ETA for HL2 Benches?


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I'm holding off of buying a new video card until i see some hl2 performance.

I'd love to go off of ut2k3 or even early doom3 benches, but does anyone have any clue when we'll see some numbers with hl2?

I'm too excited i guess :)
well, if your tinkering between a 9800 pro and a 5900 ultra, the difference will not show. if thats not what your worried about and its more like a 9700 pro compared to a 9800 pro, or a 5600 compared to a 5900 or whatever then im sure there wont be tooo much difference maybe just like 20 fps lower, but thats just a guesstimate.
Well, lower cards will have to dial down the features a little I'm sure, especially non-Dx9 cards. It would be cool if they'd release little vids of the same scene rendered on different systems so we could get a sense of how things woudl scale in terms of visual quality and effects, not just FPS.
well, i emailed gabe about that Apos. He said there would be a big difference and that everything just looks better across DX9 boards.
im planning on waiting till september to upgrade, see what cards are goon around then
well, i emailed gabe about that Apos. He said there would be a big difference and that everything just looks better across DX9 boards.

Actually, he didn't really answer your question. _Obviously_ non-Dx9 cards are going to look better: in what universe wouldn't they? The question is how much better, and can valve show us some examples so we know if it is worth it or not.