For all you with gas problems and Willie.


No seriously just because I shit several log cabins full of Abraham Lincolns every day doesn't mean I have internal issues.
Oh god I need this. I've been farting non-stop every 5 minutes for the past 2 days, and I think it's because I ate like 5 stuffed homemade burritos 2 days ago.

I'm sick of my butt cheeks applauding my healthy digestive system and iron stomach.
Wait. I'm not an old man, old woman, or asian I wonder how I would be affected.
Why does it matter if you're an old man, old woman, or asian? It's flatulence no matter whose arse it comes out of.

Although old people farts just sound nasty. Might as well be a fart from a corpse. Yeech. :p
I sense dragonshirt trying to break his supremacist ways.
I've just been on a cruise, eating proper meals 3 times a day. I'm shitting like I'm giving birth to quintuplets.
the smell of flatulence can notify the farter of a possible sickness they may have developed...dangerous product. I will continue to fart, cup my hands, and wave it to my face. You can never be too careful.
Considering that I've been shitting non-stop for the past 2 weeks now, I wouldn't want to shove one of those up my anus.
It would just be shat out 10 minutes later.
I found it through random youtube searches a few months ago. I really can't remember what I was looking for *shrug*
I wonder if it was because of this thread that I farted three consecutive times in a span of 1 minute.