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ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Welcome all :)
Blergh! Why does this have to be brought back ;[
Wow, I get it. First topic EVER posted. This should be put into some sort of museum or something. lol.
Ooh...Ahhh...everybody crowd around. Stop pushing at the back. Now, what we have here, is a relic of the ancient prehistory of the forum, even predating the prophecy. Look how It's cracked just up the left side. a result of the corrosive atmosphere of the off-topic-chat thread. You can see how it bears the obvious marks of pre-delay worksmanship.
Oh god.. don't start that fad of bringing old threads back to life.
Originally posted by D33
Oh god.. don't start that fad of bringing old threads back to life.

Sorry, i had to do one, and i thought this was a good one. :p

My craving has stopped now though. :)
wowowow, The first thread ever posted on and I am the 24th person to post on it!
Heh and I was the first to close the first thread :p

Even though Abom went and opened it again trying to beat me ha! :p
Sorry mate, I closed it first:

Thread Closed by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM. Thread Opened by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM. Thread Closed by Abom on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.

You just opened it then closed it again. FAKER :p
Thread Closed by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.
Thread Opened by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.
Thread Closed by Abom on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.

well I still closed it first then :)
Fenric said:
Thread Closed by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.
Thread Opened by Fenric on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.
Thread Closed by Abom on 27-05-2004 at 02:27 PM.

well I still closed it first then :)

I closed it first. Additional logs are replaced in front of the first log, so the log at the right hand side is the first log.. Ie. my close ;)
Abom said:
I closed it first. Additional logs are replaced in front of the first log, so the log at the right hand side is the first log.. Ie. my close ;)

oh now your just being silly hehehe. But ok if it makes you feel better you can be the first to have locked the first thread.....

...... and I'll be the first to ban another supermoderator bwahaha :p j/k
Fenric said:

oh now your just being silly hehehe. But ok if it makes you feel better you can be the first to have locked the first thread.....

...... and I'll be the first to ban another supermoderator bwahaha :p j/k

Don't pick on Badge like that!

After convincing from the IRC channel, the thread shall open as a study of historical proportions... everyone must witness the beginning of the saga! Bring on the booze and cheap hookers!
in before lock :p

stop fighting you two :thumbs:

EDIT: bah, never read the last bit, was in a hurry to get in :eek:

anyway, cool, i got in the first thread :E. funny how kuros and starsky aren't here anymore, them being the first real mebers an' all.

EDIT2: damn, i must've editted this thing at least 10 times in 5 mins now.
ComradeBadger said:
This is turning spammy people. Cut it down.

What else is there to do in this thread? Intelligent discussion about Munro's use of smileys?
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