Good 9800 pro?


Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
I was looking to buy a 9800 pro when on new egg they have a sapphire ati radeon 9800 pro for 305$ OEM,3668 now what exactly does OEM mean is that watered down version of the card or what? Also there is several other saphire 9800 pro's that are 50 - 100$ more exspensive whats the real difference? between OEM and retail and is it worth getting OEM? Cuz All im looking for is the video card not a bunch of games to come with it.
well i dont know alot, but it hnik OEM is where u just get the card, no warranty, and some NOT ALL OEM's are underclocked a bit ( i think this is true ) i personall bought a hercules 9800pro retail and its great, came with a free game aswell :p
grrr....we need a sticky about this to........

Well, if you purchase an OEM item you will get the product in plain, unmarked packaging without any 'extras' such as printed manuals, extra cabling, fixings, or software. Drivers, where necessary, are always included in OEM products.
Retail items are the same as you would buy in the highstreet - a nice shiny box with manuals, software, fixings and everything else you need to get started. Retail items are therefore more expensive than OEM items.

We do try to ensure that the information is clear regarding what is retail, and what is OEM. Where there is no indication, products should be assumed to be OEM. This will rarely be a problem for experienced users as most software, drivers, and extras can be downloaded from manufacturer websites.
Go with the sapphire retail, the sapphire OEM will not include software or any add on's. Basically OEM was designed not for cheaps cards, it was designed to replace cards if one broke that was past warranty.

I own a Sapphire 9800Pro Retail, belive me, they smoke any other 9800pro i've seen. Plus you get gobs of cool hardware. :cheers:
Sapphire can kiss my ass, gigabyte and herc. all the way baby, anyone know if Tyan is good btw? because they clock their cards higher than most I've seen, j/w
Originally posted by RABIES
Go with the sapphire retail, the sapphire OEM will not include software or any add on's. Basically OEM was designed not for cheaps cards, it was designed to replace cards if one broke that was past warranty.

I own a Sapphire 9800Pro Retail, belive me, they smoke any other 9800pro i've seen. Plus you get gobs of cool hardware. :cheers:

lol? Im guessing you dont know much since a 9800pro cant smoke another 9800pro just like a tnt cant smoke another tnt card. Just cause they are different retailers dosnt mean they are better or worse.
Originally posted by DanteHL2
Sapphire can kiss my ass, gigabyte and herc. all the way baby, anyone know if Tyan is good btw? because they clock their cards higher than most I've seen, j/w

saphires cards are just as good or better than any other ATI manufacturer.

they are on par with hercules and ASUS

if its not clocked the same.....its not stock.

Originally posted by RABIES
Go with the sapphire retail, the sapphire OEM will not include software or any add on's. Basically OEM was designed not for cheaps cards, it was designed to replace cards if one broke that was past warranty.

most people dont need the extra garbage that comes with retail stuff....

the two exceptions being cpus and gfx cards........

But even then its only personal preferance ,for example- do you need the stock cpu fan? or are you going to buy an aftermarket part?....or do you need the extra software and connections that come with a retail card that 90% of people dont use or will an oem part suffice?

there is NO "noticable" differance at stock speeds for any peice of hardware thats the same model........ hence the term "STOCK"

The differances are only noticable when you are overclocking....and then it depends more on brand and the specific version of the card model that a manfacturer makes.

ie: saphire atlantis have better cooling systems(usauly)and power regulation than saphire's stock your normally going to be able to push your card a little further when overclocking.

I own a Sapphire 9800Pro Retail, belive me, they smoke any other 9800pro i've seen. Plus you get gobs of cool hardware. :cheers:, its exactly the same as any other stock 9800pro by a decent manufacturer. sorry.
Actually the sapphire is not the same, hence, I OWN ONE. It's clock rates are much higher and it's tools are much better. Many people think that RageTweak can fully tweak their card, oh if only they knew what redline does. Hell, not even the ATI drivers will work with this card. And if your statements were true then that would mean that all cards are the same, that can't be true, seeing as how many place different RAM on their boards. Do your homework man, geez..... :dozey:
wooo, who loves there own card :cheese: my hercules 9800pro is an excellent card but i dont raid in here saying its all that and a bag of potato chips compared to all other cards, because frankly, it aint. :p
Originally posted by DanteHL2
Sapphire can kiss my ass, gigabyte and herc. all the way baby, anyone know if Tyan is good btw? because they clock their cards higher than most I've seen, j/w

WTF's wrong with Sapphire?

