Half Life 2 - September


Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score

Final code heads to Vivendi in the next few days; Valve says mid/late September for full release

12:40 "When it's done", is the oft borrowed phrase which canny developers use to thwart our polite journalistic enquires about release dates.

But now, finally ending months of speculation, Valve's Doug Lombardi seems to have confirmed that the most eagerly awaited PC title of this, or indeed any other year, is finally done.

According to Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publishers Vivendi "within days" for final mastering and duplication, well within Valve's target August delivery date - he has added that the game will hit retail mid- to late September.

Half-Life 2 for September it is then and we're going to hold them to that ...Unless of course anything else changes.

Taken from computerandvideogames.com :naughty:
It won't be within days that it goes gold. They're still talking about the bloody release candidate. You'd think these people would know the process of building a game.
haha, on this site ive pre-orderd off they have kept the sep 30th release date since well, last year. :D
this is kinda old (BUT STILL GOOD, DONT GET ME WRONG) news!! (the whole september thing at least)
Don't shoot me, I just got it from another site. But it quotes what Doug has said.. looks like he is talking rubbish again.
lol. Well, there are a few people that are waiting for HL2 to come out that doesn't know the process of building a game.
So, please forgive them for not knowing. There really isn't anyone to tell them the WHOLE process.
HOWEVER, if someone has time, which I don't cause I have to go eat, PLEASE TELL THEM THE WHOLE ENTIRE PROCESS.
CVG, the most trustworthy news bringer on the web, if they say it, it must be true!

Oh f*ck, my sarcasm-o-meter broke again....
It's not rubbish - valve are most certainly ready with the R.C, and the mid/late september date is very realistic. There target was 1st RC in the start of August, at least they're nearing to achieve one goal, but let's hope that it's done by two RCs, and it goes gold by late august.
lans said:
It's not rubbish - valve are most certainly ready with the R.C, and the mid/late september date is very realistic. There target was 1st RC in the start of August, at least they're nearing to achieve one goal, but let's hope that it's done by two RCs, and it goes gold by late august.

In the mean time lets all go play Doom 3 which went gold ages ago and will be released on Aug 2nd :D
lans said:
It's not rubbish - valve are most certainly ready with the R.C, and the mid/late september date is very realistic. There target was 1st RC in the start of August, at least they're nearing to achieve one goal, but let's hope that it's done by two RCs, and it goes gold by late august.
"According to Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publishers Vivendi "within days" for final mastering and duplication"

What you're saying is true, but what they're saying is wrong because they're saying it goes gold within a few days.
Yeah, we get it. Some people think it will come out in September. We really don't need all of these threads.
Isn't this the same thing that halflifesource reported?
Pretty much. The big sites aren't very nice though and either don't source the news or attain confirmation themselves before reporting it.
I DO remember one of the Valve employees saying that there beta stage is much longer (and as a result the RC stage is much shorter) than most developers.
If CS:S beta comes out the 5th/10th then how could they make it gold? I thought the whole point of the beta was to see if any bugs showed up in the source engine before it went gold? How long is the beta going to last anyways?
i bet they are going to release it on september 30th... lol if they did that so many people would be mad

I would love it...I mean look at my sig...the 2nd line
Sept 30th sits fine with me.....that would do very nicely!

Certainly better than the 'October/November' date thats been bandied about on occasion!
Skullhair said:
If CS:S beta comes out the 5th/10th then how could they make it gold? I thought the whole point of the beta was to see if any bugs showed up in the source engine before it went gold? How long is the beta going to last anyways?

Thats exactly what I said in a thread a while ago, but all the idiot fanboy morons can't accept that the game will not go gold in August.
If HL2 went gold in the next few days and did not hit store shelves until mid/late september, it would constitute one of the longest manufacturing/shipping periods in gaming history. Doom3 will be on the shelves a little over 2 weeks from going gold. If HL2 goes gold in the next few days, that would mean it would take nearly 3 times as long to hit store shelves. Sounds like BS to me.
I think you're forgetting a certain Counter-Strike: Condition-Zero.

