GMan Ending Script


Jun 25, 2004
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for all of you who want to know what he said, clealry, read below.

"...time, dr. freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived."

"You’ve done a great deal in a small time span.
You’ve done so well, in fact, that I’ve received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t contemplate them, but these are extraordinary times."

"Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you… if and when your time comes round again. I do apologise for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, dr. freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of…well... I’m not at liberty to say."

In the meantime…this is where I get off.
Alright, I knew it by heart already! *proud* Now I know all the g-man speeches by heart!
thanks, just completed hl2 this minute, and i missed a few bits of it.
Did you notice that his face seems to have this look of pain when he makes that gasping noise?
quoted from the prima guide

The so-called "G-Man" is a mysterious agent who may or may not represent a rogue government. He has a gravelly, mocking voice that tends to put emphasis and inflection in odd places - a voice that speeds up and slows down unpredictably, as if he is not quite comfortable with human speech.
AJ Rimmer said:
Doesn't mean he's a robot...

i know. personally i think he's an interdimensional alien of some kind. sort of like Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Dedalus said:
i know. personally i think he's an interdimensional alien of some kind. sort of like Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Sounds reasonable, might explain why he doesn't take damage from your bullets, he's always on a slightly different plane of reality when we se him. Explains the sort of phasing he does at the end and beginning of HL2.
I think he could be a robot.
But like a bitch robot, an errand boy for a much, much more important person/alien. He tells you what his boss wants you to do next. I think this boss sort of runs the universe, almost like a God figure, if you want to something to compare him to, and keeps it in order using people like Gordon.
But that's my 0.02 cents.
I like how they leave it so open ended, any of our theories could be right.
kingthebadger said:
for all of you who want to know what he said, clealry, read below.

"...time, dr. freeman? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived."

"You?ve done a great deal in a small time span.
You?ve done so well, in fact, that I?ve received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily, I wouldn?t contemplate them, but these are extraordinary times."

"Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty of choosing for you? if and when your time comes round again. I do apologise for what must seem to you an arbitrary imposition, dr. freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of?well... I?m not at liberty to say."

In the meantime?this is where I get off.
if u want to see and hear it instead of reading it, dl the video: