Grizzly Bear's New Album: Veckatimest

I've got it, listened to a few tracks but like Yellow House, couldn't get into it. I've got too many other albums to listen to at the moment but when I've some free time I'll give it a proper spin.
Snatched it from JB just before. Soooo muuuuuch awwwwwe

I love this band to ****ing death.

Yellow house
Oh god, SO good. I got it the day it dropped- absolutely brilliant.

That said, if you love them, you'll also love Department of Eagles. It's vocalist Daniel Rossen's band, and their latest CD ("In Ear Park") sounds like a dreamier, more baroque grizzly bear. It's the only thing that knocked Veckatimest out of my player.
I have been a huge Grizzly Bear fan for the past year (if you can't tell by my Ed Droste avatar). I kinda met Ed and Dan last year after I saw them open for New Pornographers. I then saw them open for Radiohead a week after that, and a few weeks ago I saw them headline a show in Boston. Such an amazing band. Wonderful live act. They pulled off many of the Veckatimest songs so well (like Southern Point, I Live With You, Ready Able).

Here We Go Magic opened for their Boston show, and I'd say check these guys out if you dig the Grizz.

And I love In Ear Park. I did some heavy listening of that album last Winter.