Finally Transfering to a Related University...

Dec 14, 2004
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I realize I haven't posted on here in a really long time, but I figured since whenever I do post some questions/random comments I usually leave the forum with something that I didn't go in with. Therefore I've decided to share a bit about the current status of my college life and in the process ask for a bit of advice, particularly from people who may have already attended college or are in the process of making a decision like the one I'm making.

So for the past year and a half/two years, I've been attending my local community college and local CSU (California state university) for my GE requirements. Since then, I have been able to narrow down my options for a degree to one in particular, A BFA in Animation and Visual Effects. So having completed approx 20-25 units of transferable classes (since I took a lot of exploratory classes during that period of time) I will be moving to my next university as an "almost-sophomore." The main candidates are: Digipen, Academy of Art University, and Expression-- two of which are in the bay area and one in northern Washington. The bay area classes are closer to home being that I live in northern California; However I don't at all mind moving further to Redmond.

So I suppose the reason why I'm letting all you guys know about this is because I'm curious about your guy's experience with any of these schools. Which one do you think will be able to provide me with the best job, which one has the best facilities, ect...? I will obviously be visiting these schools within the next few weekends being that I'll be going to one by the Fall of this year; however I realize the value of getting outside information on the schools before going to them and possibly getting convinced that they are the best. So I've already applied to them and have been accepted by only academy of art uni. so far (I applied Friday). But I'm pretty positive that I'll have the option of going to any of them. Well enough babbling, what are your guy's opinions, which do you all think would be my best route to take if I want to get into the game industry?
Don't worry to much about Job prospects.

Do what you're passionate about and enjoy doing, in whatever place you feel most comfortable.