'Free to Play' (F2P) Games Now on Steam

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Valve have today announced the introduction of Free to Play (F2P) Games on Steam starting with 5 F2P games. Each day there will be a 'game of the day' with purchasable content, although the game remains free...to play!
Available immediately, the launch titles are Spiral Knights, Forsaken Worlds, Champions Online: Free for All, Global Agenda: Free Agent, and Alliance of Valliant Arms (AVA).[br]Beginning tomorrow (Wednesday) with Spiral Knights and concluding Sunday with AVA, each of the five launch titles will offer exclusive in-game content to those who try the "F2P game of the day" on Steam. In game transactions in all of the titles will be supported by Steam's micro-transaction backend system that is available to Steamworks partners and currently used in Valve's Team Fortress 2.
Further details on the F2P games and their exclusive content will be revealed each day.
I played Champions online for a while a few weeks back and it's pretty fun in my opinion, especially for a free MMO.
Good idea. I'm just hoping some of these are good to play. ZT, I might download Champions sometime.
Yeah I like this idea, but they need to add a lot more. None of those look very fun.
Age of Conan should be coming to that list soon as it goes F2P this summer and is already on steam
Glad to hear AoC is going f2p. I'll have to check out some of these.

Thanks for the share and info, Shaker and Stern.
Like I said in the other thread, I enjoyed Champions from what I played. Certainly a lot of variation for a free to play game.

Totally missed the other thread, sorry mods.

Champions is alright I guess. Played it for a bit just now and it seems like a straight forward mmo.
I guess I don't have a lot of experience with MMO's, but they all seem straight forward to me from what I've played.. (with the exception of EVE) So I never know what to expect from one. To me they always just seem like an RPG game with a Co-Op element and trading (Hence why I've never paid for one, except for EVE)
League of Legends is an excellent F2P game and is very similar to DOTA.
Steam doesn't need the dota spin-offs. They're going to have DOTA2.

Is anyone else having framerate issues with Spiral Knights? I guess it's server overload or something. Every so often it'll go to 0 fps, when my PC is well beyond recommended specs.