First thoughts on the game


Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
I just bought the game today after seeing it was only $25 and I usually enjoy Valve games. This game is verrrry different from other valve games I've played. I don't really like the whole "zombie" thing, I mean when Half-life 2 first came out I was scared to death of ravenholm. (Im better now) This game is faster paced, so its not as jumpy, but It feels a bit claustrophobic at times, but I guess that adds to the sense of realism. I think overall it is a pretty fun game, I have only done one "episode" so far with a few friends. We got stuck on one part of it, but it wasn't too bad. The only thing I really didn't like was when you get covered with vomit and you can't see anything. I think the vomit just lasts too long on the lens.

If i were valve I would also consider adding a few more characters to choose from. I don't mean add more than four plays at a time, but maybe being able to select from eight different people or something. I like the characters there currently are, but it could be fun to play with different people all the time.
Other than that I really have no complaints, and I'm looking forward to the other campaigns and things valve might release.

The vomit lasts as long as the infected are attracted to you. It'd make it a pointless attack if the vomit vanished and zombies was still all focusing their attacks on you cos you could blast them away easily.

The only problems i'm having with l4d is contant laggy servers. Everytime i search for a game it's so laggy i rage quit ... gay
The vomit lasts as long as the infected are attracted to you. It'd make it a pointless attack if the vomit vanished and zombies was still all focusing their attacks on you cos you could blast them away easily.

The only problems i'm having with l4d is contant laggy servers. Everytime i search for a game it's so laggy i rage quit ... gay

pretty sure the vomit will cover your screen for the same period of time every time and you will still be slimed for a certain amount of time after.
I never followed L4D that much in development and when the demo popped up in Steam, I downloaded it because I hate having games in the not installed section. I knew little of L4D when I loaded it up and my first thoughts were. "Awesome, I'm going to run ahead of my team and kill all the zombies and finish the level before they can." Needless to say. ... See I never said it.
i like the idea of other selectable characters to choose from, but i don't think it would happen
There's only a few seconds that you can't see anything with the boomer bile in your eyes. You can usually see through it after that. The only time you can't see anything in when you're covered in boomer bile while in the cloud of smoke of a dead smoker.
The vomit making you blind and somewhat helpless is to encourage you not to get vomited on.
at first i thought it was nothing special, until i played a second round that is.
I don't really like the whole "zombie" thing
You don't really like zombie games so you went out and bought a game which is nearly exclusively about killing zombies...?

Well anyway, glad you are enjoying the game, at $US 25 is was a good pickup.
I'm not the one who admits to rage quitting... :thumbs:

:LOL: so... beats playing a laggy game, where u can't do nowt anyway, or being shot by ff cos some fag doesn't understand people live on different continents.
You don't really like zombie games so you went out and bought a game which is nearly exclusively about killing zombies...?

Well anyway, glad you are enjoying the game, at $US 25 is was a good pickup.

It's not that I don't like zombies, I'm just not first in line to go see a new Zombie flick. It doesn't do much for me. I'm more interested in the team aspect of the game, which is done reasonably well (online that is). Plus Valve has been known to make complete masterpieces. Just like when I picked up TF2 because a friend told me too, and I didn't think I'd like it much. But I spent the next month playing the hell out of it.

I really enjoyed it, I first played on xbox but I think i prefer it on PC, either way the game is sweet!