Good Canadian Online Stores

Jun 24, 2004
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Hi all,

In the last month, I've had horrible experiences trying to buy Zack & Wiki and Okami for the Wii (tried to stay clear of eBay as it was a gift and I needed the games new). As I was told at the beginning of my odyssey, both games had been discontinued. No problem, I thought, I would just buy them online. However, when I checked all the common Canadian outlets (Futureshop, Best Buy, Amazon), all of them were out of those games as well. What makes matters worse is that many of the US sites I tried don't ship videogames to Canada (some anti-competition law or other).

I finally settled on buying from Play Asia and paying the custom charges. However, I would appreciate if people can share their favorite Canadian sites they use for game shopping. I'm especially looking for the less known sites that carry games that cannot be found in stores any more.

Hi all,

In the last month, I've had horrible experiences trying to buy Zack & Wiki and Okami for the Wii (tried to stay clear of eBay as it was a gift and I needed the games new). As I was told at the beginning of my odyssey, both games had been discontinued. No problem, I thought, I would just buy them online. However, when I checked all the common Canadian outlets (Futureshop, Best Buy, Amazon), all of them were out of those games as well. What makes matters worse is that many of the US sites I tried don't ship videogames to Canada (some anti-competition law or other).

I finally settled on buying from Play Asia and paying the custom charges. However, I would appreciate if people can share their favorite Canadian sites they use for game shopping. I'm especially looking for the less known sites that carry games that cannot be found in stores any more.


you didnt look hard enough
So the cheapest new Okami copy on is $85 dollars and Zack and Wiki is $40. This is insanely overpriced for these games. Are there stores where these games are actually sold for what they cost when they were released in stores ($45 and $25, respectively).

PS: I bought the games for half the price at Play Asia. I just don't want to deal with Customs and the 3 week waiting time.
try eb games, or other big box retailers ..really we dont have much choice

you could try
Tried all stores (live in Toronto, so have a large number of used game stores at my disposal). I have the games now, I was just wondering if in the future there are good online stores that ship video games to Canada quickly and without involving customs.
not in canada, not that I know of. really we're missing out on a golden business opportunity: online game store. odd because they're common in the states
Newegg now has a Canada website which sells some games stuff. Although I don't see those specific titles on there.

Prices are low but the shipping/handling (UPS across boarder) makes up for it atm. Still no newegg shipping center in Canada...yet.