Extracting BSPs


Oct 31, 2009
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Hey I'm kind of new to Half Life. Anyway I was just wondering if there are any tools that let you extract BSPs from source games into a format readable by 3DS max.
You can extract *.BSP files from *.GCF files using Nem's GCF Scape. You can also use Nem's Crafty to view maps (if that's what you're asking for). If you realy want them in 3DSMax, you need to decompile them, and open/save them as *.DXF files using Valve's Hammer Editor.
Yes, I do want to import into 3DS. Thanks for your help so far, but I'm still stuck.

1. I extracted a Half Life .BSP file with GCFScape
2. I opened Hammer to try to open the the extracted file

Hammer doesn't appear to be able to open it. Did you mean I needed to covert it to another format? How would I do that?
You need a decompiler (bsp2map, winbspc, etc.) to decompile *.BSP files, and convert them into *.MAP files. Remember, you can never get original brush/or other data by using this way, still it's good enough to use as a base in 3DSMax.
WindBspC always gives me an error about version. BSP2MAP wants paths for Quake 3.
I think I finally got it, but max takes forever "Importing CAD Draw" and is for the most part unresponsive.
Well, that's what you get for using decompiled maps. What exactly do you need anyway?
What do you mean "that's what I get?" Am I doing something wrong? Anyway I just wanted to make some maps for Halo Custom Edition using Half Life maps. Not 100% legal, but I won't get sued or anything since it's not for profit.
Nope, it's just about decompile operation. It's not totally accurate, not to mention amount of invalid brushes. Whatever, good luck. Valve doesn't really care about HL content, so I guess you're free to use anything you want.