Half-Life 2 may be Done

Also, Poseyjmac, Valve could simply include the CD-Key for CS:Source and instead of allowing the user access to a beta, they could simply make CS:Source available once its done entirely via Steam.
well when i played the game in late june, the game seemed complete to me... i dont know why valve is taking so long to get the game out... i think it has to do with finishing counter strike source...

qckbeam said:
I've got a subscription and will be scanning the magazine as soon as it arrives (which should be during the week of the 13th). If you're interested PM me and I'll contact you when it gets here and provide you with a link to it. The site (understandably) does not allow scans.

I just decided to leave :)

Your the shiznit.
It's hard to keep so many theories straight, I believe it will be out by the end of the month.... too may things point to it.
Sparta said:
Also, Poseyjmac, Valve could simply include the CD-Key for CS:Source and instead of allowing the user access to a beta, they could simply make CS:Source available once its done entirely via Steam.

so basically valve would say, ok its still beta, we will just continue the beta testing once people buy it. thats just not valve's style, and vivendi would not like that.
There is a hint in the pc gamer mag i got this month also. Says next issue (mid sept.) will have very big news they make it sound like its hl2.
I doubt that it could be Sims 2 since Sims games aren't very "sense shattering" although S2 went gold a week back.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I doubt that it could be Sims 2 since Sims games aren't very "sense shattering" although S2 went gold a week back.

It might not be groundbreaking, but it will sell a HUGE amount of copies and it highly anticipated.
yeah but the sims such compaired to even doom 3, its impossible to compair a pile like sims 2 to such a masterpiece like hl2
Too bad they don't write "It's done" instead of "Its"

Bah I'm a grammar troll :)
Sorry for not reading every post, so this may not have much relevance, but if you check out this post here:


You'll find Gabe posting, asking for help with finding & making a texture.

Now checking the date that he posted the thread : 08-05-2004 - thats the 5th of August (american dating is month/day/year apposed to british day/month/year), isn't that a bit late to still be finding textures for a game thats supposedly finished now?

Why do I get an erie feeling that Valve are suddenly rushing Cs Source out the door to give HL2 a lot more time... :(
Bicka said:
Sorry for not reading every post, so this may not have much relevance, but if you check out this post here:


You'll find Gabe posting, asking for help with finding & making a texture.

Now checking the date that he posted the thread : 08-05-2004 - thats the 5th of August (american dating is month/day/year apposed to british day/month/year), isn't that a bit late to still be finding textures for a game thats supposedly finished now?

Why do an erie feeling like Valve are suddenly rushing Cs Source out the door to give HL2 a lot more time... :(
why do i get the feeling people assume very quickly on things they have absolutely NO IDEA about. importing a texture takes maybe 10 minutes tops. making the textures takes a week tops.
Bicka said:
Sorry for not reading every post, so this may not have much relevance, but if you check out this post here:


You'll find Gabe posting, asking for help with finding & making a texture.

Now checking the date that he posted the thread : 08-05-2004 - thats the 5th of August (american dating is month/day/year apposed to british day/month/year), isn't that a bit late to still be finding textures for a game thats supposedly finished now?

Why do I get an erie feeling that Valve are suddenly rushing Cs Source out the door to give HL2 a lot more time... :(

The preload didn't start until 2 weeks later so anything could have been added up until then. And he doesn't state why he needs these pictures, it could be just a reference to check if something looks good or not. I dunno...
CS:S is an online game. Before CS:S came out Counter-Strike was getting updated at like a once every two weeks schedule. CS:S only has to be in working order by the ship date of HL2. That's it. I'm sure CS:S has no bearing on the HL2 gold/release date.

Oh and that mag is legit. The only thing that makes HL2 NOT gold right now is that lack of a press release, which I'd be shocked if it didn't come this week.

