G-man sightings

i saw him in one of the first monitors in Nova Prospekt, you had to change channels a few
He also appears at the red barn when your riding the airboat. He really isnt hard to miss in that part...
Also on the coast when you ride around in your buggy, there is a house with some soldiers in it. They were monitoring the post you had to get to, and through the telescope/camera thing you can see the G-man talking to the leader over there. (The post where you get the Rocket launcher and take down gunships)
Theres about 10 locations i think. I seen most of them.
Theres another one in anticitizen one, theres a tv on the ground somewhere and you see him on it for a sec then it goes off.
The scene where you see him on the TV is really... kind of eerie. Didn't it look like he was going to some sort of conference or something? Or was he just staring at you?
Hes actually stood on a boat with a raven on his shoulder in that scene where hes on TV.
The one that really interests me is when I see him (what looks like speaking) to Odessa through the binoculars on one of the coast levels. :O
I can't remember where in the game but.. I had just jumped up some boxes, and I look over to where I just came from, and there THE BITCH IS TALKING TO SOMEONE. I was like "Omg, I gotta kill him, now...". But it was too late, when I spotted him he had already turned around. My frenzy jumping didn't help, he was gone when I got there.