve will be wrapping up the entire Half-Life saga in episode 3?
Does anyone have any solid info on this?
I believe that Episode 3 will conclude the 'story arc' but will not be the end of Half Life.
2. What if its summer? Huh? No snow then 'tard!
4. I didn't notice that. liar.
5. Well DUH! How 'bout this "5. There will be more information on everything. A little more on some parts, and a little less on other parts."
6. Duh.
7. No, it's a transformer. If you weren't retarded you'd have gone and no-clipped into the chopper to see the transformer logo on the streering wheel. Nice way to look stupid.
8. Already did. An advisor pwnd Eli.

2. Some places have snow all year-round, dipshit.
6. Un-duh
7. You lie. Oh, and helicopters don't have steering wheels (dipshit)
8. Advisor combat between you and the Advisors, dipshit. Moving your head from side to side does not equal combat.
Come on! There's nothing more satisfying than flaming flamers - you know, fight fire with fire
Back on topic. A Mod should remove any post that does not have to do with discussion of the topic's title.
I'm hoping Episode 3 is the final episode and then move onto Halflife 3.
I'm sure we'll encounter GLaDOS in some form in Ep.3...after all her name is mentioned in one of the blueprints for the Borealis.
I've heard reports that these three episodes are Half-Life 3. Does this mean that Valve will be wrapping up the entire Half-Life saga in episode 3?
Does anyone have any solid info on this?


The episodes put together could have been one massive project released as HL3. This did not happen and we now have the episodes, so it's very likely there will be a HL3 after the episodes. Unless Valve plan on fleshing out other story elements.
2. What if its summer? Huh? No snow then 'tard!
4. I didn't notice that. liar.
5. Well DUH! How 'bout this "5. There will be more information on everything. A little more on some parts, and a little less on other parts."
6. Duh.
7. No, it's a transformer. If you weren't retarded you'd have gone and no-clipped into the chopper to see the transformer logo on the streering wheel. Nice way to look stupid.
8. Already did. An advisor pwnd Eli.

I assume your just taking the piss, but to be sure.

2. There was snow on the tv at the borealis
4. In the developer commentary they state that the dog/strider battle was an experiment in complicated animation that they hope to impliment more in there new monsters for episode 3.
5. Obviously, but I was refering to the fact the commentary refers to Uriah's name as Uriah Heap, and that episode 3 would reveal his middle name, as if to say it was humurous.
6. Im not trying to make any revelations, just collect what we DO know.
7. I was acctully refering to the fact the helicopter combat early on was acctully intended for episode 3.
8. And yeh, I meant us killing them, but nevermind.
7. No, it's a transformer. If you weren't retarded you'd have gone and no-clipped into the chopper to see the transformer logo on the streering wheel. Nice way to look stupid.
When I saw the chopper, I did immediately think of Blackout.

Considering the fact the car looked like Bumblebee (despite being a challenger, not a camaro), it certainly does seem like a big coincidence.
The car in Episode Two is a '69 Charger, not a Challenger. The bar running down the middle of the grille is a dead giveaway.
I have the feeling that we will not have Alyx as our travelling companion in ep.3, due to what happens at the end of ep.2...
My feeling is that we will be on our own again in this episode or working alongside other characters like in parts of ep.2...
The car in Episode Two is a '69 Charger, not a Challenger. The bar running down the middle of the grille is a dead giveaway.
Is it really? I never paid much attention to the front. From the back, it reminded me of a challenger. So noted.
I have the feeling that we will not have Alyx as our travelling companion in ep.3, due to what happens at the end of ep.2...
My feeling is that we will be on our own again in this episode or working alongside other characters like in parts of ep.2...

That's a silly conclusion. Alyx will be with you to take down the aperture ship. It's what her father wants and she'll damn well do it.
The Charger and Challenger have similar rear lights...I just need a good shot of the Ep. 2 car's rear and I can compare it to the real thing.
I would like to know how you could possibly fight Advisors? There telepathy attacks pretty much render you useless even at a distance. Maybe if Gordon wears a tin foil hat? lawl
With the help of dog, and some rebels as cannon fodder, i think we'll do alright.
The Charger and Challenger have similar rear lights...I just need a good shot of the Ep. 2 car's rear and I can compare it to the real thing.

I'm stilling missing the zero-gravity/wormhole/stargate/randomscientificexpression grenade, that was enabled through a hack in Episode 1. I always thought they put it into Episode 2... well, I'm hoping for Episode 3 to have it.

Other than that, this episode could be the biggest, as it's supposed to end the combine invasion arc and you actually have to travel up north first... but maybe you'll never get there ?
It just ends the current story arc, that doesn't nessarily mean it will be end of the threat from the Combine, if anything it could open up an entirely new threat for the next story arc.
It just ends the current story arc, that doesn't nessarily mean it will be end of the threat from the Combine, if anything it could open up an entirely new threat for the next story arc.

as I said, it will most probably end the combine invasion. (which is "opening up the next story arc")
Thanks, Ridge.

Now, compare that to the rear of a '69 Charger...


and the rear of a '70 Challenger...


The Challenger has similarly styled lights, but when it comes down to details the Charger is clearly the winner.
I dunno, i keep hearing people quote gabe newell as saying episode 3 will end Half-Life.

Although the same guy i heard that from also predicted ep 3 would be "15-17 hours long", so i don't know what to believe!
The Episode trilogy is not the end of Half-life. Gabe confirmed this.
Where and when?

Kikizo: If you were to put yourself in a George Lucas position, when people ask George Lucas if he's going to make a third trilogy of the Star Wars franchise, he gives a definitive no. After Episode 3 comes out, do you see life for Half-Life beyond this current iteration?

Gabe: Yeah. Sure. I think there are a lot of thing that we want to do with the story, characters and so on, that we haven't done yet.
didnt they say they'ed recycle some old outakes of the ship level in HL2 and put it in EP3?
Phew, ok, so gabe has said that Half Life will continue beyond Episode 3.

That's good because i was thinking "how are they going to wrap this whole thing up in one episode. Still so many questions unanswered!"