

I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Man... I used to love this movie when I was like 7-8 years younger... but damn, watching this movie again, it's amazing how corny it is!

Seriously... observing the dialogue ("I'm the plague!") and the outfits and the general atmosphere, its just amazing how goofy and dumb this movie is now in modern light. <chuckles>
Hehe, yeah, I watched it a few months ago too. I hadn't seen it for years. I was actually embarrassed, and didn't finish the movie.
heh... you should try hackers 2 on for size....

or not...
all hackers drink jolt cola... didnt you know that? :p they drink it in their hacker-pads
Whoa...a 28.8k modem...that's unpossible...:O
Yeah, the movie is pretty cool.. but un-realistic.

Hackers don't have a WPM (words per minute) of 20
Hackers don't travel the city on roller blades
There is no "gibson"


But don't get me wrong, it was a good movie.. infact, I want to watch it right now.
Well, let's face it, an accurate portrayle of hacking and hackers would have made for an extremely boring movie.

And let's not forget the seven sins of Hollywood Hacking:
1) Extremely bright and high-contrast displays so that the color washes over the actor's face.
2) Furious typing, no matter what operation is performed, and the liberal use of the word 'mainframe'.
3) Black background color with green text.
4) Jolt Cola & Pizza
5) Geeky, yet strangely attractive hackers.
6) The quintessential government database hack.
7) The genius, anarchist, goth, lesbian, teenager stereotype.

"I'll hack into the NSA mainframe, and check their files!" *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*


"I'll hack into the NSA secure network!... oops, that's right it's a closed network with no access to the internet! Oh, well, who wants lunch?"
"I'll hack into the NSA mainframe, and check their files!" *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*


"I'll hack into the NSA secure network!... oops, that's right it's a closed network with no access to the internet! Oh, well, who wants lunch?"

Laugh out loud.
I saw Hackers 2 and I thought it was pretty good. I don't think it had ANYTHING to do with Hackers 1, because H2 was pretty realistic. Well, not TOTALLY realistic, but it was the most realistic depiction of "hacking" I've ever seen in a movie.
haha this movie was on tonight, I caught the end of it but haven't seen it in years.
Ahhh yes a young angelina jolie as acid burn...o0o0o0o lol
i laughed at alot of the parts, so unrealistic but hey, the movie inspired tonnes of people to steal their screen names so they too can be ub3r 1337 r007 h4x0r5