Gordon Freeman vs. Walter vs. Anonymous pair of pants! You gotta see this fight!

Fight fight fight!

  • Gordon Freeman

    Votes: 10 31.3%
  • Walter

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Anonymous pair of pants (w/ belt)

    Votes: 20 62.5%

  • Total voters
I'm the poster of useless yet fun threads... whose only purpose in life is to be edited by Zerimski ;)

dude, if Walter and his friends can destroy Black Mesa.. I think they can destroy Freeman too

I'm not sure about the pants tho o_O
I choose the Microsoft Digital Pants...even though it seems they are in beta and they freeze every 5-10 seconds.
lol at Miasma....

although methinks Linux 2.5 Server Pants would own the Digital Pants.... ah well :p
i was going to vote walter, but the pants had a belt...
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Pants? Well I never saw this coming

"NOBODY expects the " Pants! "Their chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... their two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the belt.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* their weapons.... Amongst thier weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

/me exits and exeunts

" NOBODY expects the "Pants!" Amongst thier weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Belt, and nice cosy leg bits - Oh damn! I can't say it - some one else will have to say it"....I'm offf... :p
The pants would win guys, the fact that they are anonymous is enough evidence alone to prove they are the true champions
Oo.. i must say. this is the most original poll fight to date on this board!
How can a pair of pants NOT win?! It even has a belt!
Yeah, the belt can hold 3 extra rows of potions, gives 130 defense, +2 to all skills, and 30% cold resistance! Thats a keeper if you ask me!
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
Yeah, the belt can hold 3 extra rows of potions, gives 130 defense, +2 to all skills, and 30% cold resistance! Thats a keeper if you ask me!

not to forget the added ablity to keep your pants up :p
Originally posted by Stone
not to forget the added ablity to keep your pants up :p
pfft, who need the pants, all they got is +2 to light radius, 5% fire resistance and +2% better chance of finding magic items (based on character lvl) The belt owns it.
The pants would win.
Freeman would dispatch Walter in one mighty blow from from his enhanced muscles (Thank you Mr. HEV suit). But then! The pants would catch Gordon fom behind, warp itself around him and then beat him sense-less with the belt.

The pants (w/ belt) 0\/\/nz j00 p|-|00!!!11!!!11one1!!
p|-|33r |\/|y L33T |\/|15 5|>3|_|_1|\|9z
Anyone, else getting the impression of a Silence Of The Lambs kind of thing now...ewwww
The main question is: are the pants 1337? Or more likely who 0wnz0rz the pants?
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
Not a chance, hes a bearded man wit glasses! He would be co-worker at best.
Here's how it goes. Gordon pulls out his crowbar but Walter gets so scared he runs around in circles really fast with Gordon chasing. Gordon gets so tired of running that he accidently runs into a barnicles tounge and gets gibbed. ( dun dun dun!). Walter runs into a storage room in fear that there may be more after him. BUT THEN. The pants burst out of the air vent and knock over walter. "My God what are you doing!", shouts walter. The pants then proceed to whack him in the face multiple times with the belt. Walter gets up when anon pants arn't looking and runs down the hall. He keeps looking back as he runs straight down the hall. He trips into the water in the room, due to his lack of attention. An itchyosour comes out of the circular vent thingy under water. "Oh my god we're doome-", shouts Walter as he is gibbed by the big scary fish. Pants win. The end.

Wow thats my longest and most idiotic post ever! :afro: :cheers:
Originally posted by Zeus
Here's how it goes. Gordon pulls out his crowbar but Walter gets so scared etc....
(didnt feel like quoting whole thing, long)
No, the belt would destroy gordon and walter with its lvl 20 holy shock aura, then the belt would hostile the pants out of town and pk them. Therefore the belt wins, not the pants!
I used to own at diablo II, i had some of the best stuff, then i found out it was gay. Now i play real games :p
Originally posted by SpuD
I used to own at diablo II, i had some of the best stuff, then i found out it was gay. Now i play real games :p
Haha jk man, yeah it gets boring after a while, new patch comin out soon tho, make it fun. And it is extremely fun to talk about stuff from a game when most of the people here dont got a clue what your goin on about, quite satisfyin, try it sometime.
ya woo d2 d2, good stuff. We must play again when the patch comes out ruf. I sure need some stuff that brings up my reistances.
Hahah ive given you enough stuff, occy gives res, cant think of anythin else that does tho.
Originally posted by kanarico
im talking about my bowa
ah i see, i only got shaftstop and stormshield for zons, cant have those haha, only got one of each.
I got a sweet stockpile tho, im rdy for the storm that is 1.10
ah i c. geez u b*astard with all yor good crap. its too bad that u can't use meph bot for the patch and find good items that easily for that matter.
My zon was awesome, lvl 98 ITH bow, 160/60 armor, inventory fill of 5%s, Then my barb, ohh my barb, dual ith fighting blades, dual ith MF blades, then SS when i duel, 160/60 armor, Arkaines Valor etc... I owned, until i found out diablo ii was gay.