EVE Online


Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone played this? I'm considering it right now but does anyone have any experience with it?
I played for many years but stopped playing a 8 months or so ago.

Quite a few folk around here play and there is a big old eve thread that often pops up when new updates are on the horizon. Hool played it loads then went all gay and started playing WoW.

EvE in a nutshell, If you get into it will be one of the best gaming experiences you will ever have, nothing matches how intense, exciting and challenging it is but not only does it requires a time commitment (like all mmo's) but it has a steep learning curve which puts a lot of people off. The problem is there is just SO much going on and SO much depth that it can be hard to really see it all when you first start playing. You need to give it a good amount of time before the universe really starts to open up and give your self a chance to really understand what the hell is going on.

Another good point really is that the game plays out not only within the game its self but on the message boards and through the community. This is where you find out about the massive hiests and robberies or massive scams that destroy these massive corporations.
Stormy it's just 1 month to check out the Cataclysm stuff, I promise! :eek: I started playing Eve around early 2009 when I got laid off late 2008. Then I stopped playing late 2010. So granted I had A LOT of time to play. From what I saw time=ISK or in-game money. The game is incredbly life sucking.

When you want to experience Eve Online and have fun, you must join a 0.0 corporation. 0.0 is various sections of space in Eve that are claimable by alliances. It's also the place where you might be on youtube, the place where they do the promo Eve vids, and news stories on 1UP. Unfortunately somethingawful members and Russians work together and are like space Nazi's taking over the game. To be in 0.0 now you are a bot or part of a renter alliance. A renter alliance makes the corp your part of pay dues just like a bill. Typically in 0.0 that isn't an issue, if you have time. Then your corp might do other stuff that you may have to fund just like in real life. Often you might find stuff in-game that will pay 2 months of game time. Players can turn in their game time for ISK and you can spend the ISK to buy their game time meaning the game is free.

PVP is all about 0.0 really. Alliances are constantly at war in an endless struggle to get territory and more territory means more renters, safety, and ISK. It's not unusual for a CTA (Call to Arms) to be called lasting 3-5 hours. Logging off means you die when you log back in if the space is contested and going back might have security lurking about. However the battles are big (in the thousands), can end fast for you, and are usually laggy. Often CTA's are called at like 3AM on a Tuesday and it's just impossible if you have a life. But the bigger alliances have people who are zombies and can do that while the smaller ones don't. This video by the somethingawful really shows off 0.0 life:

You can also pirate in the game in low-security space which is 0.1-0.4! However pirating makes you banned from a lot of space, entirely dependent upon an alt character or corp bringing in supplies, and is generally frowned upon. Often pirates are viewed as kids and everybody has been popped or blown up by a pirate at least once. It is fun however to blow them up.

High sec space is 0.5-1.0 is for new players and pussies pretty much. The only place that it's really good for is Jita a major trading hub in the game and generally getting supplies. Some people like playing in wars in high sec but it's not fun at all.

Players are very unusual as you will meet people from all over the world and country. A lot of times leaders will be managers in real life because a lot of the game requires you to balance a check book in real life and mirrors real life. You also tend to make lasting internet friends while playing Eve.

There are many professions in the game other than shooting people and often it's required to help out a corp/alliance. It's rather boring though IMO. Reason why I don't play Eve anymore is that my last corp mates basically screwed me over. Whole bunch of bad stuff happens when your space is invaded and taken over and your alliance collapses like a wet paper bag. Plus the time commitment aspect.

http://www.xfire.com/video/3631f9/ I got a couple of Eve video's on my x-fire profile. DUST 514 I hope cleans up the whole stagnant renter alliance thing but idk.

hool is a renter scrub, never listen to him :afro:
Send me a PM with your email and I can shoot you a 21 day trial.

I am currently playing EVE, and so is Higlac I believe, though we are in different corps at the moment.
hool is a renter scrub, never listen to him :afro:
All of Eve is that though! To the east you got the bots harvesting drone poo. To the west well you got the goons, North nothing ever changes, the South tons of wars but now Russians are taking that over.
You're so up-to-date :rolleyes:

The drone russians from the east have just about finished demolishing the Northern Coalition and taking their space, with the hired help of Pandemic Legion. The South is actually quiet atm, no russian takeover, though it might be on the cards. Goons are in the north-west with TEST wondering if the russians are going to hit them next. The west/south-west are held by a variety of mostly-independent smaller alliances.

