Gabe stated "holidays" to hlradio staff

4th of July?

A former employee of Vivendi announced "April 2004". This date came only from one Vivendi employee. The employee is nolonger with Vivendi.

:O :thumbs:
HLRadio's information has been all but useless in the past. I'd like this to be an exception, but I'm not even going to consider getting my hopes up in the least.
I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

But I want that game SO BAD!
Personally I don't even think Gabe has a good idea of when the release will be. There is just too many unknown's in my opinion for even the head of the whole project to forcast a set date.
did any of you actually listen to it? it was by far the biggest waste of time of my life... there was a thread on this forum that was being updated on an average of 9 posts a minute, all of which was completely making fun of everything they said, because theyre nothing but jokes.

that night was useless, nothing was said that was important.
I remember looking at that thread at Uni. Every minute there was a new page, it was the biggest waste of time.
Originally posted by Bandages
did any of you actually listen to it? it was by far the biggest waste of time of my life... there was a thread on this forum that was being updated on an average of 9 posts a minute, all of which was completely making fun of everything they said, because theyre nothing but jokes.

that night was useless, nothing was said that was important.

When do they ever have anything important? They sent 2 guys to VALVe and all they got to do is play CS:CZ all day.....
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
When do they ever have anything important? They sent 2 guys to VALVe and all they got to do is play CS:CZ all day.....

It was like putting something shiny in front of people with low IQ's.

Ohh look at the pretty tin foil ball, they stair at it and totally ignore everything else going on, LIKE GETTING MORE HL2 INFO BY INTERVIEWING PEOPLE LIKE YOUR SUPPOSED TOO.
Originally posted by Stryyder
It was like putting something shiny in front of people with low IQ's.

Ohh look at the pretty tin foil ball, they stair at it and totally ignore everything else going on, LIKE GETTING MORE HL2 INFO BY INTERVIEWING PEOPLE LIKE YOUR SUPPOSED TOO.

Right. Because, we all know, the 2 that went to VALVe's offices were allowed to roam around freely? Wow. Are you really that dense? Seriously, now, they were allowed to do what they were allowed to do, nothing more, nothing less.

If you went to VALVe, you'd of done the same thing had they led you to where they lead them, which was CZ. So, stop trying to act like they did a bad job.

Although I agree, no new info from that radio broadcast, but the point is, the guys who went to VALVe did what they could.
So, stop trying to act like they did a bad job.
I'm not going to go dredge that waste up, but weren't there quite a few, "What did they say about this?" "Uh.. we didn't ask," moments? Not to mention that they were sent there to do an "interview" about Half-Life 2.. not CZ and the whole interview itself had been billed, hyped, and lauded as this big event where we'll get major Half-Life 2 news.

Coming back with, "We got to play CZ," and, "I don't know," is doing a bad job. If they'd said, "We've got a couple guys getting a tour of VALVe," that would've been something else.
Eh, good point there.. but still.. there were what, 16 year olds? The one had to bike home =/

Anyhow, they were excited to be visiting VALVe, they tried their best, that's all I'm saying
The thing that scares the sh*t out of me is that they don't say which holidays, or even the year. Just "holidays" :p

***2 years later Hl2 gets released 5 days b4 Christmas day***

Gabe: See I said Holidays and I delivered !!!
*Not holding his breath*

I wouldn't suggest you guys do either ;)
I don't think you can hold your breath until December, April, or even more than 2 minutes.
I can for 2 minutes (I've loved the water ever since I was a baby, I swam, and still do swim, all the time)... donno' about 3 though. I might turn blue >__<