Games From The Orange Box Flying Solo

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
As already reported, from the 9th-11th April we will be seeing the games which made the Orange Box the success it was, released as individual retail games. The pricing scheme will be as follows
  • Portal - $19.99 USD
  • Team Fortress 2 - $29.99 USD
  • Half-life 2 Episode Pack (inc both episodes plus HL2 Deathmatch) - $29.99 USD
It's also important to point out the last in the list there still supports the 'gift' features, so if you already own one of those episodes or deathmatch you may gift it to a friend. Also all three packages include support for Steamworks achievements, automatic updates and more, and do not require Half-Life 2 to play. Also a reminder, to buy the Orange Box with all these titles together the current price on Steam is $49.95 USD (so a good saving if you want more than 1 of the above packages). Doug Lombardi says...<blockquote>With the flexibility of having different pricing and packaging options via Steam, we were able to test the market viability of the individual products. The results show an overwhelming demand for these stand-alone offerings as well as The Orange Box. This gives us tremendous confidence as we bring gamers more ways to get these titles at retail<blockquote>
New Box Art below:[br]Episode 2[/url][br]Portal[br]Team Fortress 2 (Nice...that's more like it)
Sweet, the box design wasn't left to an intern this time :)
Episode Two comes bundled with Episode One. Interesting...
The TF2 boxart looks like, I don't know, some kind of self-help book or something.
"Don't be a guy with a hat, a WWI Flamethrower dude, or a blue-collar plumber, be the big happy guy with the giant gun (genetalia) in the front!"
Is that the best they could do?

And now that I look closer, you can't even tell what the HWG guy is holding, unless you already know.
The TF2 boxart looks like, I don't know, some kind of self-help book or something.
"Don't be a guy with a hat, a WWI Flamethrower dude, or a blue-collar plumber, be the big happy guy with the giant gun (genetalia) in the front!"
Is that the best they could do?

And now that I look closer, you can't even tell what the HWG guy is holding, unless you already know.

You are an idiot.
because I expressed my opinion?

Because your opinion sucks.

Box art is awesome. I'm glad they did this, might bring some more appeal by people just walking by it at the store.
Finally, box art.

Was that really so hard?

Like the G-man on the side on the Episode Two box. Nice touch.
The TF2 Box Art...

I like it but it screams G-Mod wallpaper. Also...biased representation of the Red Team! Blu fo' life!
Not really that impressed with the box art, portal's is the best because it's simple. TF2 doesn't seem to work well for me. EP 2 uses a good image but clutters the front space up. Just my opinion.
Wow, the box art is really good! The HL2EP2 box on "Episodes" box looks quite nice, as well. I wonder if that was the first version of EP2 box art.

So, I can finally convert these to soundtrack cover arts for each games! ;)
Wait a minute. The Episode 2 box is a bundle. Shown on the box is an image of the Episode 1 and 2 box. But this is the first time Ep 2 has been released on it's own! WTF OH GOD PARADOX D:
Glad I got the Orange Box for dirt cheap tbh.
Wait a minute, Valve box art that's actually decent?

Something wrong with previous box art from Valve?

You might want to note (if you're not up to date with the world) that EA produced the Orange Box art