Fog Color


Nov 24, 2004
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I'm working on a "Matrix" mod, and I'm trying to figure out how to change the fog color. I've found the fog_color command, but I can't figure out how to use it. Thanks for all the help!
repost from general:
fog_color #R #G #B - color of the fog in RGB, i.e. 'fog_color 255 0 0' for red
fog_start # - where the fog starts in relation to the player.
fog_end # - where the fog ends in relation to the player (where it becomes solid)

The start/end values determin exactly the distance the fog exists between having no fog and being completely opaque fog. having a start value of 50 and an end value of 100 makes there be no fog out to 50 units in front of the player, then a 50 unit area where it gradually becomes completely foggy. 100+ units away from the player cant be seen. Having a start value of -1000 and an end value of 10000 makes there be noticable fog around you but it never completely becomes opaque. Want less fog near the player but more in the distance? up the start value and lower the end value.

For testing purposes in HL2 maps, after (or before) you put the values in type 'fog_override 1'. typing 'fog_override 0' after that brings back the default map fog. also make sure the map you're playing on has 'fog_enable 1' on. All this applies also to the fog_xxxskybox commands.

I spent a while figuring out all this stuf for my matrix mod which you can find in this thread: