Gordon Freeman: Un-fit!


Dec 15, 2004
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Gordon Freeman is very un-fit! Being locked away for so long he must of piled on the pounds. Have you noticed he can only sprint (I'd call it more of a jog) for a very short time. Plus he can't hold his breath for very long either. I hope he gets back into shape before HL3.

(BTW, Don't take this post very seriously :p)
lol... haha. i hadn't thought of that. How is he supposed to get fit when he's been locked away again?
poor, poor newb. when you have as many posts as me you'll see things differently.
Fleabaine... for a sec I thought you were serious, then I looked at your post count. :LOL: :LOL:
Lol, I didn't notice his post count. I can't wait until I can see things differently with 17 posts.
Ugh! The headcrab days. Bullsquids eat headcrabs for brekkie! :E
Anyway, to the heart of the topic... He's in statcis, he's not eating, sleeping or anything like that. He's not even aging. So I don't think "Staying fit" is one of his issues.
I think it was a pretty bad idea to include the flashlight's energy source with the sprinting's. It sux :(
CREMATOR666 said:
I think it was a pretty bad idea to include the flashlight's energy source with the sprinting's. It sux
I hate it how the flashlight, oxygen and sprinting are all shared. Imagine sprinting (fast-swimming) underwater with the flashlight on. :hmph:
I hate it how the flashlight, oxygen and sprinting are all shared. Imagine sprinting (fast-swimming) underwater with the flashlight on.

That happens an awful lot for me. :p (running from fastzombies is now my hobby :D)
he's actually moving ridiculously fast if you compare it to real world speed. I tried some rough calculations on HL1 and he keeps a steady pace of like a bit over 20kmph. That's an average city bike speed. Somehow he manages to keep this pace for well over two days game time or roughly 7-12 hours of actual playtime and he is still able to spring even faster on top of this.
sfc_hoot said:
I hate it how the flashlight, oxygen and sprinting are all shared. Imagine sprinting (fast-swimming) underwater with the flashlight on. :hmph:

You do realise that the AUX power is more of a Re-breather? Gordon can still hold his breath because you don't start downing as soon as your AUX power drains.

Its also nice to see Valve have the "Drowning health regeneration" back :D
Venmoch said:
You do realise that the AUX power is more of a Re-breather? Gordon can still hold his breath because you don't start downing as soon as your AUX power drains.
Yes, I know, but my point is that being underwater drains power that is also used for the flashlight and the sprint. :(
I don't know if any of you looked at the 1001 Signs You've Played Too Much Half-Life thread, but the "You get tired from having your flashlight on too long" was one of them.

/Smirking as he remembers the cheesy Quake 2 drowning noises ... grrg ... grrg ... grrg ... *HURK*CHOKE*
i'm glad you agree with me on this i have always though with such a hi-tech suit it's a bit unlikely that that flashlight would only work for 4 1/2 minutes at a time, and also what oxygen apperatus have valve ever heard of that has a 35 sec capability??, the sprinting is the only one thats even scientifically credible as that would require a large amount of energy (5 KW a sec or therabouts) but flashlights and oxy-pumps only use 1-3 watts max???
yeah......i know you weren't serious but still freeman just time warped, it hasn't been any time for him between the end of black mesa and city 17.
pwned! cremator666 mate u got too much free time

Im guann make a cool avatar which ppl will recognise meh by!
gordon doesnt have lots of stamina because he is in a huge HEV suit probobly weight the amount of that old scuba gear made outa brass

How about you try running around while carrying a hazard suit and several -large- weapons. ;)
denominator said:
Unfit? How about you try running around while carrying a hazard suit and several -large- weapons.
Quoted for humour. :LOL:
pwned! cremator666 mate u got too much free time

Im guann make a cool avatar which ppl will recognise meh by!

What does that suppose to mean? :O