They're a great company and they offer *okay* prices, but great performance.
Originally posted by RABIES
Actually the sapphire is not the same, hence, I OWN ONE. It's clock rates are much higher and it's tools are much better. Many people think that RageTweak can fully tweak their card, oh if only they knew what redline does. Hell, not even the ATI drivers will work with this card. And if your statements were true then that would mean that all cards are the same, that can't be true, seeing as how many place different RAM on their boards. Do your homework man, geez..... :dozey:

No, actually your wrong. They are not better, and they are not clocked A LOT higher. All STOCK [STOCK STOCK STOCK] cards are the same buddy.
Getting a bit rediculous here...

Dante, Im sorry but i have no clue where you got that from.

Whether it be a sapphire, built by ATI, Xtasy, or whatever, as long as they are STOCK they are the SAME THING.

The ONLY differences on a STOCK card is the COLOR and the HEATSINK AND FAN.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Getting a bit rediculous here...

Dante, Im sorry but i have no clue where you got that from.

Whether it be a sapphire, built by ATI, Xtasy, or whatever, as long as they are STOCK they are the SAME THING.

The ONLY differences on a STOCK card is the COLOR and the HEATSINK AND FAN.

Yes, as Sgt.Igneri said, you go and buy a Sapphire 9800XT and a Hercules 9800XT they will be the exact same thing. Why? First, they are just clones of the refernce 9800XT and also they just put a sticker on the card with another type of HSF and that's it. So, I guess it comes down to the extra features. I.E. Software bundles, Vivo etc.
Originally posted by RABIES
Actually the sapphire is not the same, hence, I OWN ONE. It's clock rates are much higher and it's tools are much better. Many people think that RageTweak can fully tweak their card, oh if only they knew what redline does. Hell, not even the ATI drivers will work with this card. And if your statements were true then that would mean that all cards are the same, that can't be true, seeing as how many place different RAM on their boards. Do your homework man, geez..... :dozey:

mmmk im just trying to help dude......believe what you want.

you have been misinformed.
from personal experience with sapphire cards, everyone I've gotten has had some default or defect with the product. FPS is lower, I get artifacts and flickering on the screen, just overall bad experience with Sapphire. Sorry
I know my card ain't a bag of chips, there are much better ones out there, for a price. All I am saying is that I have had some problems with other video cards, an older RAGE FURY MAXX 64MB (only works in 98?), a RADEON 8500LE (yeah that one had issues), I changed o nVidia (oops), GeForce FX5600 Ultra (laggy), and now I own a decent card, one that I have almost no problems with, except for the occational overheat, other than that I have had no problems. I have learned a lesson from video cards, there's too many of them, so you just have to try them all! haha....

For those that I have been rude to I am sorry, my mother and my 3 year old brother were hospitalized over the weekend, it hasn't exactly been a good day if you know what I mean... :dozey: :dozey:

Perhaps I will stray away from the forums for a few days until this is all sorted out...
Originally posted by DanteHL2
from personal experience with sapphire cards, everyone I've gotten has had some default or defect with the product. FPS is lower, I get artifacts and flickering on the screen, just overall bad experience with Sapphire. Sorry

Sucks for you. Sapphire must just think to themselves, "Oh shit, Dante's going to buy a card from us again! Let's try to screw him over... YET AGAIN! HAHAHA! Obey 'The Man'... we have control over you and your little dog, too! :devil:

You really like to avoid good cards that much?
Pick the bad boys don't you?
Asus: can't win em all......hehe, ya I have some pretty bad luck with video cards, I guess that's why I like this card so much. It just works...

DanteHL2: I've had some problems with that too, but only when I use ATI's drivers, not sapphires. Not sure what u r using? Plus where would you see these artifacts at?
Originally posted by DanteHL2
from personal experience with sapphire cards, everyone I've gotten has had some default or defect with the product. FPS is lower, I get artifacts and flickering on the screen, just overall bad experience with Sapphire. Sorry

Hmm, also strange that the Sapphire 9800XT is 2fps faster then a 9800XT card at stock speeds. :dozey:
always gotta have the smartasses in the crowd I suppose :dozey: