Half-Life 2 SDK update



There hasn't been any mention of HL2 editing and the upcoming SDK from other news sources, so I have an exclusive for you. I had the chance to talk with Erik Johnson briefly on Wednesday about the HL2 SDK and it's release. He said that they got sidetracked with E3 preparations, but that he's going to focus on that when they return. His estimated release date was "about a month."

Of course things can change but he said they are still committed to releasing the SDK and editing tools before HL2 hits the shelves.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you guys the scoop. Erik gave me his business card and told me to email him next week. Man, I'm excited! :bounce:
Gabe Newell said last night that they can't release the full SDK until the game is out. Instead what they'll do is gradually release small tools. Next up will be compile tools and the HL Model Viewer.
Chris_D said:
Gabe Newell said last night that they can't release the full SDK until the game is out. Instead what they'll do is gradually release small tools. Next up will be compile tools and the HL Model Viewer.

I wonder if this is one of those double meaning things, hinting that the release isn't far away ( a month ) without actually commiting to a in stone release date. Just a thought.
PrimalGod said:
I wonder if this is one of those double meaning things, hinting that the release isn't far away ( a month ) without actually commiting to a in stone release date. Just a thought.

Probably not.

But one can wish.

To go from a finished game to a product on the shelves takes roughly 6 weeks with production of the CDs, boxes, packaging and transportation to the stores. THey hoped that they would be in Beta, not Alpha after E3. For speculation let's say its in Beta about four weeks before the code is frozen. That leaves us at the end of June. If production then starts July 1 we will have the game in mid to late August. Technically they could probably ship it off Steam July 1 but I doubt that they will if the shelf-product is not ready.

They probably will not to release the game right away when the game is completed. Especially with the legal stuff that is involved with the distributors and the retailers. Valve have no doubt signed deals that say that they cannot release the game before it hit the shelves. How will Vivendi get their money otherwise....

I will buy the game off the shelf regardless.... I like to have a box and some CDs to hold onto.
I wonder how many minutes after HL2's release a nude Alyx patch will be available :p
Assuming some sick puppy has already made a nude Alyx model?
About 2 minutes.
Erik says one things, Gabe says another. You were expecting something else? ;)

I guess Chris' is the most valid (at the least) assumption.
Phalck said:
I will buy the game off the shelf regardless.... I like to have a box and some CDs to hold onto.
i like having dvds to hold on to... BWAHAHAHAHA
Javert said:
I guess Chris' is the most valid (at the least) assumption.

Yeah, valve can't be trusted on release dates. ;)
But if I have to believe someone, it'll be Gabe. (he is the managing director after all x_X)
surprise surprise,, I get dissappointed again,, I should really know better than to trust anyone on this subject (the press and valve itself..)
Most of their release dates are originally _planned_, not promised. xP
Phalck said:
Probably not.

But one can wish.

To go from a finished game to a product on the shelves takes roughly 6 weeks with production of the CDs, boxes, packaging and transportation to the stores. THey hoped that they would be in Beta, not Alpha after E3. For speculation let's say its in Beta about four weeks before the code is frozen. That leaves us at the end of June. If production then starts July 1 we will have the game in mid to late August. Technically they could probably ship it off Steam July 1 but I doubt that they will if the shelf-product is not ready.

They probably will not to release the game right away when the game is completed. Especially with the legal stuff that is involved with the distributors and the retailers. Valve have no doubt signed deals that say that they cannot release the game before it hit the shelves. How will Vivendi get their money otherwise....

I will buy the game off the shelf regardless.... I like to have a box and some CDs to hold onto.

Producing CDs and boxes doesnt take 6 weeks, its 2 weeks at max, usualy just 1 though. Even blizzard's blockbuster titles dont take more than a week between gold and release.
the SDK was released yesterday.... the same time hell froze over
HL2's SDK coming out at the end of June?

I remember reading something about HL2's SDK coming out at the end of June. June 29 or 30th who knows but Erik Johnson said last month about the HL2 SDK and it's release. He said he's going to focus on that when they return (from E3). His estimated release date was "about a month." Hopefully the end of June. :borg:
As an example to show that it takes far less than six weeks, take a look at UT2004 - the game went gold and in under two weeks (11 days to be exact) the game was on the shelves, ready to play.