Friendly Headcrab :D


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I love that Kliener has a friendly headcrab... and how he he has you go in ANOTHER portal gone wrong... :D the halarity of that scene was maximus.. and how he wanted it to jump on his head wtf !? :D good times.. btw half-life 2 is blowing me away, absolutely breathtakeing 10/10
Well, the Head Crab isn't actually friendly. It has just been "defanged"...
I love this game.

I think it was great fun meeting up with Kleiner, and Barney, and Alyx (who, by the way, is smoking hot).

It felt like a reunion with old friends, as it should, even though I only just played HL1 a couple weeks ago. It was really cool the way valve did it. The game is incredible.
lol yeah that part was funny
the part where he wants the headcrab to jump on his head
hes so stupid
In the lab, there's a smaller teleporter with a cactus sitting on it. It also works with other items. Give it a go...
lol i also liked that part...also the beginning when you get putten in that room after you get of the train kinda scared me!

Luckily it was barney afterwards :p
Here's a screen, if you don't mind being spoiled slightly and don't already know. This is nothing though: the animation is spectacular.


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I thought it was better when Barney mocked you for flipping the switch in the lab. Though I couldnt stop laughing when Kliner told the headcrab to jump on his head rofl.
My favorite line:
Well Gordon, it looks like your HEV suit still fits you like a glove... at least, the glove parts do.