Also if everyone was a renter who would they be renting from? :dozey:
Pro-tip: if you're capable and willing to pvp you don't have to be in some shitty renter alliance sucking the dick of a bigger group.
I started playing for real recently. Bought my 60 day subscription and everything. I don't know if I'm accomplishing anything or if I'll stick it out, but I'm giving it a shot. Right now though I just run missions and screw planetary management now that they changed it up. I'll probably keep playing until something big comes along. I just don't feel like I have the time to commit to a big corp so I won't get much from the game in the end. However, I'd like to try out all the stuff. So far with missions and salvage and planetary management I do alright, but I want to read up on exploration to see if that is even slightly profitable because it looks interesting. I tried mining once and it's pretty much watching the grass grow. Maybe when I'm doing something more than flying a terrible cruiser that can barely do level 2 missions, I'll try to fight someone.
You're so up-to-date :rolleyes:

The drone russians from the east have just about finished demolishing the Northern Coalition and taking their space, with the hired help of Pandemic Legion. The South is actually quiet atm, no russian takeover, though it might be on the cards. Goons are in the north-west with TEST wondering if the russians are going to hit them next. The west/south-west are held by a variety of mostly-independent smaller alliances.

Also if everyone was a renter who would they be renting from? :dozey:
Pro-tip: if you're capable and willing to pvp you don't have to be in some shitty renter alliance sucking the dick of a bigger group.
Oh damn wow! I left when CO2 crashed and burned in Insmother. CO2 were planning on becoming the landlords basically. Really interesting what is going on in Eve currently.
I'll play again once major, major updates start rolling in.
I've always wanted to get into Eve, but I can never find a Corp I like and the amount of fun you have is proportional to how long you've been playing.
Eve is one of those games that seems perfect if you are a busy person, and don't have time for regular games, or you're someone that wants to take games slow for a few months. However, when you've got plenty of other games to play, it's easy to completely forget about Eve.
Send me a PM with your email and I can shoot you a 21 day trial.

I am currently playing EVE, and so is Higlac I believe, though we are in different corps at the moment.

Message sent, thanks so much.

I've been watching some videos and it seems like the gameplay would be a nice transition from WoW. Looking forward to the trial.
I'll play again once major, major updates start rolling in.

Incarna at the end of June. Walking in stations and all that.

Message sent, thanks so much.

I've been watching some videos and it seems like the gameplay would be a nice transition from WoW. Looking forward to the trial.

To be honest, it's just a lot of clicking and hotkeys. Imagine 3d Starcraft with spreadsheets.
It was interesting this thread popped up because I just saw this and it's so ass blastingly awesome sounding that it hurts...

I had no idea that Dust 514 was a console only game... I thought it was something that was going to be built into Eve somehow on PC. I think that having it entirely separate might actually be really cool. It will probably draw in more Eve players and add a whole awesome dynamic in. However if it is not popular it will be sad.

I wonder if you'd be able to like... hitch a ride from planet to planet on ships controlled by PC players? Or with this new station-walking expansion, interact with them directly? Regardless, this might finally usher in that cool world of PC-Console symbiosis that has been talked about and dismissed for millenia.
It certainly seems pretty damn cool. Maybe we'll see some Titan bombing the shit out of a planet finally. Everyone knows what they can do against targets in space, but how will they handle a planet?
It's not great. CCP is about to kill off EVE Online with non-cosmetic micro-transactions and you're excited for a console game, created solely for making money off of console kids.

EVE Online is dead. I hath proclaimed it.
It's not great. CCP is about to kill off EVE Online with non-cosmetic micro-transactions and you're excited for a console game, created solely for making money off of console kids.

Aww you sound just like an EVE bittervet, cute. And just as mis-informed!
They have stated several times that altho the games are linked they are still separate entities. Each game can function fine with out the other so if it flops it will not effect eve in any way.
DUST 514 has nothing to do with my micro-transactions statement. CCP is looking for extra income from EVE Online. It'll happen with Incarna.

It was mostly a regurgitation of what my online friend, who plays a crap out of that game, said and a trollbait.
EvE in a nutshell, If you get into it will be one of the best gaming experiences you will ever have, nothing matches how intense, exciting and challenging it is but not only does it requires a time commitment (like all mmo's) but it has a steep learning curve which puts a lot of people off. The problem is there is just SO much going on and SO much depth that it can be hard to really see it all when you first start playing. You need to give it a good amount of time before the universe really starts to open up and give your self a chance to really understand what the hell is going on.
Not to really derail this thread, but I often wonder what the difference in appeal between this game and, say, Dwarf Fortress is. That entire paragraph can be used interchangably between both games, yet EVE has a much stronger online presence and, based on people's comments on this forum, much more of a mainstream appeal, as a lot of who I consider average-gamer HL2.netters play or have tried it.

I get the feeling it's almost entirely because of graphics/interface... But I've seen EVE's interface. It's prettier, sure, but it looks to have 5x the menus/shit to customise that DF has. Or maybe it's just the setting. I don't know. It just seems that EVE's a game of 'here, do whatever the **** you want, have fun with the 50 levels of complexity, try not to die a lot.' Which, to me, is the same as DF.