I believe that was formally declared gold in mid November 2003 and released March-ish 2004.

I kid of course, but then again we're talking about Valve.
iamaelephant said:
Thats exactly what I said in a thread a while ago, but all the idiot fanboy morons can't accept that the game will not go gold in August.
I believe you iamelephant :farmer:

But don't worry,

/me reads an excerpt from his PC powerplay that rates Doom 3 at 96%

"The bar has been raised for the first time since Half Life. Doom 3 is the best first person-shooter ever made"

We only have to wait a few more days until all urges to play HL2 vanish as we play through Doom 3. Yay! Because, personally, i'm sick of looking forward to HL2 :D
I can honestly say I've followed the progress of this damn game almost every day for over a f*cking year. Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to the day it's released. I think I'll be more relieved than excited.
Yeah CZ had a few months between the Gold announcement and arrival on store shelves.

Cheers Valve! :thumbs:
last year valve said they would have the game out sept. 30th and didn't, and this year it's supposed to come out by september and people believe them? After all, this is Valve we're dealing with, so how credible can them saying that HL2 will be ready to go by september be? I'd be surprised if they got it in by september.
Mr-Fusion - they actually said best FPS ever? Wow! That's amazing. Well, I always knew it would be, but wasn't sure if anyone agreed with me. :D
Poor Doom 3, any other time it probably would have been the best game out for a few years, but now it's only going to get to be best FPS ever for a couple of months :(

I feel bad for iD, they invented the genre after all..
deep8832 said:
last year valve said they would have the game out sept. 30th and didn't, and this year it's supposed to come out by september and people believe them? After all, this is Valve we're dealing with, so how credible can them saying that HL2 will be ready to go by september be? I'd be surprised if they got it in by september.

Using your logic, the game will never be out, because whenever Valve say a release date it will be wrong.
Unless one day it gets released by accident when they aren't expecting it ^^
iamaelephant said:
Thats exactly what I said in a thread a while ago, but all the idiot fanboy morons can't accept that the game will not go gold in August.

hmm.. i do not pretend to know how long Valve will be running the CS:Source beta, but from what i've read.. it sounds like the beta is supposed to last no more than one week.

so theoretically, Valve can have a gold announcement in August.. but whether that happens depends on how long and how well the beta goes.

anyway...it really doesn't bother me when the game is released simply cause i will be busy with Doom3.. when HL2 is released, i'll be happy and go pick up my pre-ordered copy.
Crusader said:
Poor Doom 3, any other time it probably would have been the best game out for a few years, but now it's only going to get to be best FPS ever for a couple of months :(

I feel bad for iD, they invented the genre after all..

I don't think Doom 3 developers need to worry much from your statement. You obviously have no idea how good Doom 3 is going to be. Surely the most recent videos gave you a glimpse of how brilliantly Doom 3 is shaping into more than just a bog standard shooter.

BTW I am a Half Life and Valve fan boy and have been for over 4 years.

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Crusader don't be such a moron. Doom 3 will be an exceptional game, even after HL2 hits the shelves (if it ever does).
I don't think Crusader was denying Doom3 any potential greatness, just glory under the shadow of HL2.

Hey, wait. 'Doom3 under the shadow of HL2'? I made a joke. 'Shadow', get it? No? :|
Please Let the [H] do a hardware guide

The [H] did a hardware guide for D3 found here.
It is one of the best articles I've read in a long time.
Look at all the systems they benchmarked.
Let the [H] come to Valve studios and benchmark the game 1 week before it comes out.
Any one have the depressing thought that perhaps Half Life will be delayed again due to greedy money grabbers? I mean, Doom 3 does look really impressive, and is apparently more than just the old point and click gib fest of olden days (pre Half Life). Doom 3 will hit the shelves and fore mentioned money makers (G-men of gaming of world) will not want to go head to head in a sales battle. “Rather wait till all the nice little gamers have a bit more money in their pockets so they can buy both games and not have to chose one or the other.”