Graphics Problems



When playing CS Source at 1024 by 786 resolution I was not satisfied with my graphics so I started to mess around with the video advanced settings and ended up messing them up. My graphics card is a RADEON 9200 Series. In the map de_aztec the water has started to become white and almost foamy looking whereas the bricks are black and dull looking doesn't matter what I do with my settings they never change. Also I have started to see boxes with crosses in them where the lamps in maps are and this has just started since I messed around with my graphics. I would really appreciate it if someone would suggest how I could get them back to normal or suggest what my problem is.

Much Thanks

[EIRE/NI] Taig
yeah, nice looking wall m8 :D why do u want to change it back? ;P
get a new graphics card , or alternativley turn off AA (anti-aliasing) and turn if it is on billiener to nothing.
add -dxlevel 81 to your launch options
lol leg0 nice avatar , except mine would eat yours mwhahahaha
the water affect looks like wat happens to far cry wen set to the lowest level, wat settings are they set on besides the resolution?
trust me Taig! Aztec looks like that because your runing in DIRECT X 7 mode :p
So either you go to your autoexe file and change mat_dxlevel 70 to mat_dxlevel 81
Or you do as I said before and add: -dxlevel 81 to your launch options
(lol exodusuk!) ;)
well.. my avatar is a ninja!! you cant eat a ninja, you just cant :p