Anyway, point is, I'm impressed as always by EVE threads, because they remind me that there are, indeed, large groups of gamers who play an MMO that rewards patience and dedication with deep gameplay. Not my cup of tea (I don't have 4 years to train to become a capital ship pilot; hate grind), but I salute you guys.
Well I mean, the main difference would be that Eve is persistent and DF isn't. People like to have something to show for their time and dedication, which is why MMOs are so christing popular in the first place. Which isn't to say DF doesn't have its own appeal, of course (I just haven't found it as yet :v).
Eve definitely requires patience. I was trying to outfit my first cruiser in a way that made it effective for missions and I was flying in to a lowsec real fast to pick up a skillbook for drones. On the way in I saw a guy with horrible standing hanging out by the gate, but he didn't attack me so I figured he was just waiting on someone specific. So I got my book and injected it and figured on the way back I'd just warp as fast as I could to make sure... but it wasn't fast enough. He caught me and blew my little cruiser away as I sat helplessly unable to warp. Luckily someone in my corp lent me 12 mil so I could get another cruiser and outfit it. Needless to say I'll be avoiding low sec in anything other than a shuttle from now on...

It does often have that "make your own fun" kind of appeal to it. Sort of like any sandboxy game. It always revolves around making the most money the fastest though.
Skill up to fly Incursions as your PvE asap, far more fun and profitable than lvl4 missions and no standings grind. It's also far more sociable - more like group pve in other MMOs.
The Incursion communities have even started doing random lowsec roams for pvp which is probably a good way to try it out - you'll have lots of ppl with you and probably logistics support.
What else is planned at the end of June? Have they decided to make a cleaner UI yet?
There'll be an alternative UI in stations as part of the Captain's Quarters thing. UI in space not changing yet, though they have Plans(tm).
The UI isn't too bad for getting around and general combat, but it's nasty once you get in a station and start trying to move things around and do stuff. Everything's overlapping and the windows are never big enough or showing everything you need. Sometimes it takes me more time to organize and sell all the crap I get from missions and salvage than it does to actually get the stuff just because there are no categories or real organization structure... everything's just tossed in a big mass and even after you sort it, if you leave the station and come back it will be autosorted into something completely different.

The one thing that would be nice for me is being able to sell things without being in the station. Just seems inconvenient to have to go somewhere to look at the thing you're going to sell before you sell it... adds to the already tedious task of traveling.
Don't mission! Real Men fly Incursion gangs!

(better isk, more fun, no loot to worry about \o/)
I think the UI is my biggest issue with the game now that I think about it. It's not the spreadsheets or the difficulty or the slowness. Too much time is spent organizing windows rather playing the game; I feel like I am constantly reorganizing a bunch of mixed math notes on a desk with that damn UI.
I just found out last night I participated in "The Great Southern War" last year. I did a lot of catching up but it appears as though the drone region took over the North? What I mainly like about Eve is the sense of politics in the game. The influence maps, politics in the game, mirror some World War going on in space. Probably other than that is the sense of community involvement that you feel when you join a corp, and knowing other players in other corps and eventually getting into this giant community battle. That is what I really like about Eve.
I just found out last night I participated in "The Great Southern War" last year. I did a lot of catching up but it appears as though the drone region took over the North? What I mainly like about Eve is the sense of politics in the game. The influence maps, politics in the game, mirror some World War going on in space. Probably other than that is the sense of community involvement that you feel when you join a corp, and knowing other players in other corps and eventually getting into this giant community battle. That is what I really like about Eve.

They've been talking about ways to handle giant fleet battles in systems. Since there's no way to accurately process all the calculations server side, they're going to slow time down as more people join in... so all of the actions happen properly in tune with other actions but at a certain percentage of normal speed. It's definitely a strange way to do things... but I guess that's how it works when you have hundreds and potentially thousands of people in the same place each doing several things at the same time.
Sounds weird. They have been trying to fix fleet fights since release. Though many say the recent expansions made it much worse. It's terrible too because Eve gameplay at it's heart is PVP and more people should mean more fun.
The UI isn't too bad for getting around and general combat, but it's nasty once you get in a station and start trying to move things around and do stuff. Everything's overlapping and the windows are never big enough or showing everything you need. Sometimes it takes me more time to organize and sell all the crap I get from missions and salvage than it does to actually get the stuff just because there are no categories or real organization structure... everything's just tossed in a big mass and even after you sort it, if you leave the station and come back it will be autosorted into something completely different.

You can stack the windows on top of each other and make tabs, and whenever you open a window of that type again, it'll be in the same position and size as when you closed it. It also auto re-stacks the windows if you close one and re-open it.

The one thing that would be nice for me is being able to sell things without being in the station. Just seems inconvenient to have to go somewhere to look at the thing you're going to sell before you sell it... adds to the already tedious task of traveling.

Fly an interceptor.
It came out at a weird time so I haven't had a chance.
Eve has this horrible curse of making you want to resub every six months.
I saw some video of the new turret animations.. they're pretty cool looking even though you rarely ever look at turrets. Better than a bunch of sticks on the sides of your ship.
I only fly Amarr at the moment but I do like Caldari ship designs. Amarr ship designs get a little weird sometimes.