It's gold. It's done. Bet you all 700 dollars.

as for that texture thing, it could easily be for HL2. And he could've easily gotten what he wanted and had it all ready by preload. Also, it could just as easily have been for another game. CS:S, DoD:S, or TF2 are three easy options.
I have plenty idea thank you very much mr.defence, aka omegablue.

I mearly pointed out that Valve are cutting things close.
Zento said:
Too bad they don't write "It's done" instead of "Its"

Bah I'm a grammar troll :)

It's common with PCPP, they have one of the worst editiing teams.
I'm flawed in thinking that, Gabe asking, on a forum, for a texture to be made 11 months after HL2 was delayed, isn't cutting it close?

Sure Mr.Defence.
Bicka said:
I'm flawed in thinking that, Gabe asking, on a forum, for a texture to be made 11 months after HL2 was delayed, isn't cutting it close?

Sure Mr.Defence.

It's a texture for a piece of hot steel, it isn't exactly big. It may be a bit close, but it's nothing serious.
Bicka said:
I'm flawed in thinking that, Gabe asking, on a forum, for a texture to be made 11 months after HL2 was delayed, isn't cutting it close?

Sure Mr.Defence.

One texture is a pretty trivial deal. Once he has it, it takes all of about 5 minutes to download it and stick it to whatever model surface he wasn't satisfied with.
Maybe he wanted a better more realistic texture? I keep hearing rumors that they have been redoing alot of the textures seeing as the newer end cards can take much more than valve had originaly planed on produceing for. More than likely they used this year to not only finish the game but to give it a update.
Few pages back someone asked if gabe had said it was fake himself in any emails and i actually got one from him tonite as a response from it. Its plain and simple.


Subject: RE: Fake hl2fallout post?
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 20:48:18 -0700
From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
To: "Russ" <****@yahoo.com>


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ [mailto:****@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:03 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Fake hl2fallout post?

Hi gabe,

There has been quite a lot of confusion over this
post. Appearently the IP doesn't match up on the other
posts you have made.

IS this infact you posting "We're going gold

Thanks in advance for your answer!

also i find it amazing that he actually responded to that i bet he got 122525235 emails like that and he still went thru and answered them 0.o
About the steel texture:

"also, what game is this for? is it on a console? or computer?"

Gabe's reply: "Ted is doing some final texture clean-up on our next PC game, called Half-Life 2."
I can verify this.


PC Powerplay, in my opinion, have always been a reliable source. In fact, you know those "new" screenshots comparing Half Life to Half Life: Source? They had those in last months issue. The reason I said nothing is that I assumed that they must of been pictures in the mainstream.

(ps, this isn't technically scanning a magazine article. The page in question is merely their teaser for the following month...so little more than an ad)
tic said:
Acording to the aussie mag pc powerplay.. this could have already been posted.. since i got the mag 5 days after it was ment to come out.. not my fault.. was a delay of the mag..

anyway this is what they say the next issue will have..

they have a big picture of the hl2 symbol & under it, it says its done.. now the mag comes out on the 22nd of september.. seems pretty soon.. so im thinking the game could be coming out in australia at the end of september? & they want to get the mag out befor its at the store's? i dunno. but there is for sure something coming in the next pc powerplay mag.. could be a review, could be a preview.. time will tell...

My friend Billy-Bob told me that HL2 will be released on floppy disks next friday. It must be true because he said so.
Baffling. A big HL2 symbol and then the text "It's done"


/me continues to ponder this mystery
We just learned that "Gabe's" gold announcement was faked, and still everyone is ready to believe whatever someone says.
wheres your humour? gone are the days when something inconsistant like this would bring up huge threads of "OMFG WTF??11?? HALF-LIFE 2!!!!111!!"

i shure liked those days, luckily for me i saw the gold confirmed as fake news before the half-life 2 gone gold one because i came back from holiday oh well. The new binks look amazing.
Everyone is saying something huge & big is comming, Ill go ahead and tell you its gabe in a thong on roller blades centerfold.
Whats the thing say at the top right..

Something on sale Sept 22??