Gordon Freeman... in the flesh


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Edit> Changed the whole post as original pictures are no longer valid and served no real purpose. Enjoy.

As you can see in the first image, the Camera is pointing directly at Gordon. Note that the TV does not actually show Gordon. Also note that this frame of the video was exactly 1 frame before the Gordon picture. Might be cause of video lag? strange in any case.


The second image contains the picture of Gordon, Unretouched.


The third image is the same as the second, except I've outlined him.
I suck at drawing. Tracing on another hand is a different story. As you can see the outline LOOKS human. This is because I traced it.


What do you all think?
..... what the hell are you on?

HAHAHAH urseus, youre feckin hilarious, and by the way, what the **** did you do with that joint, you utterly destroyed it.
Ok enough. Time for details. This was the part in the tech demo where Gordon picked up the camera and shot it at the TVs. This is what the camera is seeing after it bounces away from the TV. I have very good reason to believe that this IS Gordon. In the picture you can see the fire room clearly which is to Gordons right. When Gordon shoots the TV the camera clearly goes to the left of Gordon. Thus if the camera is spinning, and taking crystal clean pictures even after being shot at a TV, it might possibly point at Gordon at some point in time.

The fire room shows that the camera WAS pointing in his general direction. And the blob looks mysteriously like Gordon if you look at it carefully.

oooh, thanks blaze, you cleared it up a lot.
use the brightness/gamma controls on your vidcard/monitor and you will notice the picture is upside down (Im looking at the video with my 9800 pro's overlay, its not gordon, just the cam slightly catching an obscure angle of the "fire room" the brownish part at the top being the ground.
I'm not going to reply to this...

...wait a minute, but I just did

*Universe explodes due to logical paridox*
what do the borg say again?
something something something

I knew it had something to do with resistance being futile...
Where did you find these pics??

ahh nevermind
You can tell these boards are gonna go up in flames when HL2 is released, lol, I can just feel it
Better pictures

Ok ok digging up a slightly old thread here. But I just found out the fileplanet video is "new and improved" or something and redownloaded it. Thus I have better pictures of what I believe to be Gordon!

As you can see in the first image, the Camera is pointing directly at Gordon. Note that the TV does not actually show Gordon. Also note that this frame of the video was exactly 1 frame before the Gordon picture. Might be cause of video lag? strange in any case.


The second image contains the picture of Gordon, Unretouched.


The third image is the same as the second, except I've outlined him.
I suck at drawing. Tracing on another hand is a different story. As you can see the outline LOOKS human. This is because I traced it.


What do you all think?
Now when anyone asks if the game will have reflections of Gordon... The answer is yes!!!
Man some people ahve alot fo time. Me included i just dont spend it usefully working out stuff in hl2
shouldn't he be looking up?
the outline you made looks a little to bent over.
the glowing thing should be the manipulator.
and maybe the bulge to the right of it the head...
but i don't know...
Henrik, the camera is right side up and tilted. So yeah my outline is a little bent over. The legs were nearly impossible to trace because it is a lot darker closer to the ground.

Edit> Oh and about the glow of the manipulator. The in game model for the manipulator most likely isn't finished. It's probobly just a placeholder. The visible to you and visible to others weapons models were different in HL1. Maybe this will be the same in HL2?

this is going to shut down by a swarm of special ops worms.

/me is really really tired
Amazing guys! Is it fire on background? I guess it if from last room. Anyway, now one more question, will we see him in water :D ?
put some more time in your photoshopings please...

i whould have inserted alyx instead... and i whould have atleast spent more than 5 minutes with the pic

Yeah, spend more time so you can be a complete loser spending over 5 minutes on a joke.

Wait no, don't. Keep it how it is.
Oh, I found out, that it isn't Gordon. But It's too early now, I'll prove it later...
Whens the last time some of you saw daylight?

Its a thread about a camera seeing Gordon on the Video screen from an incomeplete build of Half-life 2. In the time you did all that maybe you could have done something more worthwhile with the time that was given to you?
god...that picture freaked me out, i cant believe we are seeing godon in the flesh before the games released...shame bout the quality tho
Re: Better pictures

Originally posted by BlazeKun
Also note that this frame of the video was exactly 1 frame before the Gordon picture. Might be cause of video lag? strange in any case.

It has been confirmed by Valve that because this is a recorded demo and not played in real time, slight timeing problems occur. They said this in response when someone e-mailed them about the fact that the combine who is crushed by a dumpster starts to die before the dumpster actually hits him. I think this is a similar thing.

I suppose if one looks hard enough they'll see Gordon.

Me, I like to watch my dog smile.
OK, its proving time!

Look closely on the first picture, no comment...


The second and the third picture is to understand what we can see on the screen. One is upside down, just as the camera could have been.


I think the object we thought was gordon is a shade, or something too dark(maybe a boiler and its shadow), and is marked by a red circle on each pic. Considering the angle of the camera's view, this is more than possible.
My dog just winked at me.

I'll bet he's thinking about bacon, cause he's smiling so brightly.

I went out my back gate once, and my dog followed me to it. He put his nose through the bars so i sadi to him "you aint seen me, right" and he winked at me :D

I love dogs