

Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hello. I thought I would post here about my newest map, fy_coach. I wanted to make a quick fy map, but at the same time I aimed to make it somewhat original... (instead of just a "killbox") so I made it on two adjacent moving trains, a passanger train and a freight train. It may look a little hokey, but I did my best and I kind of like the results. W_polys aren't too great for a fy map, either (averaging around 750), but they change drastically depending on where you are. At only one point, it exceeds 1100, but its a very small point. All other places have a maximum of 850. It runs fine on my computer. And I think its a pretty fun map.

Here are some pictures:





I also have some quickly-done PODBot Waypoints, if anyone is interested. And feedback is appreciated, but please keep it to constructive critisism.

Here is a link to download the map
Just unzip cstrike.zip into your half life folder, and it should work.
Big thanks to ComradeBadger for hosting this for me. (And sorry, Pendragon, maybe next time :p )
cool map me likey very muchey! :D

Thanks a lot, man.

By the way, I made a thread on this a while ago and found out that the "fy" stands for "F*** you." I don't quite know why... but it started out the fy_iceworld, a map with the weapons on the ground. (For those who don't play counterstrike, the first two letters describe what kind of map it is, de_ = defusion, as_ = assasination, and cs_ = counterstrike.)

EDIT: 100th Post!! YAY!
Looks like a map that deserves the title fy :p

Seriously though its pretty good map and the moving trains (Although not completely original) is still something that people havent really tapped into...>in fact for all of Hl and its mods i've only seen 3 maps with moving trains such as the way you have it, one is yours another is in Sven Coop and the third is part of a group of maps i've been working on for the past few months...So obviously its not even released.

Anyway, like the map :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Looks like a map that deserves the title fy :p

What do you mean by that? Anyway, I have never played a map that is on a train, and I've actually looked for one before I made this, but didn't find any. (Besides the GoldenEye level, but I think thats a little different.)

Thanks for your compliments!

(By the way, if anyone is actually going to download this, there is a small problem. The 2 meg file in the "maps" folder should be renamed from "fy_coach" to "fy_coach.bsp," otherwise it won't work. Sorry about this, must have zipped it wrong or something.)
My only crits are the lighting is dull and of a rather ugly color, and the external texturing being of a bland variety. But a good idea and done relativley well. A nice change from those crappy killing arenas that people constantly plague the place with.
Yeah, lighting always seems to catch me and make my maps look much worse. Can anyone tell me what colors and brightnesses are good to use for things like outdoor settings, normal lights and such? It adds so much and I can't do it, bleh. I also suck at making textures (I only use Wally and MSPaint, because I can't get Paint Shop Pro...)

The whole basis of this map was to make an fy map in some interesting location, since I think that fy maps are kinda fun, but are always bland, boring "killboxes" that get old quick.
I figured, sorry. I just thought you were making fun of it, and I get all defensive and stuff.
Looks like crap really... Get real, fy maps are not they way to go, making a fy map is for n00bs
TAz00 said:
Looks like crap really... Get real, fy maps are not they way to go, making a fy map is for n00bs

If you're so sure of yourself, then why don't you make a map, huh?

People have to start somewhere, fy maps are fun to me, and I do not give a damn about your opinion on them. I only wanted to make some better scenery in one, and I realize the faults in it.

It was just a quick map that I thought would be cool. Try to keep it to constructive, somewhat intellegent criticism please?
TAz00 said:
Looks like crap really... Get real, fy maps are not they way to go, making a fy map is for n00bs

taz00, i bet you couldnt make a map half as good as agentsmith you stupid fagrat now get outta here and back off the man... dont worry agentsmith, your maps tight! :)

Yes well this topic will be closed if this little conversation thread carries on...So please, lets stop with the arguing.
Sorry, Farrow, I just don't like it when people blatently offend me.

Anyway, for anyone who is interested, I'm redoing the lighting... so it might look a bit better. I must admit, the lighting in those screenshots isn't so great.

That and I'm going to fix a few bugs with de_evac, if anyone wants to download that...
Yeah, the lighting almost looks like it does in Hammer or even when you ahven't put any lighting in a map. I think considering the context of the mpa ou created, having a lot of contrast could be difficult but I'm sure there are ways.
I've heard of Gimp, and heard that it was hard to use... and I'm trying to download it now... and its hard to download. :p

Anyway, the lighting sucked, I'm redoing it, and I'll post screenshots and you guys can tell me what you think.
I tried to make the lighting better, and think I succeeded at least a little (only because it sucked a lot before). Here is what came out, maybe not so great but I'm kinda pleased with it.





If you have any suggestions on how to further improve the lighting, go ahead and say them. I'm gonna re-host the map tomorrow. I'm not redoing the textures, sorry. Maybe sometime later.

Thanks. :)
For this, I only used entity lighting, because tex lighting would have taken too long for a not-so-great effect, I think. I used light_spots in the freight trains, a light_environment, and simple lights in the coach.
Hmm let me compile one of my mods maps without the tex lights. Intro_s1 the first map uses tex and entitie lighting on all the light sources. I'm not very good at creating light effects but I'm learning.

/edit Leafthread at 50%
If used correctly, normal light entities look pretty good (but don't overuse them) Light_spots make things look great, but again you need to know how to use them (still learning... heh.) Light_environments are essential, though.

Damn, the file is too big for me to host... I've got to find some way to host my own damn files, anyone have a suggestion?
Don't worry about that, I'm thankful for people hosting stuff for me, but I'd like to do it on my own, you know, so I can modify it and stuff if needbe. Thank you, though. :)
texture lighting is vastly superior to point lighting in 99% of cases. Use it.
I do, but in this case, I couldn't, because to keep r_speeds down, I embedded the texture of the light into the texture of the ceiling.

Looking at the screenshots, Mr. Expert, would you suggest that I use texture lighting instead?
This isn't what I'm compiling right now but it shows a glow effect we introduced from the tut at VERC.

i dont notice that big of a difference in that image... am i missing something?

My compile would be faster if chop wasn't set to 32
theagentsmith said:
I do, but in this case, I couldn't, because to keep r_speeds down, I embedded the texture of the light into the texture of the ceiling.

Looking at the screenshots, Mr. Expert, would you suggest that I use texture lighting instead?

Embedding the texture into the ceiling won't make any difference at all. Texture lighting creates a far more realistic and natural look (your ceiling lights are illumunating the ceiling - how can a downward-facing light do that?)

If you build up a good set of texture lights, then you rarely even need to think about the lighting - the textures will do it all for you with only minor tweaking.
we should have a fy_coach night where we all play it and custom maps that hl2.net people have made!!!

I like the idea of a HL2 custom map server night... if anyone else would be interested.

Anyway, PiMuRho, definate thanks for the advice, I really need some better lighting skills. But you said that embedding the light texture in the ceiling texture wouldn't reduce wpolies... and I could have sworn it did. Only because when I look at a hacked up ceiling in gl_wireframe 2, there are more lines, but am I missing something?

I was turned off to texture lighting because I recently entered a mapping contest, and people told me the lighting was "bland, mostly because only texture lighting was used." They told me to use some entity lights, so... I think I'll take your advice again... back to Hammer... bleh. :) Should get it right this time, and I'll use an env_glow, too. :thumbs:
I meant it wouldn't affect the lighting. It does affect wpolies, because you have no sides to the light, which reduces it by 8 polygons :)
theagentsmith said:
I was turned off to texture lighting because I recently entered a mapping contest, and people told me the lighting was "bland, mostly because only texture lighting was used." They told me to use some entity lights

My god, if they did actually make comments like that then they are seriously short of brains. Entity lighting over texture lighting is a big no, they are horrible. As to your viewing of gl_wireframe 2 - the engine splits polygons where two brushes meet (not entity brushes, only world)

So technically if the two brushes were to meet it would cut one of them into sections on the surface the brushes are touching.
Ooooh, okay. Thought that was weird... yeah, I figured I had it right, but lighting is more important than r_speeds, so I chopped it up. :)

I did some tex lighting and I'll post some screenshots soon. The lights look a little too bright, and I'd like to add env_glows, but they don't look so hot when I did...

Thanks for all your help, guys!

Oh, and yeah, I guess they didn't know what they were talking about. But the guy who said it won 3rd place for his map de_mountz, if anyone wants to see. I think its pretty damn good. (the winner was de_plaka, in the ZTK 2004 mapping contest)
Well, then, what does it mean? I've searched google and it seems to come up as "F**k You," but I also see that it isn't definate.

Whatever, it doesn't really matter.